If these folks who want 2nd graders to be taught about the beauties of gay marriage (and there are a few, but I would argue they aren't appropriate to mention to children until around the 6th grade) are so unhappy in Florida with a 2nd grade curricula that prohibits the mention of sexual orientation and gender identity, they can do one of three things;
1. Teach their children all about sexual orientation and gender identity in their own homes. Endlessly! GAY!
2. Move to a different state that has 2nd grade public school curricula regarding sexual orientation and gender identity that matches their personal values.
3. Enroll their children in a private Florida school that has a 2nd grade curricula regarding sexual orientation and gender identity that matches their personal values.
Or… the people who want to erase gay people from their kids’ lives can home school or enroll them in a private school, since, you know, gay people exist in the real world (and not only in adults only areas!). Their teacher may even be married to someone of the same sex! Oh the horror!
So are they never allowed to mention their spouse?
There’s absolutely no reason to hide gay marriage/sexual orientation from young kids. That doesn’t mean we have to go into every single detail of what that entails (do we do that when we talking about what a boyfriend and girlfriend is to young kids?). Telling them about “gay marriage” is as simple as saying it’s okay for people to marry who they love, no matter the gender. There’s no need to go into the inappropriate “beauties” of gay marriage just like there’s no need to go into the inappropriate “beauties” of heterosexual marriage.
Obviously, teachers discussing sex at that young of an age is inappropriate, I don’t think anyone disagrees there (although I, personally, learned about it from a classmate in 2nd grade, but that’s neither here nor there). Teachers should be allowed to stand up for kids that may have 2 moms or 2 dads, and it’s not something they should just ignore and brush under the rug. It also doesn’t matter if they are a minority. They exist. It is a public classroom, if some kids’ parents have an issue with their kids knowing that another kid has 2 dads, then that’s there own issue. I don’t care what their “views” are on gay marriage, and I don’t care if they are the minority. This is 2022, not 1952. That would be like saying teachers can’t talk about an interracial marriage because some parents might be against that.
Honestly, as a gay man to another gay man, I feel bad for you if you honestly think talking about same sex couples shouldn’t be allowed in classrooms, at all. If you think talking about gay relationships, at all, is inappropriate for young kids, but talking about a husband and wife is fine, then you either have a really warped idea of what a gay relationship has to be, or you have bigger issues to sort out.
Also, I don’t have kids either (yet), but I do have a lot of nieces and nephews and I am involved in a lot of kids’ lives. I’m sorry, I don’t wait until a certain age to talk about my husband (and the kids seriously think nothing of it), and I shouldn’t be expected to if I were in a classroom setting either.
(by the way, I know not everything I said related to what I quoted, but I’m responding to multiple things you’ve mentioned throughout the thread).