Simple, I'm trying to figure out the reason for the misplaced concern about a missing piece of scrap metal. It doesn't seem worthy of all that concern. It seems more like, OK, I'll say it, gossiping about an imagined personality. In that process I have stated how I feel about it. Which is with very little concern and so far I have been called a Troll and other things and have been told that I shouldn't participate because my power of reason cannot grasp the curiosity. Besides I have yet to hear one single argument for why this is all that important. But, I also said I was going to leave the discussion so all you folks that agree with each other can have a rousing, if not endless and non-sensible discussion.
Also because people like yourself feel compelled to post negative, mean spirited comments about me that have no bearing on anything and basically force me to defend my opinions about things that you have no right to challenge. If you guys stop feeling the need for self-righteousness, I will stop feeling the need to reply. I never meant it to be more then the one post anyway, but, if you people need to constantly attempt to control my rights to have a different opinion and you are not strong enough to just ignore it and feel confident in your own opinions then there will be this type of back and forth. I will not be forced to stop defending myself when attacked. You can count on that. So how about a lot less concern about how I feel about the demise of a duplicatable piece of machinery and just express your opinion and move on. I'm certainly not really concerned about changing your minds, just more in trying to understand it.