Boy dies after riding Rock 'n' Roller Coaster


Pumbas Nakasak said:
Does this mean that Aerosmith will be replaced by Sepltura or Slayer?

LOL Sorry but I gotta laugh at that.

I'm sorry the family lost their child.. I really am.

This reporting is just ridiculous. It's one of the top stories on AOL news. They're totally making Disney out to be the bad guy when nobody knows if the kid had a preexisting condition or not. Get the facts before you start running your mouth news channels!


Active Member
I'm shocked at some of the responses that this story is generating. Keep in mind that a family on vaction just experienced a tragedy. A mother and father just lost a son and a child just lost his older brother. All a lot of you can seem to do is throw insults and accusations around. What if this family was a visitor on this board and logged on to see statements of compassion and they saw accusations that they were at fault because they are idiots. That's deplorable.

Even the thougt that a competitor park had something to do with this is absolutely insane, insensitive, irresponsible, and uncalled for. Keep your unfounded conspiricy theories to yourself.

As for the news media. They are in the business to make money. Getting a scoop on competitors is part of the business. The Sentinal's initial report stated that details were scarce and they reported what they knew at the time. This is a newsworthy story and should be taken as exactly what it is, a tragedy. It's not some conspiricy by the news media or a competitor to hurt the company's reputation or profits.

Grow up and show some compassion.

My deepest condolences go out to the family and friends of this child.

Boardwalk Joe's

New Member
This is sad both the family and to what the media is going to put up against Disney.

I've ridden RnRc atleast 15-20 times...and never have I felt dizzy or I seriously don't see how they can blame the ride.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
mmssbrg2 said:
It's not some conspiricy by the news media or a competitor to hurt the company's reputation or profits.

Grow up and show some compassion.

Tsk... tsk... tsk....

Maybe if you KNEW these people, you would know that they are feeling sorry, and in greef...

But as life goes on... (it really does) There's no need to offend people on these forums...



New Member
mmssbrg2 said:
I'm shocked at some of the responses that this story is generating. Keep in mind that a family on vaction just experienced a tragedy. A mother and father just lost a son and a child just lost his older brother. All a lot of you can seem to do is throw insults and accusations around. What if this family was a visitor on this board and logged on to see statements of compassion and they saw accusations that they were at fault because they are idiots. That's deplorable.

Even the thougt that a competitor park had something to do with this is absolutely insane, insensitive, irresponsible, and uncalled for. Keep your unfounded conspiricy theories to yourself.

As for the news media. They are in the business to make money. Getting a scoop on competitors is part of the business. The Sentinal's initial report stated that details were scarce and they reported what they knew at the time. This is a newsworthy story and should be taken as exactly what it is, a tragedy. It's not some conspiricy by the news media or a competitor to hurt the company's reputation or profits.

Grow up and show some compassion.

My deepest condolences go out to the family and friends of this child.

Thank you! This is a really well written post. It amazes me how many people on this site continue to blame the media or press for reporting deaths at WDW. This is absolutely a news story because WDW is a major resort destination and when someone dies after riding a ride this is big news. I am not saying Disney is at fault, but the public has a right to know about these things.


New Member
Does anyone here work at WDW?

Well if you have you know how rumors start here. This morning after the event took place, i was walking back to the float storage area and someone came up to me and said "Did you hear about the kid that died on RnRC?" I said "No". They went into grave detail about what happened as if they were there. This person does not work at MGM. So I have no idea how he got this information. He stated that" The kid was able to talk but not respond to what was goign on around him. This i do not beleive.


New Member
I’m sure those cursing the media for all this horrible, slanted reporting on this tragic accident would be happy if there were only positive stories about Disney.

Oh, sure, THAT would be objective.

Folks, it’s OK to visit Fantasyland, but you can’t live there!

(And, BTW, when did the acronym “” become acceptable on this family-oriented website?)

Perhaps the news reports would be more to your liking if they started with a few paragraphs about the addition of that jolly rogue Captain Jack Sparrow to the PotC attraction. Maybe mention how much everyone loves Johnny Depp. Go into detail about the ride, its history, blah, blah, blah.

And then, far, far, far down in the BREAKING NEWS REPORT, add something about how “some boy died on a roller coaster in Orlando.”

Gee whiz, if you don’t know the definition of “news,” you don’t have much credibility when you criticize it.

With all due respect, nobody is “fishing for a story.” There IS a story! It’s the story of a boy who went on a ride that most 12-year-old boys love and will be going back home in a box. And people accuse the media of being heartless?!!!

If this were your son, would you want the media to ignore it? Just brush it under the rug because reporting it would upset a bunch of nitwits who care more about holding onto some impossible illusion of a perfectly safe, happy world is more important than human life? Good Lord.

Neither CNN nor the Orlando Sentinel are going to make more money off this story. Did anybody here pay to log on to their websites to get this news? Is Universal going to buy more ads because of this story? The fact is the Sentinel could lose Disney advertising money if the company thought it was being unfairly portrayed.


Premium Member
Bravesfn1 said:
Thank you! This is a really well written post. It amazes me how many people on this site continue to blame the media or press for reporting deaths at WDW. This is absolutely a news story because WDW is a major resort destination and when someone dies after riding a ride this is big news. I am not saying Disney is at fault, but the public has a right to know about these things.

I dont agree. It's a new story if for example a ride fails mechanically, and there is an incident. However, it is not a news story when someone dies of natural causes.

Almost all of the deaths at WDW have been from natural causes, and yet at the time of the death, its treated as though Disney are at fault.

Why do the public need to know about death by natural causes? In my opionion, this should stay out the news.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
wdwmagic said:
I dont agree. It's a new story if for example a ride fails mechanically, and there is an incident. However, it is not a news story when someone dies of natural causes.

Almost all of the deaths at WDW have been from natural causes, and yet at the time of the death, its treated as though Disney are at fault.

Why do the public need to know about death by natural causes? In my opionion, this should stay out the news.
I fully agree...


New Member
This family is from my neck of the woods. And I have to say that I am a little offended the stand that some of the posters on this forum are taking. Unless you know this family and know their medical history, etc., how can you possibly blame them for what has happend? Now, if they knew the 12 year old had some sort of medical condition, then yes, some/all fault is theirs for allowing the child to ride. But as in many cases of something like this happening, it's just an ACCIDENT! Being that I don't know them, I'm not going to judge.

How about let's just wait until we know all the details before we start throwing stones.

I can only imagine how I would feel if something were to happen to my DS 14, DH 40 or DS 5 after riding one of our beloved WDW rides and then coming on this board and reading some of this crap! Very disappointed!

I'm sure Disney will do as always and check and recheck to make sure it was nothing mechanical or in no way their fault before reopening the ride.

Prayers be with the family of this young boy..... very sad day in their lives.


Well-Known Member
WDWparadetech1 said:
People have gotten hurt ont hat ride too, but that was there own stupid fault. I heard one story that a person with long arms went to put his hands up and hit them off one of the tracks supports.
Wow, yeah because nobody puts their hands up on a *gasp* rollercoaster!!! :rolleyes: For one I doubt that that story is even true because I don't think the beams are low enough for that to happen. My point is I'm sick of everytime an accident happens, people automatically blame the victim and say "well they must have did something stupid so they deserve it." Accidents DO happen and a lot of the times it is really nobody's fault.

Mecha Figment

New Member
all I know is that the coaster was working perfectly. that coaster is so safe it downs if a penny is on the track the sensors are that sensitive. And it usualy takes a few hours to get the attraction back and running.

My bet is that there was a pre existing condition because children as young as 5 have been on this ride and been safe. (platform shoes) Unless the kid was doing something stupid that is.

oh by the way the shoulder harnesses are actualy not needed to keep you in, they are just there for the speakers and your peace of mind.


Active Member
Corrus said:
Tsk... tsk... tsk....

Maybe if you KNEW these people, you would know that they are feeling sorry, and in greef...

But as life goes on... (it really does) There's no need to offend people on these forums...


I apologize if I offended anyone with my comments. My intent was to help put things into perspective. I've been a member of these boards for over two years and read them quite frequently. However, I don't post my own comments too often. This is an issue that seemed important to put my two cents into.

I grew up in Palm Harbor and subsequently spent a lot of time at WDW and have many many great childhood memories. I understand the need felt by some to defend their beloved resort. I have deep feelings for the resort and company due to my childhood (and few adult) experiences as well. It's just a shame when this need to come to defense results in such negative comments in the wake of such a tragedy.

I realize that the overwhelming feeling is one of sorrow and compassion, but there seem to be a few "bad seeds" that ought to keep their comments to themselves and show a little sensitivity.

For those who may have been offended by my comments, please accept my apology. But, let's ALL try to show some sensitivity on this issue.


Well-Known Member
Please Read

Before I start I must say that I feel sympathy for the family.

Now, I will go into no further detail on the family.

It truly floors me that a thread about a death at WDW gets more attention more quickly than the biggest news reguarding a new ride or attraction. In less than 8 hours, this has managed to become the biggest thread on the main page. I realize that it is big news, although it is terrible, Disney is all about the good, and although bad things happen, this story, and the previous M:S stories are more popular than what Disney is planning to improve the parks. I find it simply outragous! Multiple postings, members signing up, and really just EVERYONE posting has made this huge. On an opposite end of the spectrum, the news of a replacement of Millionaire is more important in the long run than this, but even it cannot even begin to resemble 10 pages in 8 hours!

Now about the interviews...I am a firm believer that if WDW and DL do not allow newspapers to be sold than REPORTERS AND NEWS CREWS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED INTO THE PARKS!!! 1-it ruins the effect and 2-They are making the situation worse than it is and giving very one-sided information. If they need news on this, than they should go to the convention centers, away from the guests. I would not want my vacation photos to involve hordes of news crews interviewing 100s of people. And I'm not just saying this about accidents, News crews should be banned period. Put simply, The reason people go to WDW is to escape the real world, not to become a bigger part of it in an interview. If Walt's words hold true "Here you leave the world of today, and enter the worlds of Yesterday, Tomorrow and Fantasy", than it should hold true. The Media World of today has no place in yesterday tomorrow or fantasy. To be honest, I'm even boarderline on the premiere of Pirates on Tom Sawyer's Island. Cool Idea, but Main Street looses it's 19th century charm for the red carpet media in front of thousands of people the world over.

Now...Some things on RnRC: This ride is definately safe. Anyone in doubt should read the annual report on Park safety in .pdf form at

No, the ride does not have to be dismanteld to make changes, the roof comes appart in 3 sections for crane access.

oh by the way the shoulder harnesses are actualy not needed to keep you in, they are just there for the speakers and your peace of mind.
True, thanks for bringing that up, RnRC is actually a positive G ride, meaning there is no need. Thunder Mountain's restrain system would work fine if it weren't for the speakers.

Whatever comes of this, I hope nobody jumps to conclusions. I agree disscussions are fine on this, I just find it suprising that it gets more attention than a park's new ride. A new ride will last 5-50+ years, this story will affect Disney for 3 years.


Everything else I had to say is well: :zipit: :zipit: :zipit:


New Member
wdwmagic said:
I dont agree. It's a new story if for example a ride fails mechanically, and there is an incident. However, it is not a news story when someone dies of natural causes.

Almost all of the deaths at WDW have been from natural causes, and yet at the time of the death, its treated as though Disney are at fault.

Why do the public need to know about death by natural causes? In my opionion, this should stay out the news.

I totally disagree with you, but you are entitled to your opinion.


Well said...

mmssbrg2 said:
I'm shocked at some of the responses that this story is generating. Keep in mind that a family on vaction just experienced a tragedy. A mother and father just lost a son and a child just lost his older brother. All a lot of you can seem to do is throw insults and accusations around. What if this family was a visitor on this board and logged on to see statements of compassion and they saw accusations that they were at fault because they are idiots. That's deplorable.

Even the thougt that a competitor park had something to do with this is absolutely insane, insensitive, irresponsible, and uncalled for. Keep your unfounded conspiricy theories to yourself.

As for the news media. They are in the business to make money. Getting a scoop on competitors is part of the business. The Sentinal's initial report stated that details were scarce and they reported what they knew at the time. This is a newsworthy story and should be taken as exactly what it is, a tragedy. It's not some conspiricy by the news media or a competitor to hurt the company's reputation or profits.

Grow up and show some compassion.

My deepest condolences go out to the family and friends of this child.

I applaud you for putting into words what I'm sure most of the readers... not writers, of this particular thread have most likely been thinking. Let's stay focused on this family and their loss.


TurnipHead said:
Wow, yeah because nobody puts their hands up on a *gasp* rollercoaster!!! :rolleyes: For one I doubt that that story is even true because I don't think the beams are low enough for that to happen. My point is I'm sick of everytime an accident happens, people automatically blame the victim and say "well they must have did something stupid so they deserve it." Accidents DO happen and a lot of the times it is really nobody's fault.

The ceiling and beams ARE low enough on Space Mountain to touch. I have been on the ride with the lights on, and they are surprisingly low. On some of the tunnels, it is also possible to touch the ceiling (I haven't done it, but a friend did, accidentally, since they did not realize it was so low).


wdwmagic said:
Thats what discussion forums are for.

I totally agree with you as well. I posted the same thought a few pages back.

And to answer another question if it was my son, I can say I would most certainly not want it in the news.

I speak from a similar yet not deadly experience.

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