Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

WEll Everyone i'm back from my 6 nights in WDW and I will introduce the cast of this TR as they come into play.It begins actually 2 days before I leave with a note I wrote in my trip journal( I brought 2 books with me #1 my disney planning book and #2 my trip journal)

On the inside cover I wrote the park hours just incase


Here is the in exactly 2 days I will set foot in the most magical place on earth,In the meantime... while some of my friends are are in The Magic Kingdom at this very moment....I'm doin my stinkin laundry.UGH!!!Need to pack those last minute necessities,do my dishes,vacum and all that jazz(stuff I won't wanna do when I get home)
This will be my 10th trip to the world and I'm hoping it's a good one.This morning I called All Star Movies to talk to my friend and the Cm's name was "Pollyanna"so I had a mini freak out to her about how much I love that movie!!!"let's play the glad game"
here is the section of the resort my friend staye


Active Member
Great TR so far. Your girls are adorable. I'm so jealous of your royal room, I wanted to book it, but either i couldn't get it with the free dining or they were all full when I booked. Oh and about the sock with crocs, who cares?! I really dont see the big deal. I understand it's a fashion don't, but really, if you're comfortable and feel good about it, it really shouldn't matter what you wear. Sorry, the whole fashion do's and don't and what's in season and what not to wear crap really annoys me. I wear what I want and I don't think people should be made to feel like they can't wear something because some stuck up, out of touch, snob says it isn't "in". You all looked great and looked like you were having a great time and that's all that matters.


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so when I last left off we were in AK and the we had wandered around here n there trying to avoid the parade so we could make our escape,I knew long before that our lunch adr and dinner adr were most likely too close together but i was hopeful that we'd work ourselves up to being hungry enough (that didn't happen)we left Ak and headed for the buses with far too much time to kill.The 4 of us got on a bus to Saratoga's sooo pretty..........




we wandered around taking pics and killing time



I would like to stay here sometime but i'm not a DVC member so i don't know if thats possible or not



then it was time for our adr but we were still stuffed so although it broke my heart I had to go and cancel The Turf Club (insert tears here)


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Great TR so far. Your girls are adorable. I'm so jealous of your royal room, I wanted to book it, but either i couldn't get it with the free dining or they were all full when I booked. Oh and about the sock with crocs, who cares?! I really dont see the big deal. I understand it's a fashion don't, but really, if you're comfortable and feel good about it, it really shouldn't matter what you wear. Sorry, the whole fashion do's and don't and what's in season and what not to wear crap really annoys me. I wear what I want and I don't think people should be made to feel like they can't wear something because some stuck up, out of touch, snob says it isn't "in". You all looked great and looked like you were having a great time and that's all that matters.
awe thanks :) I wear what makes me comfy too I'm so happy you're joining in welcome :) theres more to come as I'm writing some right now


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so the plan was to get a boat over downtown Disney and so thats what we did and while we waited we of course entertained ourselves with the camera(my kids love taking their own pics with it,so as long as they wear the wrist strap I let them at it)


Say hello to my little friend....


oh look there it is "I'm gonna touch the butt"



then we got closer to DTD.....


and closer GASP!!!!!! Where was the Characters in Flight???? i wanted to do this so bad with ry :(


(no worries it would make it's return later and i've got pics of it's replacement,its just sad that when it came back Riley wasn't with me so we never got to do it)

and we made it to Marketplace






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so i just took pics of random things in the stores...cause thats what i do at DTD



Hey duffy you're so fine you're so fine you blow my mind hey Duffy


and here is a pic of the section that i never buy anything from because hubby is a disney grump and won't let me disney up our van BOOOOOO!!!!!


so then we saw this cute little display and the girls fought about who could stand where so we had to take turns of course


omg h's faces make me laugh n her lil poses too


and more randoms....




so i just took pics of random things in the stores...cause thats what i do at DTD
LOL, my daughter LaLa did exactly the same thing in that same store; Great! but not when you're late for an ADR, n u look round n she's not there and u see her with her Blackberry pointed at the ceiling!


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and when it was our turn the family ahead of us was thankful that i had made my kids come into their place and they offered to take our pic -thank you other family :)


no one was behind us then so i got a shot of the girls with it too


after a million more random shots that I won't bore you with we got on the boat heading back to PORS,and the driver made me giggle when he saids we had boarded the sunset cruise and he'd be around to collect 5 dollars,I heard a man ask his wife why she didn't tell him that because all he had was plastic LOL



i tried to get a pic of the French quarter pool but it didn't turn out right if it would've it would be a beauty but sadly i got this instead



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LOL, my daughter LaLa did exactly the same thing in that same store; Great! but not when you're late for an ADR, n u look round n she's not there and u see her with her Blackberry pointed at the ceiling!

haha see she's awesome she knows what to do when in DTD i love it!!!


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we got back to our resort and decided we would go for a swim,now let me just say that I did this alot at night n so I have no idea what swimming pics are from what night so I decided that since we also swim on our last day that I'll put all pool pics at the end with those kay? kay :)

Then we saw the horse and carriage and my little hailey has no fear when it comes to animals,she doesn't think that she can get hurt so what does she do? Oh lets just walk right up n make friends.I was glad that the driver person warned her to stay back and told her how much the horse weighed and it could hurt her so to be careful


so if I haven't mentioned it we were in the Oak Manor section right behind the building that they play the lawn movies on.


again my pics do it no justice for how it looks all lit up at night.


when we walked in we saw that mousekeeping had arranged our friends for us


and the other bed


then we settled into bed for the night,can't wait to share what we did the next day !!!


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well i forgot to mention that the night before I had tried on my dresses i bought in AK but one was fitting funny,you know when you buy something and you can just tell its not made right,well i tried it on n it was all wonky so i called the front desk to ask my options because i knew I wasn't going back to Ak,and they told me i could return it to the resort gift shop so i actually did that before going to bed.
The next morning we took a bus to MK and then it happened I saw this woman sporting MC Hammer pants so I tried to take her pic,cause i couldn't believe my eyes I guess some people are 2 legit 2 quit !!I couldn't get a good pic though so whats better than a pic of someone wearing rediculous pants? well why not someone with their hand on their butt while wearing rediculous pants lol.

so @blackthidot if you're out there this ones for you............


anyways I also saw this.....


a much better sight if you ask me.Then we bypassed MK and went straight up to wait for the monorail to GF for the Princess tea party.


oh hey there peach!!



and i took this pic for anyone wanting info about the garden view tea room

I don't know what it is but I love all the old fashioned furniture in GF and every year I take a pic of the kids on it but it's never the same piece



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okay so remember how I mentioned about me having to return the dress I bought,well i wore one of them today to the tea party and since I was sad that the other one was made weird n had to be returned( i know it was that dress because my mom bought one in the same size and hers fit me right) well i went into this store at GF and bought one the same style but a different pattern,luckily for me this store had fitting rooms so i was able to make sure it was a worthy purchase.



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OKay so when we last left off I was at GF and there was a bit of time before The My perfectly princess tea Party.Hailey doesn't do well with waiting or sitting or standing or anything in active for long periods of time so she was having a total melt down at this point,but I looked around and she wasn't alone."Breaking news live from the grand floridian lobby mini princesses everywhere are having extreme meltdowns and causing utter chaos"

Here's Hailey and her i'm not looking at you or talking to you pose

I bet if you stood outside you'd hear all the cranky cries.Finally we were introduced to Miss rose petal,and she then introduced one princess at a time to the other guests.




then she would present each princess with a crown from her,pose for a picture and they'd be led with their parent into the tea room



so some families sat with other families,there were alot of tables where it was a mother and daughter sat with 3 other mother-daughter groups but because we were 4 together we got 2 comfy chairs and a love seat,it was nice because we were pretty close to the middle of the room.


that is where each princess found her disney girl doll dressed in Aurora's gown


then we listened to this man play a near by keyboard or organ ,anyways whatever it was he was very good at it.


Hailey danced with her dolly



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then miss rose petal sings to the guests and tells them her story(If you want to know her story I'll tell you ,but I won't put it here incase some want it to stay a surprise)


and as she tells her story she gives the kids instructions on what actions to do .So she tells the girls to reach into their tea cups and take the napkins to set in their laps to prepare for tea (apple juice) this is when they find that Aurora has left them all a special gift in their cup,a silver charm bracelet.



and they are served...(the childrens plate)


and then of course the adults......


Can I just say I was glad I booked a lunch for after this,the bread was dry n hard like it had sat for a few days,there was almost no taste and I don't think it was just me being picky as i looked around the room no one seemed to be eating much except the kids,so my guess is their food was decent.I think the close to 600$ it cost me was more about the experience and the memory.

giving instructions on how to handle their new friends





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then it was time to take the cake in to the kitchen to be sliced and served


then all the girls gathered in the center to hear a story


while someone makes a sneaky entrance



Aurora leads the girls in a princess parade through the tearoom

then our cake arrives,and I'm happy to say it was edible,my mother liked it more than I did but,I'm a baker so i'm more of a snob when it comes to quality of baked goods.

next Aurora comes to each table for photos and autographs


each child is given a rose and a note

then the tea party ends with a parade through the GF lobby and the girls are led upstairs for a photo pass pic ,and into the gift shop to receive a bestfriend certificate for their doll and a princess scrapbook kit.Hailey named her doll julia and riley named hers Zoey(although the lady for some reason wrote ZOY on the certificate)and I must say Zoey is a much better name than what she wanted to name her baby sister when i was pregnant with her "Pink Star Unicorn" but I decided hailey was a much better fit for her.


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we arrived at epcot and it was almost time for lunch at san angel inn in Mexico,but first we got a few pics.


(the dress I'm wearing in this pic has paisley mickey heads all over it,it's one of the ones I bought at Ak...the one my mom has on is the one that i bought n returned for one in the same style but a different print)


I was a starvin marvin and couldn't wait to eat !!While I wasw there I talked to one of my magic ladies-Jess,omg she is too cute!!!but it was hard to hear so we just texted a bit.I was excited because the next night we'd be meeting.



I asked to be seated by the river



i ordered the enchiladas


hailey kept waving at the people in the boats some waved back some didn't


My enchiladas were AMAZING!!!!!that's when I decided that from now on it's enchiladas para la vida!!! all I needed was besos y bebidas and it woulda been my kinda night!!


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For my dessert i ordered the chocolate mousse which tasted nothing like chocolate at all that thing is all cinnamon folks


luckily riley liked it and was willing to trade me her churritos ,they were to die for


I really don't think this place gets the credit it deserves,but i guess people like different things.I can't wait to go back,i don't even like rice but i ate that too.The girls wanted to do the boat ride next so that's where we went.





then we went to colour a duffy



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Ry wanted to ride maelstrom since she loved it the last time,so grandma n Hailey hung out while me n ry went back back over the falls.......







then I went to get school bread and a horn for later( I should've taken a pic right away as they got slightly smushed)and we had to go to China because my mom was looking for something that she never found( I think it was her mind Oops who said that?)


these are so cute yet so creepy


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