Calling all "RYANS"

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Trophy Husband
Originally posted by Alberrisford

Talking about heading to the door............nite everyone ;) :snore: :snore: :snore: ok, im not actually going to sleep, just logging off, and them i go upstairs, get changed, put the radio on, send a few txt msgs, turn radio off, start to read..............oh no i've gone cross eyed:hammer: *thinks to self* "i really must control my babbling" ;)

See Angelique, you're chasing everybody away:D


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Originally posted by Alberrisford

I know what you mean. they come up on the pc, and its like "now do i REALLY need to print those?" its a whole different story when its your own ink ;)

Yeah... that´s exactly what I mean! I don´t print them myself though... I take them to the photo place and they cost about $5 pesos (50 cents of a dollar) each to print. I just now don´t see the reason to print them unless I have a frame to put them. I don´t feel like starting an album for them anymore:( It´s sad... I know...


Originally posted by Alberrisford

hmmm.........its allright for some. 2 words Maria "automatic rewind" :mad: ;)

There should be a tiny little button that will rewind it for you. You usually have to stick a sharp pencil in there.


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Erika, I was about to say that you were being really mean when I scrolled down a little bit and saw the sour and sweet pork! :lol: :lol:
:animwink: :animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by Erika
Found it!

:lol: :lol: I want you to know that I had to call my 8 year old over to see if she could make out the goofy head. And she DID!!!! Thanks Erika for giving us both a good laugh :lol:

She said it looked delicious :slurp: but weird :p


New Member
O.K. I helped, hope everyone is fine with that. I'm getting paranoid here lately:lookaroun , people keep saying strange things to me.:hammer:

I'm j/k if you guys are taking me serious. After all...

I am a banana.:lol:

O.K. your right, a squashed banana if i keep that up right?:eek:


New Member
hey! there is a perk to Starbucks training! Tomorrow we get to sample all the pastries and stuff so we know what they taste like!!!! :slurp:


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Originally posted by PrincessAli
hey! there is a perk to Starbucks training! Tomorrow we get to sample all the pastries and stuff so we know what they taste like!!!! :slurp:

Can I join you? I´ll pay for coffee! :lol:


New Member
come along Maria....I get free coffee to sample too :D They want us to be able to know the difference between all the stuff and explain to the customers what that difference is.
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