Can something be done about people using words of swear?


Well-Known Member
Words of Swear 2: When Irony meets Hypocrisy.

(coming Summer of 2021 to a theater near you)

Heck isn't a swear word, but I already said I have a bad habit, its hard to break, I feel bad when I still occasionally do it and never in Disney park in front of kids, so not sure of your point. If there are any 10 years old here or someone is in the Disney park reading this out loud to kids by all means know that HECK is a word an appropriate to use instead of swear words. I will apologize anyhow to those that actually think heck is a swear word, it isn't I a, but I will apologize just the same.

You know darn well(right now you will say darn is a swear word too). You know we are taking about profanity, the F word, the C word and so on. Heck, darn etc are are not profane in any way. They are the better word for hell and dam it, and those by most are not even what are talking about here. But now I said dam it so I swore, but even then dam it isn't the F word now is it?


Image result for is heck a swear word?
Heck” is a slightly modified “Hell”. In some religious circles, it is considered inappropriate to say the word “Hell”. So, they say “Heck” instead. No, “heck” isn't a swear word.
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Well-Known Member
Blame TV, blame movies, blame the music industry, blame the cultural acceptance of swearing, and more. Over time swearing has made its way into peoples normal vocabulary. No one even thinks about what they say before coming out with a swear to spice up their sentence. Kids on a playground are inundated by those words and learn its just a part of everyday speech. Nothing is shocking now as it once was.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 567851
Heck” is a slightly modified “Hell”. In some religious circles, it is considered inappropriate to say the word “Hell”. So, they say “Heck” instead. No, “heck” isn't a swear word.

SO kinda yes. No less so than Crap as it were.


Content does not matter, I disagree it is not right to use profanity to get a point across first of all, that is what people that can't verbalize do or are flustered in the moment or simply use the profanity so much it is part of their daily words and that was me for many years. I was 100% wrong and it took me years to stop using swear word all the time. Having 6 kids changed my view on that, they are sponges and meaning doesn't matter to a little kid, they mimic the words. Content, content that the kids don't even understand does not matter at all. All they hear is the profanity. In the context of Disney parks you are even further off base.

If my 7 year is sitting on a bench and a guy walks by smiling talking to a friend having a great time being really nice and says, WOW that girl is "F ing"hot! You are telling me that is okay at a Disney park within ear shot of my kid or any kid? That's enough. Hey dad what does that F ing word mean, that guy looks really happy it must be a word that is great to use all the time. Why at Disney should I even have to deal with that?

I am not saying a person should be kicked out for that doing it once in passing moment, even though that is wrong, but to say to him him, hey please don't use that word there are kids around. I have done that out in the world and been told to F off, totally classless people.. A decent person would day oh man sorry yeah you are right forget about the kids.

As a construction worker, a project manager for construction workers and a woodworking shop worker my entire life(as well as being a stay at home dad for 4 of my 6 kids the last 20 years working at night ) I am betting I swore way more than most people and I regret it. And I still regret it every time I do it, but I sure the heck am not going to defend myself for swearing at a Disney park or in front of any little kids!!

I said enough on this, my opinion is clear. At Disney there is just no upside and never an okay time to using profanity other than being in my room or out of earshot of everyone else that could hear me and even then I feel stupid when I do it. It is a tough habit to break.
Disney is not just for kids.
Raising kids in a 'protection from all bad things bubble' is a disservice to the children.
Your opinions on this count but so does everyone else's; your posts are subjective not factual.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 567864

SO kinda yes. No less so than Crap as it were.
We all know the words we are talking about here for the majority of people and Hell and Dam , even though I use heck and and darn it, are not the words we mean when we are talking profane language.

If would hope most of us can't agree that swearing at Disney isn't proper. I never heard it but if someone standing in line went on and on with profane lagusge I will confront them and ask them to stop nicely.

f someone were just walking by I definitely would leave it alone and if my kid heard adn they actully asked about it I woul handle it with my child, but if it was ongoing within a line I am glad Disney made this rule . At a place like Disney it should not be on me to leave the line because someone else is swearing, it should be on them to leave and get out of the kids earshot. It seems Disney does take this side or the arguamant with the new rules. For no it seem like a non issue for the most part, at least in my over 40 trips in the last 5 years.


Well-Known Member
We all know the words we are talking about here for the majority of people and Hell and Dam , even though I use heck and and darn it, are not the words we mean when we are talking profane language.

If would hope most of us can't agree that swearing at Disney isn't proper. I never heard it but if someone standing in line went on and on with profane lagusge I will confront them and ask them to stop nicely.

f someone were just walking by I definitely would leave it alone and if my kid heard adn they actully asked about it I woul handle it with my child, but if it was ongoing within a line I am glad Disney made this rule . At a place like Disney it should not be on me to leave the line because someone else is swearing, it should be on them to leave and get out of the kids earshot. It seems Disney does take this side or the arguamant with the new rules. For no it seem like a non issue for the most part, at least in my over 40 trips in the last 5 years.

Actually this entire post stemmed from the perceived appalling usage of the "C" word (a.k.a., crap), and has spiraled beautifully into a broad range of responses ranging from "Angry-Mechanic" to "Amish Gone Mild."

We all agree, there's a difference between popping off a bunch of profanities like a Snoop/Dre song directed at an individual and something like the word "crap" (or even heck for that matter). Categorizing them as the same offense and calling for expulsion based on that is a laughably poor idea IMO.

If you're treating a CM or another guest like that, absolutely you need to be escorted out or put in timeout. If someone looks at a wait queue and goes, "ah crap" No, nor is it worth trying to re-educate them over it. There's a point where people need to get a grip.


Well-Known Member
Disney is not just for kids.
Raising kids in a 'protection from all bad things bubble' is a disservice to the children.
Your opinions on this count but so does everyone else's; your posts are subjective not factual.
If you think swearing at Disney is okay just say it, because that is what you just said.

Anyone, especially those with kids that has the attitude it is okay for people to just walk around Disney using the F bomb should get some manners. And this si what the thread was about, at least I thought it was.

It is factual, using profanity at Disney is not allowed and it's strange to think anyone would be okay with it. I hate to see how their kids talk.

Do some people think that since a place is for both kids and adults therefore the adults are allowed to act as if the kids are not there?

I am done with this thread, I keep getting sucked in. How do I live in an an era where some feel it's okay to defend profanity at a Disney theme park. Yeah, I swear(*far less than I once did)but to say it's okay because I do it and at Disney? If I make a slip at Disney and swear feel free to call me on it and I will be apologetic and feel horrible.

Minnie Mum

Well-Known Member
Content does not matter, I disagree it is not right to use profanity to get a point across first of all, that is what people that can't verbalize do or are flustered in the moment or simply use the profanity so much it is part of their daily words and that was me for many years. I was 100% wrong and it took me years to stop using swear word all the time. Having 6 kids changed my view on that, they are sponges and meaning doesn't matter to a little kid, they mimic the words. Content, content that the kids don't even understand does not matter at all. All they hear is the profanity. In the context of Disney parks you are even further off base.

If my 7 year is sitting on a bench and a guy walks by smiling talking to a friend having a great time being really nice and says, WOW that girl is "F ing"hot! You are telling me that is okay at a Disney park within ear shot of my kid or any kid? That's enough. Hey dad what does that F ing word mean, that guy looks really happy it must be a word that is great to use all the time. Why at Disney should I even have to deal with that?

I am not saying a person should be kicked out for that doing it once in passing moment, even though that is wrong, but to say to him him, hey please don't use that word there are kids around. I have done that out in the world and been told to F off, totally classless people.. A decent person would day oh man sorry yeah you are right forget about the kids.

As a construction worker, a project manager for construction workers and a woodworking shop worker my entire life(as well as being a stay at home dad for 4 of my 6 kids the last 20 years working at night ) I am betting I swore way more than most people and I regret it. And I still regret it every time I do it, but I sure the heck am not going to defend myself for swearing at a Disney park or in front of any little kids!!

I said enough on this, my opinion is clear. At Disney there is just no upside and never an okay time to using profanity other than being in my room or out of earshot of everyone else that could hear me and even then I feel stupid when I do it. It is a tough habit to break.
Oh you've made your position clear. Multiple times. However, I would remind you of the quote by a very wise person that "You cannot control the behavior of others, but you can always choose how you respond to it.”

No one is arguing that profanity is a good thing, but it is a fact of life that it exists. We do not live in a utopia either. Expecting a world where your children will never hear a curse word is expecting too much. And in confronting an offender you are only likely to be on the receiving end of more of the same. All you can reasonably do is police yourself, and attempt to instill your values in your own children.

And this whole discussion of what is or is not a curse word is becoming childish


Premium Member
Anyone, especially those with kids that has the attitude it is okay for people to just walk around Disney using the F bomb should get some manners. And this si what the thread was about, at least I thought it was.
Nobody used the F bomb, that is not what this thread is about.

There’s a world of difference between the F bomb and what the OP heard. And crucially her kids didn’t hear him say it anyway, they only know the word now because the OP told them. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Well-Known Member
I think your reading comprehension needs work.
I'm gonna have to go with 'no' on this one, Johnny.

It's a watered down derivative of a word classified as a curse word (hell), and used in the same context with the same connotation, thus why I linked hell. I got crap for heck (see what I did there?) as a kid for those very reasons. "It's the same."

I didn't get it then either but c'est la vie

"El Gran Magnifico"

Can I borrow five dollars
Premium Member
Well look, I mean Hell is appropriate in certain cases. If you live in Hell, what are you supposed to say when people ask you where you're from? And to add, if you want to be a good ambassador for your community you can always recommend that people go to Hell.


As for Crap. It seems like it might be quite hot today. About 96 degrees Fahrenheit.


While Hell is at a comfortable 80 degrees Fahrenheit.


I believe I can accurately say that Crap is hotter than Hell at this moment.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Well look, I mean Hell is appropriate in certain cases. If you live in Hell, what are you supposed to say when people ask you where you're from? And to add, if you want to be a good ambassador for your community you can always recommend that people go to Hell.

View attachment 567893

As for Crap. It seems like it might be quite hot today. About 96 degrees Fahrenheit.

View attachment 567890

While Hell is at a comfortable 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

View attachment 567889

I believe I can accurately say that Crap is hotter than Hell at this moment.


Well-Known Member
Husband and I and our two little ones were walking past the American Adventure on Sunday in what we though was a good family clean theme park. What I heard from a grown gentleman walking in the opposite direction past us was appalling and not fitting for what your parks stand for. He said and I kid you not out loud in front of family and children alike the C word. At first I was like in shock thinking surely someone especially grownup would never say such thing at a family place like Disney. After a few second it register that is exactly what he say. I turned to my husband who also heard. My husband just mumble to me to ignore and lets keep walking but I wanted to find security to get that man out of your park. We kept walking for awhile and by the time we reach Morocco I had to stop and sit down. We found a quite spot in Morocco and I ask my children had they heard what the man had say. They did not so I had to explain what was said and why nobody should ever in a family place like Disney use such language. There needs to be more security informing people that Disney is a place for the young and the family and nobody should be talking as if they are in some bar or locker room with the fellows talking filth. It was pure filth what he say. Neither of my children had ever heard this word until Disney of all places. This should not happen. Please do something or have more security around the park to keep an ear open for filth in front of families who come to create memories not hear swears. It was two gentlemen around two thirty yesterday afternoon but not exact sure. They were walking past America Adventure in the World Showcase toward direction of Italy when he shout to his friend YOU ARE FULL OF C I will not repeat the rest but it was loud enough to be hear by us who were across path going to direction of Morocco and Japan. We could not find any security and did not want to bother other cast mem not responsible for this. But please remind people who come to this place that Disney is family fun for all ages. Thank you.
Welcome to the Forum


Active Member
I'm gonna have to go with 'no' on this one, Johnny.

It's a watered down derivative of a word classified as a curse word (hell), and used in the same context with the same connotation, thus why I linked hell. I got crap for heck (see what I did there?) as a kid for those very reasons. "It's the same."

I didn't get it then either but c'est la vie
Isn't c'est la vie a C word?

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