(channeling Scar): "Oh, goody..."
I can't believe that TDO really believes that this thing is going to help AK. An attraction based on a NON-DISNEY MOVIE that doesn't even have the proven longevity of other non-Disney attractions like Star Tours and Indy. ONE MOVIE of the franchise has been made. What if the other movies are duds? Not unheard of. Since about 98% of Avatar's appeal was the eye candy (no memorable characters, a boring preachy storyline), there is nothing to guarantee that the appeal of the film was but the appeal of a moment. So TDO and that lunkhead Iger could be blowing huge wads of cash on a flash-in-the-pan. Brilliant! Meanwhile: broken Yeti, rides that deserve major upgrades go begging, Disney creations that could become wonderful new attractions lay moldering in the Vault.
I imagine that if Universal were at all concerned about this, it'd be laughing its collective corporate head off. People are much more interested in hearing about Potter 2.0, including THIS people. To sum up: this really really SUCKS.