ok, my view, if you care to hear it. it would be a terrible idea to make this into a 'fast' ride. and not just because i love it and don't want to see it changed...but also because it would leave JIYI as the ONLY dark ride in FW (i'm not considering Land as a dark ride here)
mkepcotmgmak, you use the arguement that SE isn't an instantly recognizable classic for non-Disney nuts in comparison to the MK classics. in all honesty, the majority of people i know that have never gone to Disney has never heard of the MK 'classics' and therefore have no clue what i'm talking about when i mention them. they just recognize what's on tv around here, like 'the castle' and 'the ball', etc. believe it or not, the most popular 'classics' aren't popular to everyone. not even HM.
true, SSE does need a few updates. they could make it seem a little less documentary...but they can do that without making it fast-paced. fast doesn't always mean interesting. personally, i don't find SE boring. to be completely honest, and this doesn't have anything to do with fast-paced ride, but i find PotC less interesting than SE, but i still ride it. that's just me though.
i like SE just the way it is. and besides, why change it? if Project Gemini actually happens, and they change the name to Discoveryland or whatever, then SSE in its current form would fit in perfectly! if they change SE then they need to leave the name Furture World.
and the Saturn ring track thing does sound like it would look cool...ONLY if it weren't on SSE. you have just answered my ponder on if SSE could look any tackier on the outside. nice idea, and it would probably look cool if they could do it right, but in my personal opinion, it just wouldn't work. besides, it would be too much like TT.