News Bob Iger is back! Chapek is out!!


Well-Known Member
Serious answer: Your question is a false dichotomy. You can "celebrate" Chapel's demise without "believing" Iger will do things different or improve things.
I was referring to the people who have been expressing belief that there could be improvements to the park experience and price reductions with Iger back. There have been quite a few posts like that in this thread.


Active Member
I was referring to the people who have been expressing belief that there could be improvements to the park experience and price reductions with Iger back. There have been quite a few posts like that in this thread.
I think Iger looks at GSATS and NPS more and will slow the pace of cuts/price increases and maybe improve maintenance. The stuff at the parks has started to bleed into the public consciousness and it's possible Iger recognizes this. The image of the company is important to him.


Well-Known Member
IF that's true, then Chapek really comes off looking like a giant d-bag. Complaining that he had to wait to lay off employees until the CARES Act passed so that the impacted employees would have some financial assistance??? How greedy and short-sighted can someone be? It's not like those extra weeks if salary were going to bankrupt the company. Rather than complaining g about being undermined, he should have been grateful that he didn't look like an even bigger a-hole right out of the gate. That doesn't absolve Iger of his sudden disappearing act as the crap hit the fan, but it does show how uncaring and out of touch Chapek is.
But it still wasn’t Iger’s choice to make. Iger stepped down and Chapek was supposed to be running the show. Chapek was supposed to take over, and Iger’s legacy be protected because of what COVID would do to the company. A coward’s way out, but that was Iger’s choice.

Firing the employees is one of the first decisions Chapek had to make, and Iger still ran the show from under him. How many more decisions occurred the same way? Really-what did Chapek actually do, or what was he “allowed” to do?


Well-Known Member
But it still wasn’t Iger’s choice to make. Iger stepped down and Chapek was supposed to be running the show. Chapek was supposed to take over, and Iger’s legacy be protected because of what COVID would do to the company. A coward’s way out, but that was Iger’s choice.

Firing the employees is one of the first decisions Chapek had to make, and Iger still ran the show from under him. How many more decisions occurred the same way? Really-what did Chapek actually do, or what was he “allowed” to do?
Chapek also has a non disparagement clause, which means that Iger has the advantage in recalling any conversation the two men might have had. Not saying that Iger is lying, but it might not have gone down with Chapek cackling over making his employees homeless while Iger screamed at him in disgust and prepared care packages for every single employee.


Well-Known Member
James Cameron has only directed 8 movies in his career. Of the 8, 2 are in the top 3 highest grossing movies of all time (Avatar and Titanic) and 3 are highly beloved wildly successful classics (Terminator 1&2, Aliens) the other 3 contain his first movie (Piranha 2, which hey gotta start somewhere) and his “flops” (The Abyss and True Lies) which were only mild success.

In baseball terms, he’s been at bat 8 times, hit 2 grand slams, 3 home runs, 2 doubles, and struck out once. That’s a hell of a record that I would not bet against. Also his last two films became the highest grossing movie of all time when released.
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Well-Known Member
Really?…because it sure as $hit seems like Iger and co are blaming chapek for a lot of decisions that Iger oversaw that now are being perceived as Low rent.

…quite an Effort - in fact
This the traditional game after a personnel change - everything bad is shoveled up.and placed at the feet of the predecessor.

Chapek was only following through on the business transformation started under Iger. While Iger was still.behind the curtain as playing Snoke.

What still gets me, Why is the CEO of DIS serving as the face and champion of WDW & DL other than an ego being able to play "Walt".

Is there not a President of P&R?? This is the person who should be the face of P&R.

Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
Chapek also has a non disparagement clause, which means that Iger has the advantage in recalling any conversation the two men might have had. Not saying that Iger is lying, but it might not have gone down with Chapek cackling over making his employees homeless while Iger screamed at him in disgust and prepared care packages for every single employee.

A non-disparagement agreement wouldn't prevent him from denying a rumor about himself. It WOULD prevent him from saying something like, "The company is a mess because I inherited a mess from that lying coward."


Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.
Premium Member


Well-Known Member
Alarmed by the prices escalating but of course nothing will change. Someones got to pay for his million dollar + package to return. And of course no mention of his part/ blame in setting the course Chapek had to jump in on when he took over. Chapek had much to answer for on his own but Iger wasnt the innocent bystander that left no fingerprints at the scene. Hes well into Savior mode already and loving it


Well-Known Member
Hello all.......Happy Thanksgiving. Most of you don't know me but I have walked the halls here at da' Magic for a long time......1974 (if you know) was king.

I find it hilarious that Iger comes in on his white horse trying to play the Disney savior when it was under his watch we got to this place in time. You have had to watch this unfold from years ago. Chapek was Iger's guy. Chapek was the ultimate hatchet man. He rose through the ranks of the Disney corporation by cuts and raising prices. Almost all of the changes we have sen for over a decade were the brain child of Chapek. For those who may not know, CHapek was head of Parks & Resorts........I could go in to the "it all started with napkins" but I don't want to bore you.

Chapek spent years cutting and nibbling at the edges of the "Disney difference". Making the board and as importantly Bob Iger buckets and buckets of money. The stock prices rose accordingly. The board was thrilled. Iger seeing the writing on the wall when Covid hit knew it was time to make his great escape.

No time like the present to reward Chapek for all those years of service.....and basically destroying the guest experience, the job of CEO.
Once in the job Chapek immediately had challenges. Covid and the Governments effort to combat it had a negative impact on the economy thus on the Disney company. With out causing a major fuss here there were other policies Disney had that finally had a negative effect on those guest surveys Disney loves so much.

Stock prices began to fall, guest satisfaction at an all time low, In order to keep revenue positive Chapek had to continue to do what he knew best......cut and raise prices. The snow ball going down hill just got away from him. The board had to act.....and act fast. They make a phone call to Iger.

Iger comes in on his white horse to save the day and squarely throws his old pal Chapek under the bus.......then he backed up to see what he ran over. Iger is just as responsible for the current state of the company as Chapek......maybe even more so. The real damage was done while Iger was at the helm. I zero respect for Iger or the board.

Iger will stop the bleeding........but it was him who made the deepest cuts in the first place.

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