I'm not talking about that specific area, I talking about the general knowledge that backstage is verboten. Everyone that is a fan knows about it. The doors may be unlocked but, one still should expect that people will not go past those barriers. I don't even think it is a curtain, the general area perhaps, but, it is obvious that no one should be in there. Roll your eyes if you must, but, people with any semblance of wanting to do what is right and want to respect the rights of others shouldn't need anymore then a curtain. This whole idea that in order to have the security that we won't be violated in any form by spending large amounts of money to secure something of little value, is the maximum garbage that can be put out in defense of the indefensible.
No one should be going back there and those that are going back there know that. They are deliberately breaking and entering even if that involves no more then pulling back a curtain. We all lock our doors, but, if someone wants to get in just how long do you think that it will take to get past that. Probably as fast as if they only had to turn a doorknob. With the door unlocked or with it locked, if it is known that one has no legitimate reason to be wandering around that property, they are trespassing and by moving that curtain are in affect breaking and entering. What is wrong is wrong no matter how many ways one tries to twist it around.
There is a reason why nothing has been released about the missing Buzzy. It would either be because they don't really care about the AA itself or that it isn't really missing, just in a different place. We are the ones that are making this into a kidnapped baby scenario. Either way, it has little affect on anyone's life other then the person or persons that took/moved it. It will not be at all problematic unless one day an envelope with a ransom note and Buzzy's ear shows up. I feel confident that they don't give a snot about Buzzy, which for the last 10 years has been nothing more then an accumulation of nuts and bolts to Disney. However, if someone was in there for any reason, be it filming for You Tube or taking it's clothing for resale. Either one is against the law. One is more serious then the other value wise, but, still not what is supposed to be happening in a civilized society.