Brazilian Tour Groups


Well-Known Member
THEY NEVER LEAVE!!!! On our last Visit in April 2008, we ran into tour groups at Epcot, and MK. Then they left and a Chearleading Competition stayed going on(and we stated at ALMU with all the groups).
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New Member
We have going to WDW annually for the past 8 years and have encountered these South American Tour groups every year. We were @ WDW from 7/11 to 7/20 this year and saw many of them again. However, I think Disney had a talk with them because we didn't hear any chanting or see them trying to cut in lines. The only issue was the foul stench they emit. :drevil:
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New Member
What's the name of the Brazilian Tour Group that had the green flag and green tee-shirts??

I encountered them throughout the last four days.

I'm sure somebody knows... I'll know the name if I see it too.

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New Member
Just got back from the World on Sunday (July 26th) these groups were out in full force. We have stayed at the All Stars resort now for the 3rd time and have never had a problem with anything. Well this trip was diffrent, our 1st night there was a nightmare. At 2am we had a group of girls outside our door screaming for "Darryl" After a couple of min. I went outside and screamed that I did not care where "Darryl" was and Im not sure what time it is in there country but in the good ol USA it is 2am and SHUT UP. Of course they pulled the old "No English" on me, but they got my point that I was very angry. I heard many complaints througout our week from other guest, some complaints were even from cast members. I was very disappointed in how Disney handled these situations and very very disappointed in how the ALL Stars handled this. We love Disney and go every other year but for now on we will be staying in a diffrent resort. P.S. My parents and brother were staying at the Shades of Green (which is wonderful by the way) I was so jealous that they were staying with Americans.
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Well-Known Member
First of all I am not the type person to single out a group of people but I have never encountered these groups when they were not acting totally inappropriate, even away from WDW as happened the other day

We went to a nearby shopping center the other day and while we were waiting in line a few teenaged guys came walking in yelling and chanting wearing colored t-shirts like at Disney. I thought to myself that it reminded me of WDW. We then left that store and walked into another and found the rest of them. They were just as rude as they are at WDW! I was blown away, they were pushing each other down the aisles in buggies and screaming and as DD,DS and I waited in line for a coffee, sure enough there was pushing and cutting in line. And mind you I am not talking about just the kids the adults were doing the same thing! Must have been a pitstop or something but I am really surprised that they were not thrown out. People are not used to that kind of behavior around here.
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First of all I am not the type person to single out a group of people but I have never encountered these groups when they were not acting totally inappropriate, even away from WDW as happened the other day

We went to a nearby shopping center the other day and while we were waiting in line a few teenaged guys came walking in yelling and chanting wearing colored t-shirts like at Disney. I thought to myself that it reminded me of WDW. We then left that store and walked into another and found the rest of them. They were just as rude as they are at WDW! I was blown away, they were pushing each other down the aisles in buggies and screaming and as DD,DS and I waited in line for a coffee, sure enough there was pushing and cutting in line. And mind you I am not talking about just the kids the adults were doing the same thing! Must have been a pitstop or something but I am really surprised that they were not thrown out. People are not used to that kind of behavior around here.

And you knew they were Brazilians because? Unless you speak with people in a group you are just assuming that they are Brazilians... I've seen some groups acting as you said... wasn't sure where they were from, the people next in line made the same type of comment as you have about Brazilian groups. Only one problem... They weren't Brazilian, I understand Portuguese having worked in Brazil for several years. I don't know where they were from but a group speaking spanish wasn't from Brazil.

I've seen groups of rude teenagers at Disney on numerous times... But I don't assume that each group is from Brazil simply because they are rude... making generalization based on limited facts makes as much sense as saying my car has been broken into it must have been a black man.
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Active Member
They are here are year long they just seem to triple in size in January, June, July, August and September. They are all there celebrating there 15 birthday which is a big deal in South America.

I would love to see disney ban them, but disney won't, one because they make them to much money, and two because they would have a lawsuit on their hands for discrimination. As for CM's telling them to shut up, they do, the prob is they throw the don't speak english card at you, and ignore you.
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New Member
From a Brazilian

Hey Guys

I don't know if any Brazilians had replyed this thread yet, but anyways... I agree with all of you that say the tour groups are outta control, but c'mon... They are all teens, mostly 15 years old, and it's the first time away from they're parents AND in another country! It's not like the kids from my country are worst than any others. They are just being teenagers.
That have been said, I continue to tell you that even us, brazilian ICP cast members were ed off when the groups came along and most of us would just talk to them in english. If they discovered that we were brazilians, they would ask us free stuff and fastpasses and everything they could think of. They were anoying - YES. Specially on rides like ToT and others, when they didn't followed instructions and stuff. I blame that on the tour guides, though, because some of them don't understand english.
About the "cutting lines" matter: here in Brazil, this is major problem. Even adults do that, and it's a BAD CULTURAL HABIT. It passes on and on, but not everyone does it. I know I don't.
If you wanna avoid Brazilian teens, avoid July the most. There are also groups on the mid to end of January and beggining of Feb.

Thought I give my opinion. Love the forum!

PS: The lack-of-deodorant smell is real and it has a reason: the tour companies gives them shirts to wear the whole trip, but of course a 15 year old with lots of hormons and sweating all day long in Florida's sun is going to smell bad after 5 days without changing the outfit.

PS 2: Someone said the Brazilians were scraming for a guy named Darryl. That's impossible, because that's not a Brazilian name. Maybe Daniel... =)
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New Member
these brazilans drive me nuts, they are rude, try and cut in line, the screaming and chanting drives me nuts. In 2006 a bunch of them were at the fruit stand in liberty square grabbing ice from the drink carts with their bare hands and eating it and shoving it in their drink mugs without buying anything!!!
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What marihalfen posted is true. It's a cultural thing that will never change.

Accepted behaviour at home is transferred during travel.

I first witnessed the "Brazilian Attitude working for Carnival Hotels and Casinos in the mid-90's in Miami. We had just opened the Grand Bay Club to rave reviews in the South American press. Within weeks we were deluged by Brazilian tourist with bad attitudes and short tempers. Granted, these were the adults with multi-million dollar incomes.

The children were even worse than the parents with their constant cursing in Portuguese. I understand just enough French and Spanish to make out about half the words so it was interesting.

The final straw was when a few of the older teen males tried to intimidate a cocktail waitress into pulling down her top by manhandling her as she delivered drinks to the adults and the adults did nothing to stop them.

My favorite Disney episode with the Brazilian teen groups was the Summer of 98. For two days they were everywhere chanting and being generally rude. We hit the room for dinner then re-entered the Magic Kingdom. There was a certain something in the air that we couldn't pinpoint. I asked a CM what I might be feeling and she said that Brazil had lost to France in the Word Cup final.

No more Allez! Ola! Ole! was heard the rest of the trip.

The bottom line is that when there are no consequences for actions there is no control.
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Active Member
Why are Brazilians so attracted to WDW? I'm not sure I have ever had a problem with them, but I have never encountered the large groups of them that are depicted in the pictures and in the first hand accounts of people.

What about WDW and Orlando, FL, entice large, Brazilian, and mostly teen from the sounds of it, tour groups?

Might have to do with the fact that Orlando is a Vacation Destination for lots of people. :shrug:
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New Member
I had a Brazilian girl next to me on Everest from the Yellow Group and two of her friends in the cart behind...

They made kissing sounds the entire time :P lol.

I just turned 17 in June.

But, does anybody have the name of the green group? Gosh this is killing me.... I met three people from that group and they were all so nice... We waited 1 hour 30 minutes together at Fantasmic and I wasn't able to get contact information cause their group had to storm away quickly.

Help please :)
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