Well-Known Member
My problem with the Disney specialty/custom cakes is taste. Or lack thereof. We've had 2. The first was a fail in both appearance & taste. It was a fugly mish-mash of random crap that was supposed to be Steamboat Willie. The cake was dry & there was very little taste. Took the leftovers to the room but nobody touched it for the rest of the trip. Second time the cake was definitely prettier (thanks to my leaving NOTHING open to interpretation) and had better texture & taste. Still, it left much to be desired in the way of taste. Doesn't even come close to what I would call a "good cake". I bake. My cakes aren't tv worthy in appearance but I promise you'll be more than willing to slap your mother twice for a second piece. ((Working on my oldest's bday cake tonight, actually. He asked for a thin mint cake. this should be good!)) I just have a problem spending so much on something that I'm not absolutely certain will come out looking and tasting incredible. And that's a shame. With all the celebrations that go down at Disney and professional pastry chefs...ya know???