Can 2 adults and 1 child sit in one row of Splash Mountain and Thunder Moutain?


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My son, who's turning 4 next month, wants to go on Splash when we're there in September. Can he, my wife, and I all sit in the same row. I have the same question for Big Thunder as well.


Well-Known Member
I've seen people just barely squeeze into one row of Splash Mountain. It's a tight fit considering it is mostly designed for only two people but like everyone says, weight matters.

BTMRR, you can all sit together for sure.


New Member
When I was there a few weeks ago I saw 3 adults get into one row on Splash Mountain...I was impressed haha. But yea, it shouldn't be a problem, especially on Big Thunder


Well-Known Member
My wife and I rode BTM with our son between us for his first ride - no problems there. It was a bit tight, but he's a skinny kid, and we were very sure he was secure being between us!


BTTM without a dobut there'll be room. Me and one other friend fit with extra room to spare. That being said Splash was a much more cozy fit. We had extra room but I wouldn't have tried to fit another body in. I would say it depends on body shape/size more than anything for Splash.

Also I have no clue what the restrictions are but make sure you double check those as well.


Well-Known Member
BTTM without a dobut there'll be room. Me and one other friend fit with extra room to spare. That being said Splash was a much more cozy fit. We had extra room but I wouldn't have tried to fit another body in. I would say it depends on body shape/size more than anything for Splash.

Also I have no clue what the restrictions are but make sure you double check those as well.

If you love smoked turkey legs..I doubt it...........:lol:


Well-Known Member
so what about my sister and I (both around a size 8-10) and my 8 year old neice at whatever the typical size is for and 8 year old girl...I don't have kids I don't know these things.

Can we 3 fit in one row for both of these? It's hard being a group of 3 because I know we'll be split up alot but I'm sure there's a few we can all be together.

I know HM would be fine, what about Peter Pan and Pooh?


Active Member
Peter Pan & Pooh--yes. Not on Space Mountain. With my son at 7 1/2, we did separate rows on BTMRR & Splash. He loved having a seat to himself on BTMRR.


New Member
When it comes to a group of three on a ride like Splash Mountain or Big Thunder you won't really be seperated. Someone would just be right behind or right in front of the other 2 people, so you still get to enjoy the ride together.


New Member
Yes, I have done that with my little cousin and my sister who is 15 and we all fit on Splash Mountain and Thunder Mountain.


Well-Known Member
When it comes to a group of three on a ride like Splash Mountain or Big Thunder you won't really be seperated. Someone would just be right behind or right in front of the other 2 people, so you still get to enjoy the ride together.

Oh yeah, I know it's just that my neice will have a tough time deciding who she wants to sit next to on these one's. Will it me safe and secure mommy or her incredibly cool and remarkably fun auntie :wave::cool::lol:


Well-Known Member
For most attractions, as long as you can fit comfortably without compromising any saftey features and are not sitting in an individually marked seat, the CMs almost always allow for "extra" seating arrangements. I've been on Splash, BTMRR, HM, Buzz, etc. with my two boys without issue.

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