I'll jump in. First, I'll say the pivot to streaming isn't wrong, I just think the execution was. So, first, I think they cast way too large a net. They went all in on original shows for just D+, but also went all in on bulk content (see the Fox purchase). I think they needed to pick one as a main.
On top of that, I think they are spending WAY too much on new content when it's not overly needed. Do they have 125 million subscribers now without the what, 10 or 11 Marvel shows? Maybe not. But do they have 100 million if they only did a fraction of them? I think so. Star wars is tough for me to read because they had such a disaster in the theaters, so they were almost forced here. BUT, some of the most beloved Star Wars stuff is the cartoon style (Clone Wars, Bad batch, etc.). That stuff I'm assuming is a TON cheaper to create than the CGI-loaded shows. And the same may be true for Marvel. Maybe things that have seemed more one-offs as opposed to working towards cannon could be just animated like What if, and the rest they continued the path of introducing characters in movies, where it's easier to make up those large budgets.
Disney also thrives on the nostalgia. So I think a few shows along with the streaming rights to major movies AFTER their theater runs, and all their old content would be enough. They are now in a tough spot because it's going to be tough to just shelf ALL those shows already announced without some major blowback, and I don't think they can get their targets without shelfing a bunch.