Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

WEll Everyone i'm back from my 6 nights in WDW and I will introduce the cast of this TR as they come into play.It begins actually 2 days before I leave with a note I wrote in my trip journal( I brought 2 books with me #1 my disney planning book and #2 my trip journal)

On the inside cover I wrote the park hours just incase


Here is the in exactly 2 days I will set foot in the most magical place on earth,In the meantime... while some of my friends are are in The Magic Kingdom at this very moment....I'm doin my stinkin laundry.UGH!!!Need to pack those last minute necessities,do my dishes,vacum and all that jazz(stuff I won't wanna do when I get home)
This will be my 10th trip to the world and I'm hoping it's a good one.This morning I called All Star Movies to talk to my friend and the Cm's name was "Pollyanna"so I had a mini freak out to her about how much I love that movie!!!"let's play the glad game"
here is the section of the resort my friend staye


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Then we went to I's A Small World,but i have so many pics of it that the thought of taking more makes me ill.Thats when I realised i had forgotten to give Darolyn her pin I got her,I had them for all my magic ladies (Shelley you'll get yours when I see you )so I text her saying i forgot to give her something(but it's ok she ended up getting it) then we went to POTC because we had to meet grandma and riley for their pirate League appointment but there was a bit of time yet.I wish i had a giant pirate themed mansion with this ride in the basement,hey a girl can dream right?



WE wants the redhead..


most of my pics were too blurry or too dark but i am so happy that I got a somewhat decent pic of my favorite pirate,he's my fave because when Hailey was smaller she used to say PEEE YEW!!! everytime we'd pass him and she'd make the cutest little face.





I love me a s**y pirate!!!


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I love the pirate shop I'd put that in my house too!

and this pic right over my bed *swoon*


now this is my idea of treasure!!!


then we decided to change the girls out of their puffy dresses,it was way too hot out for that at this point,and we put them into cowgirl gear For our adr later but right now we had to get them into the pirates League for their transformations......Riley's name was ditched at the door and she became molly hookshot.

but first a few before pics...


Hailey signing the mermaid page





yep if I could get away with it I'd decorate my entire home like that!!!



remember those faces because they are about to become a mermaid and pirate empress.


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Last year when we went to the pirates League I fell in love with it,and yes part of it is because it's pirate but really the experience here is so much more fun than BBB my girls thought so too and they are not as pirate obsessed as their mommy.One day I'll make an appointment there for myself!!I will love every minute of it too.




I can only imagine what Hailey must've been telling her here


this flower clip was so cool it changed colour in the sunlight,so did the necklace she got



this pic would be alot nicer if my mom was smiling


this pic looks haunted AGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!






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then we went into the secret room ,sshhh it's a secret!!!





and when we got out we noticed Pirate goofy so the girls got in line to meet him ( we did this last year too,although H was alot shorter then and when she hugged him the pic became inappropriate because of hand placement,so this was much better)



and there was one little princess in our group who didn't skip out on Tianna that day so are the pics from her time there ( she was with Grandma then)


Tianna loved that Riley was in her wedding gown




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Oh and if anyone out there has any really good pics of POTC please pm me and let me know how I can get a copy I definitely want to put some in my hallway in frames thanks :)


and when we got out we noticed Pirate goofy so the girls got in line to meet him ( we did this last year too,although H was alot shorter then and when she hugged him the pic became inappropriate because of hand placement,so this was much better)
this made me laugh to myself as i pictured H hitting on a goofball :D


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awe thank you so much yeah i loved it,it was great and the thing about the Pirates league is that they involve anyone waiting for the kids too,they talked with my mom and I just as much so that was nice instead of sitting there bored(well I wouldn't have been bored I was busy admiring the decor)


Active Member
I love the girl's dresses. Especially the rose petal one. I have never seen on like it. Did you make it? Thank you for the wonderful trip report! I wish I had a little girl to take to the tea party but alas, I have a boy. Somehow I don't think he would be thrilled if I booked it for him.


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I love the girl's dresses. Especially the rose petal one. I have never seen on like it. Did you make it? Thank you for the wonderful trip report! I wish I had a little girl to take to the tea party but alas, I have a boy. Somehow I don't think he would be thrilled if I booked it for him.
Actually the rose petal dress I bought quite a few years ago,i had heard about the tea party and at that time the dress was on clearance and all they had was a size 10/12 so I knew i'd buy it and save it until it fit,it was so long ago that hailey wasn't even born yet LOL.the boys get a Duffy bear at the party.


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a little birdy told me ( an orange birdy to be exact)that it might be a good time for a citrus swirl,although anytime is a good time for a citrus swirl(sure wish I had one now) so sunshine tree terrace is where we went.


then we all got one of these babies,except Grandma she was boring and got a lemonade.


it was amazing,dolewhip is good too but i liked this better.

Riley and i had decided way ahead of this trip that she was now willing to try Haunted mansion and we were gonna do it gosh darn it!!!



The original Plan had h n gma sitting it out but h got a dose of bravery suddenly so we all went together,I got to ride with riley which was so nice because even though I still got to see her at certain places I missed her.






It was a success I was worried that H might get scared n cry,but apparently the only thing at disney that scares her to tears is mickey's Philharmagic,I have no idea how or why.Probaly not what you were expecting huh?


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I love Haunted mansion because my first time on it(last september) was with my goodfriend Beth,she lives in Florida but couldn't make it out to see us this year :(

some pics along the way


I loved the citrus swirl so much and couldn't help but think how good it would be as a float with some amaretto in it.Then we hit up splash and BTMR (another first)




STUPID CRANE!!!! again.



OMg that was so fun!!! Please tell me why I didn't do it sooner? I loved it.

Now before this trip i had seen alot of pics with brer rabbit and i was so jealous as Song of the south is one of my fave movies and I love bunnies,so I said that if i got the chance to see him and get my pic with him i'd be so excited i'd lick the sidewalk.That didn't happen,so i'm glad to not have licked the sidewalk but still sad i didn't get to see him.


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IN keeping with our hop here hop there see do and go all over the place theme we went to Buzz next




oh look who was behind us


i suck at Buzz


and heres Rileys score


she got tired n quit.Last year I introduced Riley to COP and I was shocked when we talked about it that my mom hadnt ever been on it or in it whatever,so I told her she had to go




and you bet we sang along everytime and conituned singing it all throughout the rest of the trip!I was hungry turns out so was everyone else,but i didn't wanna eat too much knowing that in a few hrs we had a dinner adr so i split a meal with h n my mom n ry split,where'd we go? Yew Nork of course to eat with my old pal sonny eclipse.i heart him!!



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We had so much fun on THe Indy Speedway last year that we just had to do it again( plus last yr i don't think I got to ride with Hailey) i was nervous about Riley for when it's time to unload out of the ride so I asked the Cm to put her in the car behind me so I'd get out first,rather than her getting out some where else n not seeing me.



Hailey was excited to drive but the sun was in her face,she held the wheel and i controlled the pedal


my other babe was big enough to ride and drive alone(why do they have to grow up? can't i just freeze frame her at this age?)


YIKES that sun is bright and I look terrible!!!! but thanks for tryin nice Cm


I don't know why this pic is so oddly shaped but okay....


She's gaining on us!!!!


that was fun,hailey drives that car better than I do ,funny thing so does riley...well that being said it's a good thing I don't drive for real then huh?


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I was doing alot of things i'd never done because my kids were always too small before,and once Ry was big enough she wasn't into the thrill rides.So for me and H this was a year of multiple firsts and i was itching to try space Mountain next.I had built myself by reading about it so much and how people love it and I normally would have too but I think it was not the intensity so much but that combined with the way you are seated I couldn't hold on to H and know she was okay Like i could on Everest and BTMR and some others we did.So it was really hard for me to enjoy the ride because I couldn't touch see or hear her and know she was ok,and in my mind I just kept thinking is this too much for her? is she going to be allright? I was worried it might be too intense and dark that it might scare her and since we still don't know the cause of her seizures that worried me too.I would love to try it again because it's my kind of ride I just don't think I'd take the kids on it until they r bigger still.The ride ended and she looked a different colour but after a few minutes she was ok,and actually said she would do it again,mmm I don't think so kiddo not yet.(to anyone who thinks I'm being over protective I don't care,she's mine and I want her's my job as her mother to protect her and you have no idea what my little princess has been through)

Anyway the Laugh Floor looked like a good place to go next.....



we saw our faces put up on the screen I think it said we were here for entertainment or something,but it was too quickly gone to read it right by the time I noticed.

there was a snack I was dying to try,I saw it in somebody's tr i forget who.Chocolate covered pineapple ,Hailey got a cake pop and riley got a mickey gingerbread,my mom got nothing and then when she saw my snack decided she needed one too,it was delicious.In the time it took my mom to go by scooter from the bathrooms next to city hall,over to the Confectionary this was my baby boo.....


so we just sat and people watched and let gma eat her snack while H slept for a little while.Dinner was fast approaching so I had to wake Hailey up to return the stroller and walk over to the boats


notice the sky in the next one EEEEEEEKKKKKK!!!!!!!



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where the heck were we going????


nope thats not it.........


nope not there either

hey is that the old river country????



ah here we are ! What's for dinner? Mickey's Backyard barbeque!



when ure sleepy and little you get a lift


love this sign


there were drums and hoola hoops set out for the kids to play


while we waited in an open area for characters but you remember how the sky looked over the Contemporary well we felt the effects of that it poured fast heavy cold rain,so they let us in under the Giant Pavillion and the characters come in too.



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the stage set up


the food area


the bartender that asked me for I.D when I went to get my mom a glass of wine,I told him I was 21 a long time ago and his response was a face like mine looks to pretty to be my age whatever that means FLIRT!!!! lol,he could not get over my age he went on about it for a good few minutes I just laughed and walked away.


my plate


it was decent but this cornbread is not as good as whispering canyon corn bread that stuff is amazeballs!!!


mine and Haileys popsickles they had mickey bars too but i wanted strawberry


the entertain ment



okay now I'm a country girl at heart i grew up on the stuff so this was awesome for me I was having a really good time at this point singing and clapping.




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So when we left the pirate n pals we had a heck of a time getting bacvk to our resort,people were being directed to walk to MK(no bus or monorail running at the time)and catch a bus from mk to wherever they were headed,but cm's were having people turn back from mk to contemporary then everyone had to either take a bus to DHS or downtown disney,the problem with that was that everytime one pulled up they were too full to get on it took forever but after 5 Dhs busses and 3 downtown disney buses we finally got one to DTD and then waited for a bus to PORS now it might have not been so bad if my kids hadn't been up since 3 am and we were now pushin 11 or since i hadnt slept well plus been up since 3 am,anyway we got back ,opened the door n pretty much fell into our beds.
The next morning we slept in and then set off for Animal kingdom,although this time we found ways to amuse ourselves with the camera while we waited for a bus.
He's probably getting tired of his mother taking pictures and is ready to hit the park!! lol
riley took this pic of hailey and i

then hailey took one of me with Ry

Riley and duffys

then one of grandma

WOOHOOO we got on a bus finally!!!!(the wait wouldn't have been so long if we weren't travelling with someone on a scooter)



Who knows where that kids parents are but i never noticed him until i looked at the pic,if I had I would've made sure he was okay .


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so after everest which is now a new fave for me we met back up with my mom and riley because we had a lunch adr to go at Yak and Yeti.


Let me just say this place does not get enough credit it was one of the best meals of my trip.

here we are just goofing around...


oh then we took pics to try n trick daddy with when we got back home ,but he knew it was rootbeer



then we ordered and eventhough I really wanted the lettuce cups i let my mom choose and she got the dim sum basket,I'm sure others would like it but I'm fussy when it comes to pork.I forgot to take the lid off Oops.

I ordered the steak and shrimp and omg it was amazing one of the best steaks it was tied with the one i had at le Cellier later in the week.

then for dessert I got the fried wontons,by this point i felt myself getting full but it was so good I became somewhat of a glutton.I ate alot more of this than I should've just because it was that good.OMG yum!!
Loved that dessert too! One of my favorites from my last vacation! I did the same thing as you. We couldn't go to see Nemo either because of our reservation. I never seen it so I guess our next trip I will have to do some research before I make that reservation. Your girls are adorable!

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