Buh-bye Innoventions "Road to Tomorrow"!


New Member
We have that person and resource

We have that person and resource for the world. why its Jim Hill and his media empire.:ROFLOL: :lol: :sohappy: :hammer:


New Member
I have to agree with CTXRover. This may be a good sign for things to come for Epcots 25th. If they really aren't planning anything then they have lost all touch with the consumer base for Epcot. There are people that come down just to see it. It is my favorite park and I want to see it updated desperatly.

I would love to see Apple take over Innoventions. I think that what they have to offer to the parks would be amazing. They could really set the tone for Futureworld.


New Member
I hope if Innoventions is redesigned, they go back to a communicore type of ttheme to it. From what ive seen of communicore, it was a nice idea, and it was very organized look to it, Innoventions just looks like a mess of exhibits jumbled together, especially how they laid out the main hallway to meander around. Communicore also had a better variety of exhibits, you had hands on ones like Energy Exchange and FutureCom, then you had theater ones like Backstage Magic and Future Choice Theater. Innoventions as far as I know is mostly just hands on stuff, its hard to tell whats there, since every time ive been in there it strikes me as disorganized, loud, noisy, and confusing. Ive seen video of Communicore, theres one central pathway, then you head down a short staircase into the area and there were plenty of hands on exhibits and things to do and see. The south west Quadrant seems to be a last vestage of that simple design, however I'm not sure whats happening with that section due to the expanded Epcot Character Connection area being built.


Well-Known Member
I think this is just a continuation of the current modernization already in progress.

UoE ----> UoE with Ellen
WoM ---> Test Track
JII -----> JIYI
Horizons ---> Mission Space
Land ---> New Land
most recently-
Living Seas ---> Seas with Nemo

The only ones left are WoL, SSE and Innoventions

(I know Innoventions was modernized in '94 from Communicore - but it needs another upgrade)


Well-Known Member
I think this is just a continuation of the current modernization already in progress.

UoE ----> UoE with Ellen
WoM ---> Test Track
JII -----> JIYI
Horizons ---> Mission Space
Land ---> New Land
most recently-
Living Seas ---> Seas with Nemo

The only ones left are WoL, SSE and Innoventions

(I know Innoventions was modernized in '94 from Communicore - but it needs another upgrade)

...and SSE's post show is getting the upgrade too.

which only leaves Innoventions and WoL


What, if anything, will replace them?



New Member
Seems to me that it makes no sense whatsoever to just replace the signs (which didn't even look at all dated to me) - the attraction itself must be changing too, otherwise it's just a total waste of money that could be spent elsewhere in Future World. Small things - for example, the gift shops under SSE (Camera Center especially) anyone notice how seriously old their signs look? And the brown floor tiles in the east/west tunnels look old too, although I bet they didn't even look modern when they were first put there.

Don't mean to rant, I just think Disney could be putting their money in (what I consider to be) the wrong places.


Well-Known Member
There are several different people like Al that report on Walt Disney World news long before press releases, some of which you can find on this forum (and even on this thread) and others you neglect to believe because of some risque articles... :rolleyes:

Really? I don't see anyone yet...:veryconfu :shrug:
*waits for Lee*

CTXRover said:
Its interesting to see so much work go into dismantling what were basically huge, brightly lite signs for an exhibit that has its difficulties already getting the masses to enter. What, if anything, will replace them? I've also seen a picture recently over at another site where mice chat that showed one of the purple twirly things partially taken down...was this piece broke and taken down for rehab or are they soon to be MIA also?

I'm getting more interested into what is going on here. It looks like it may be more than rehab of the Innoventions signs as I originally thought when this was first mentioned. Are there bigger plans to rehab the area around the fountain and Innoventions in the works here? If so, that would be another rehab to add to the list before Epcot's 25th. For a celebration that is supposedly not being celebrated, it sures seems like quite a bit of things, even if some are small, are happening to ready the park for its special anniversary.

My wish would be that they tear the buildings down and make a giant garden type thing (wasn't that one of the rumors a while back?)....move CoP to this location make it part of the SSE post show and free up some nice space over at Tomorrowland. :lookaroun

Maybe they are setting things up for some sort of exhibit on Epcot's 25 years?


Park History nut
Premium Member
I hate seeing this go - kind of like watching the last gasp for breath.....:(
Nah - hopefully its a step towards beautifying the park again. The destruction of Horizons was what you mentioned.

I think this is just a continuation of the current modernization already in progress.

UoE ----> UoE with Ellen
WoM ---> Test Track
JII -----> JIYI
Horizons ---> Mission Space
Land ---> New Land
most recently-
Living Seas ---> Seas with Nemo

The only ones left are WoL, SSE and Innoventions

(I know Innoventions was modernized in '94 from Communicore - but it needs another upgrade)
UoE and JIYI/WF were part of the second phase along with Innoventions. They`ll be on the end of the current phase 3 update. SSE phase 3 (version 4... confused yet?) is next :D


Well-Known Member
UoE and JIYI/WF were part of the second phase along with Innoventions. They`ll be on the end of the current phase 3 update. SSE phase 3 (version 4... confused yet?) is next :D

yea I thought there was a bit of a phase in there


but an interesting thing to think about --- Innoventions is now in place longer than Communicore 13yrs --> 12yrs
Road to Tomorrow was an alright concept but its home is what killed it. Innoventions doesn't pull in the guests it should even with the towers blatently announcing their names. Tom Morrow 2.0 was the host but his character was not humorous, impressive nor large enough to captivate an audience like a larger animatronic could (Innoventions at Disneyland got lucky with its large host). The whole concept of Innoventions has really be dead for a while, now as more of a exhibit hall with a mish-mash of different sponsored modules on a rubber road "to tomorrow." When none of the exhibits even match in theme, you know that it is just exhibit space and nothing more. At least Communicore shared a working theme...

....as a worker of innoventions, I feel insulted. Rather, I used to work there. I enjoyed working there every single second of the day. You must be getting your information wrong because we were packed every freaking day. I would do non stop shows and the lines for the venues were immense. We close at 7pm to prepare for illuminations and due to the vast amount of people in there, we'd usually let the last guest out at 7:30. I'd talk to the parents and kids there and majority of the times if given a choice, the children rather stay there.

Our walls are lined up with letters to innoventions of how friendlywe are and how we're such a fun place for the children. We've gotten stories from West Side venues such as "where's the fire?" Children and their parents learn things they never knew before from that venue. You'd be suprise how many children don't have a meeting place. We had a family come up to that venue telling us that if it wasn't for their visit last year to "Where's the fire?" They wouldn't have gotten out safetly out of their burning home.

Kids love making paper there and learning about plastic. Pulling ropes and smashing a fire helmet drives the children nuts over at Test the Limits Lab~ UL

As for new venues: :zipit:

Now, we are all intitled to out opinions here, but when I worked at innoventions, I didn't do it for the old school guests, or the adults.

I worked at innoventions for the children and the countless memories I had with each and everyone one of them. I made children laugh at toontag and have fun at UL and Nano. We teach them about plastic and we teach them how to avoid a house that's on fire.

Now, to you that might seem mish-mash, but to the children, it's a place to learn and play and where adults can be a kid again.

Enough rant from me, I just can't stand when people think they know innoventions. It's more then just a rubber road you know =/ Since the adults don't feel like reading all the good stuff innoventions has to offer, let the kids at least enjoy themselves.

As for the towers, I'm glad they're gone. Those were breeding grounds for the bad kids. They'd climb all the way to the top while their ignorant parents were smiling and taking pictures.....


Active Member
....as a worker of innoventions, I feel insulted. Rather, I used to work there. I enjoyed working there every single second of the day. You must be getting your information wrong because we were packed every freaking day. I would do non stop shows and the lines for the venues were immense. We close at 7pm to prepare for illuminations and due to the vast amount of people in there, we'd usually let the last guest out at 7:30. I'd talk to the parents and kids there and majority of the times if given a choice, the children rather stay there.

I in no way am trying to offend but you have to realize that I am not referring to Innovations as a concept itself but to the Road to Tomorrow theme. The theme itself doesn't support the varieties of displays within Innoventions. I understand that these exhibits have positive effects on children but I can assure you that it isn't the crowd eater that will save Soarin' or even Test Track from a 60+ min wait time.
As a child I fondly remember CommuniCore. I have memories of a show where you could see through a large window lot's of computers that supposedly helped operate Epcot with people working around them. At the same time a projection of a little animated character bounced around the room while explaining what went on. I'm talking a long time ago here folk's so I may be slightly off, perhaps Marni or somebody could verify?

Anyway I remember being amazed at the hustle and bustle, it reminded me of the stock exchange. Since those days it just seems less to it now. Maybe now we're just all that used to technology with home computers etc that there's really not that much exciting stuff to showcase anymore, who knows? I must say I always send a photo post card from there, that's still fun and I think the cast members are as great and work as hard as ever before. It's just IMHO not what CommuniCore was, here's hoping for a better change anyway.

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