First you need to relax and stop taking everything so personally. No one can have a discussion with you when you’re ready to bite their head off.A lesson in following a thread for those who may benefit:
The original point in the first post cannot be lost halfway through the discussion. My comment was only in response to that comment and should not be taken out of context.
Marni's post clarified my comment.
Your post, a wholly separate thing, exaggerated my comment into something which was not what I said or implied. I corrected you.
And that's the last time. When every interaction with a person is unpleasant (as it has been for too long with you) there is no point in that person existing in your world. Therefore, @monothingie, you are now on my ignore list. Have a wonderful holiday season and I hope you eventually get over your Disney bitterness.
If that’s the way you want to clarify it fine. At best your original point was not clearly presented.
For the last 15 years TWDC has forgotten its core strength in lieu of satisfying investors in unsustainable quarterly growth. But there are still exceptions within P&R. Compare DCL and the Star Wars hotel. Two polar opposites of what the company is capable of. Unfortunately through the dumbing down of expectations through crap leadership, the later rather than the former is considered the desired outcome.
The saddest part is that all the people who remembered what it used to be moved on when it turned to crap so most people don’t have a frame of comparison. The few that remain and remember are often maligned and referred to as you so eloquently described.