boring WDW


New Member
Originally posted by Nansafan
Belle, I think you should meet my brother. He is 39, a computer programmer for a college and a major Disney guy. He has visited WDW at least once (usually 2-3) a year since 1993. He's been a member of the Disney Club since 1995 (very disappointed the club is ending) a Premium Annual Pass holder and owns stock in the corporation. We are all Disney freaks in our family but he is the biggest. BTW we'll be there from 12/26-12/31.

Disney is a lifestyle and I'm totally a part of the program.

Hey, your brother sounds like a good catch! Belle, go for it!! hahaha! Now the typical second question: "how come he is not married?" :lol: :animwink:

Do you have another one for me? :D :animwink:

Sorry about the thread drift... I just couldn´t resist! ;)

Big Pooh

New Member
quote by FourFourSeven
However, Cedar Point, for example, is NOT in the top 10.

Cedar Point will never be in the top 10 attendance list. It's closed at least 6 months a year. I would guess it ranks very high in attendance for seasonal parks. I had no clue MK had twice the attendance of any non-Disney park, but I can't say I'm surprised. Disney is in a class by itself when it comes to theme parks.

Cheers :wave:


Active Member
Originally posted by Maria
Hey, your brother sounds like a good catch! Belle, go for it!! hahaha! Now the typical second question: "how come he is not married?" :lol: :animwink:

Do you have another one for me? :D :animwink:

Sorry about the thread drift... I just couldn´t resist! ;)
To answer the "how come he is not married?" question, it is quite simple. He is the youngest of 3 (poor sap has 2 older sisters). I got married, dad passed away, sister got married, mom got sick and since he was still at home, he became (got stuck?) as primary care giver. Sister and I helped as much as we could but with a son, to take care of... Mom has now passed and he is now just getting to start his life.


New Member
Originally posted by Nansafan
To answer the "how come he is not married?" question, it is quite simple. He is the youngest of 3 (poor sap has 2 older sisters). I got married, dad passed away, sister got married, mom got sick and since he was still at home, he became (got stuck?) as primary care giver. Sister and I helped as much as we could but with a son, to take care of... Mom has now passed and he is now just getting to start his life.

Aaaawwweee..... on top of everything, he has a good heart! Belle don´t let him go! :animwink:


Well-Known Member
He does sound absolutely amazing but as of yet he hasnt E mailed me!! As I said before have him indicate something about Disney in the subject line as if I dont know the address I routinely delete the E mail!! Or better yet if he is a member of this board also, have him PM me!!! That I know is OK!!! I am going to be in Disney from 12/4-12/9 of this year and we are trying to get together for another trip in the beginning of February, so if anyone wants to tag along, by all means!! Belle
Originally posted by Big Pooh

Cedar Point will never be in the top 10 attendance list. It's closed at least 6 months a year. I would guess it ranks very high in attendance for seasonal parks.

Cheers :wave:
Good point. Because I'm pathetic, I checked - Cedar Point is open about 140 days of the year - every day in the late spring/ summer, and weekends in the fall. Attendance for the top 48 parks is at this site , and you can see Cedar Point has 3.1 million visitors. This comes out to (approximately):

22,000 daily visitors at Cedar Point
40,000 daily visitors at the Magic Kingdom
21,000 daily vistiors at Animal Kingdom (for comparision's sake).

So, one could argue that Cedar Point is equally popular to Animal Kingdom. However, I have to disagree. Cedar Point chooses to be closed on days it could be open (weather-wise) during the week in the fall. Why? Because the attendance on these days would be extremely weak. Cedar Point is only open on days where a) the weather is appropriate, and b) projected attendance is reasonable. The fact that Cedar Point is closed on weekdays in the fall essentially proves the point that it's not as popular as even Animal Kingdom.

If I had to choose one, though, I'd probably pick Cedar Point over Animal Kingdom. :eek:


Originally posted by andre2000
i recently take one of my friends to WDW and he said it was one of the most boring places he's ever been too!?!? :fork: i think hes just lost it or somethin', i dont know:brick: i know some other people who say the same thing, WHATS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!?!?:eek: :eek: :hammer: :brick: :zipit:

I am not sure of exact reason but it seems to me that there are two types of people, those that only want exciting rides and those that go for overall feeling and experience when they are on a vacation. I live in Cleveland, Ohio and I I want thrill rides I just take an hour drive and go to Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. The best thrill ride park in the world. Disney makes me feel wonderful, the atmosphere, the people and total experience.


New Member
Originally posted by wannabeBelle
I am going to be in Disney from 12/4-12/9 of this year and we are trying to get together for another trip in the beginning of February, so if anyone wants to tag along, by all means!! Belle

HEY, we are gonna be in WDW that same week, getting there 12/6-12/8. Then for my birthday (early February) we are going again. What a coincidence.:animwink:


December 28 - January 4

Hey if anyone else is going to be in WDW the same time and would like to meet for a lunch or something, post away. Would love to meet some other goofy WDWMagic'ers. (lol):sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
I just went through this with one of my friends. She was going to be in Orlando for one day with her DH for a business trip so her and her son wanted to go to WDW for the first time. I told her 1 day wasn;t enough but they should go to Magic Kingdom. She asked all the questions and I gave her tons of info, books to read, links to maps of the park, what attractions I think her son might like and I even gave her a link to a site that detailed Universal's rides and stuff there just in case.

She came back and began to complain it was the worst place on earth, so boring, nothing to do (!?!?!) and just all around bad. She said they couldn't wait until they got the bus back to the hotel at 6:30 so they could leave. She went the begining of October and it was dead. (Later prying found out she thought the only rides were the ones in plain site and didn;t understand the concept of "dark rides". I slapped my head in thinking I gave her all this info she asked for and looked at none of it and apparently didn't get a guidemap either.) She is also someone who is very hard to please-she is very pessimistic and is very critical about every vacation-I remember she went to the Bahamas for her anniversary and complained it was too Sunny!

But like someone above said (I think Captain hook?) That is 2 less people standing in front of me for Haunted Mansion, SE or Pirates of the Carribean! LOL




It is too bad that your friend didn't take the time to really look at your info. The only thing that I can say, in partial defense, is that I would probably be disappointed with only one day, because there is so much to do and see that one day is no way to go. I personally wouldn't even spend the money if I only had one day. I could spend two or three days in MGM alone, let alone the other parks and events. Maybe one day she will see the light.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Well Figment Mom I really would LOVE a Disney Romance!!!! I think there is no place more romantic in the world actually. I havent made it out of our hemisphere as of yet, but I did got to Aruba and Las Vegas and some other parts of Florida. Nothing does it for me like WDW. Belle
How can anyone say they are bored at WDW. They need to take time and smell, see, taste and LIVE the MAGIC each and every minute they are there. We went 3 times last year with an AP. We did things from eating with characters,bass fishing, parasailing, horseback riding etc. NEVER a dull moment. @ of our DS were thrilled that we finally trusted them to go to the parks alone one night and take the monorail back to the Polynesian. We are saving for our next trip. DH is still talking how he got to eat lunch in Cinderellas castle on his b day and felt like a king when everyone on a friendship heading to MGM sang Happy Birthday to him. MAGIC is every memory you treasure in your heart. (Show them your pictures)


New Member
I don't see how anyone can say that Disney World is boring. The only reason they would say it is boring is becuase they have seen everything at WDW and thats impossible.:D


New Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy
I'm 21 and WDW can get boring especially if you are a thrill seeker. There just isn't a lot of thrill rides at WDW.

I'm also almost 21 - heck about 30 days but I still like Disney a lot.

The only thing I have to say is most people my age also like thrill parks. Yes I do like Busch Gardens a lot. I have a annual pass there to.

Personally I think Disney needs to get some new thrill rides in the parks to catch my age group and lower.

--Lets get Forbidden Mountain Open ----


Active Member
While I'm quite sure I'll be jumped on for this one, here goes...

So Disney should throw away good $$$ building plotless thrill rides just to attract a very fickle portion of the market?

I'm thinking that the money would be far better spent on rehabs/updates for the classic attractions.

Just my .02!


New Member
Nope I did not say that I just want to see more Disney style rides that have a sort thrill to them

Rocken Roller coaster
Space Mountain
Splash Mountain
Mission Space
Star Tours

Good Thrilling E- Ticket Rides
You need them to attract the teens


Active Member
Originally posted by jcrb
Nope I did not say that I just want to see more Disney style rides that have a sort thrill to them

Rocken Roller coaster
Space Mountain
Splash Mountain
Mission Space
Star Tours

Good Thrilling E- Ticket Rides
You need them to attract the teens

Good idea in theory, but think about it - While I really adore several of the attractions that you've listed, I don't think that a true thrill seeker would find them all that impressive.

IMHO, the problem is that a good portion of people that go to Disney and find it dull are just looking for flat-out thrill rides and aren't even noticing all of the detail and theming that goes into the Disney attractions.

As for me personally, I'm the opposite - I think that most theme parks pretty much $uck because their rides have no attention to detail! :D

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