Calling all "RYANS"

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New Member
I have always wanted to learn 3D design. I do all my work in 2D. But all of the lighting is designed on computer, then transfered to a lighting plot, and then the master electrican and myself have to hang every light to see how it looks. That is one thing you can't do on computers (i wish, it would save me a ton of time and effort).


Well-Known Member
Ironically...i was just looking thru my job resorce site (a listing of available contracts for the lowest bidder)..and one of the jobs on there is for a CG theater set bidding..but i prob wont get not THAT cheap


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyWorldGuru
I have always wanted to learn 3D design. I do all my work in 2D. But all of the lighting is designed on computer, then transfered to a lighting plot, and then the master electrican and myself have to hang every light to see how it looks. That is one thing you can't do on computers (i wish, it would save me a ton of time and effort).

The funny thing is that i didnt INTEND to have cg enviornment design be my "thing"..its just the only jobs that arise latley. I am actually much happier doing digital effects...they are way more rewarding.


New Member
Yeah, some of the bigger theater companies use CG Set designs to get a 3D look at the set. It is really cool to see. I worked with a guy who did that. I liked when he zoomed in on it and showed every angle of the set. It is amazing.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyWorldGuru
Yeah, some of the bigger theater companies use CG Set designs to get a 3D look at the set. It is really cool to see. I worked with a guy who did that. I liked when he zoomed in on it and showed every angle of the set. It is amazing.

Thats basically what i do..but i raise it up a notch and add audio stuff to it so that you can "hear" how the acoustics are in a theater from any seat within the theater..and see how it looks from all angels...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the love, Maria! :sohappy: :kiss: Hopefully, Julia won't be jealous... :lookaroun

And yeah, Dan, I love you too... :lol: Even though you're a censor now.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial

And yeah, Dan, I love you too... :lol: Even though you're a censor now.

Hey....SOMEBODY has to do it right? I mean..this is the internet...SOMEONE has to censor it!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyWorldGuru
I can do the light design!

You'd be happy actually since what i use for lighting looks exactly like a real lighting board. Sliders..knobs..and teh added advantage of chaning the light colors individually one by one....


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Maria
I was talking about the businness between Dan and turkeylegboy

Oh well.... can I answer the phones then? I just want an airconditioned place in Miami! :lol: Where will the headquarters be?


New Member
Originally posted by NowInc

You'd be happy actually since what i use for lighting looks exactly like a real lighting board. Sliders..knobs..and teh added advantage of chaning the light colors individually one by one....

What do you use?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyWorldGuru
Dan you said you can even add audio...

I could use that when I set up the sound for shows. What programs do you do that in?

Suprisingly enough...for those who know me at least...NORMALLY i use maya..but when i add audio...i use Cinema 4D. It has audio functionality that well as a pretty strong render engine for the lights...

Basically...i just place speaker "icons" where the real speakers would be placed in real life..set a few values (wattage...bass...mids etc) and then as i "walk" thru the scene..the audio changes depedning..its quite neat


New Member
I am used to just going through my plot and picking out gels from the Roscolux or Lee Filter swatch books. Then I get a crew person to put them in frames and then put them in their spot.
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