Bob Chapek Confirms Disney Will Overhaul Epcot

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
The styling and design:

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(And the word "Center")
The original plaque capitalises EPCOT, as it should be. The new plaque confusingly uses both 'Epcot' and 'EPCOT Center'.

What I love about the original is not just the vision expressed, but also the expression of vision through unity of style. From the plaque to the prism. You could slide the hexagonal plaque into the top of the (incomplete hexagonal) prism and make it fit like a jigsaw puzzle.





Although I guess the new colour scheme is consistent too in its browns (earth tones, to complement SSE?). And in flat surfaces. Maybe it just sucks. :p

Also, its funny to see how Mickey tends to replace the other symbols of Disney, here taking over EPCOT with the wand and topiary. Not dissimilar to how Mickey has replaced the old hub in the MK, and is possibly replacing the GMR. It is an expression of Disney taking over Disney. 'Disney' having almost two meanings, the semantic reason behind much forum confusion, that of 'toon IP' and also that of 'anything build or produced with Disney sentimentality, quality, and popularisation'. Even Bob Chapek speaks of making EPCOT 'more Disney', when to me, and to many EPCOT fans, to make EPCOT more Disney is akin to saying you are going to make Pinocchio more Disney.


Well-Known Member
If you haven't noticed, the world has changed since EPCOT was envisioned and even implemented. Recreational travel to different countries has exploded so what was once a far off land for many has become oh I was just there last year. Last year over 75 million people from the USA traveled abroad. I'm sure y'all have seen articles about how hard it is to remain "futuristic" and EPCOT fell into that trap. If you're not constantly changing (read expensive... doesnt care how well you are or are not doing) you're behind. At relatively stagnant points in time its doable, but when things begin to change at a pace that eclipses the development/deployment cycle that's where you get the "its outdated" hue and cries generated.

Its a utopian outlook plain and simple where some magical innovation(s) will eliminate all the bad in the world and people will somehow become altruistic.

You are completely correct. This is the best post I have read on this site.

It's not even that travel is easier now's also things like- the internet, web based games, enrichment programs, museum camps, festivals, etc etc. People in general have so much more access to information than what they did when EPCOT was created. I would love more educational attractions, but how do you keep people entertained today...and have them still be entertained a year from now? The world is changing so quickly.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
How far we've fallen

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Eh, there's something cool about it. As a one-off I can more or less appreciate it. For some reason, maybe sheer personal preference, I can tolerate this much more than SSE as a canvas for Pixar promotions. I wish I could see it.

But this sort of amusement oughtn't be developed into a daily show. EPCOT tells its own story, it should not be relegated to blank space you can project anything on.

I realise both paragraphs are largely mutually exclusive. Perhaps I should engage in some sophistry to convince myself they're not, that I may have my cake and eat it too and all that.


Well-Known Member
So there's still some whining about something that occurred for a very brief hot minute last night? It had no affect on park guests and has no bearing on the future of SSE that we are aware of. What was the problem? It was a one-off, and a not-so-great one at that. The complaining about it is why we aren't taken seriously, among other reasons I'm sure ....


Well-Known Member
One area Disney could educate people is the epidemic of obesity that's running rapid throughout the world. We been here since Saturday night and it's eye opening. Healthcare cost will be high. But probably not going to be addressed because you have to be politicly correct.
They tried. Look up Habit Heroes.

You are completely correct. This is the best post I have read on this site.

It's not even that travel is easier now's also things like- the internet, web based games, enrichment programs, museum camps, festivals, etc etc. People in general have so much more access to information than what they did when EPCOT was created. I would love more educational attractions, but how do you keep people entertained today...and have them still be entertained a year from now? The world is changing so quickly.
Disney Movies Anywhere. If technology made EPCOT Center irrelevant then the current strategy is even more irrelevant.


Premium Member
This is such tired bunk. Just because people travel more does not mean anything. A person does not visit Italy and then just stop eating at Italian restaurants

But a well traveled world will expect more of its facsimiles to be impressed or engaged. A tiny Eiffel Tower isn't going to move people when they've seen the real thing.. or one in Vegas that is much bigger and grander. When EPCOT tries to transport people into those places.. the better informed people are, the greater the immersion must be.

Disney's own impact on how other places are setup also pushes the standard further for Disney if they wish to impress. If every shopping mall around you has amazing details for its setting.. going to Disney and seeing the same level (or less) of staging .. you are going to be let down.

Travel, the experiences people can get remotely, the amount of media on demand, the rising 'competition' you see everywhere else... they all raise the bar for an experience like World Showcase to meet to excel.


Well-Known Member
Concept art and a few minutes overlay have nothing to do with one another.
But they do, it's all about vision. That Herb Ryman painting of Spaceship Earth is the distilliation of what EPCOT Center represented. EPCOT Center was to be a gathering place for people of all creeds and colors to understand and to connect to one another through our shared human experience. That the arts and sciences together can enrich mankind so we can better communicate our thoughts, feelings and experiences and better understand our place in the vast cosmos. That the decades of experience of showmanship, which made Walt Disney a household name the world over, could be used to educate, entertain and inspire millions of guests from around the world. That those millions of guests could then go home and strive to bring forth a brighter future for all and thus move the human race forward.

And the other, but a cheap publicity stunt in the name of a shallow kind of synergy to promote the flavor of the month tentpole because Disney doesn't have the confidence in its own material to create quality promotional experiences for new theatrical releases in the parks.
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Well-Known Member
But they do, it's all about vision. That Herb Ryman painting of Spaceship Earth is the distilliation of what EPCOT Center represented. EPCOT Center was to be a gathering place for people of all creeds and colors to understand and to connect to one another through our shared human experience. That the arts and sciences together can enrich mankind so we can better communicate our thoughts, feelings and experiences and better understand our place in the vast cosmos. That the decades of experience of showmanship, which made Walt Disney a household name the world over, could be used to educate, entertain and inspire millions of guests from around the world. That those millions of guests could then go home and strive to bring forth a brighter future for all and move the human race forward.

And the other, but a cheap publicity stunt in the name of a shallow kind of synergy to promote the flavor of the month tentpole because Disney doesn't have the confidence in its own material to create quality promotional experiences for new theatrical releases for the parks.
Well said. The juxtaposition of those pictures is worth a thousand words as they say, but thank you for articulating it.


Well-Known Member
As I've said before, it'll be a new Epcot. Will it be better than today? Almost definitely. Will it be EPCOT Center? No.

Thank you! I appreciate you always responding.

Got it. Never got to experience Epcot Center in its prime. But I suppose if it stays true to "Epcot," we'll be okay.


Well-Known Member
Ideally, they would look at Tomorrowland and Future World together to determine what can be done to be sure that the two aren't mirror images of one another and thus lacking any true identity. For me, Tomorrowland is really, more or less, a science-fiction land and should be reserved for IP's and attractions that have modern or future setting but are a little more fantastical and fun in nature (see Wreck It Ralph, Star Wars, and Marvel). Any IP's added to Future World (if they must occur) should be those that have a modern or future setting but whose tones and messages are little more serious (see Wall-E).


Well-Known Member
What needs to happen is a clear definition of Future World, World Showcase, and Epcot as a whole. As part of this, they can also define Tomorrowland.

Personally, I would like to see Future World gravitate towards the realistic, grounded in science, non-IP vision of the Future and/or Discovery. I'd like to see Tomorrowland be the futuristic representation as explained in Disney movies. This would allow for things like Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin, Tron and even Wreck it Ralph.

I've also suggested moving not just a re-done Carousel of Progress to Future World but also a re-done Space Mountain. Aside from the exterior building, Space Mountain needs a full tear down and while it's not tied to a movie, it is a pseudo franchise in itself and could be Epcot's first true coaster.

My re-done Future World would have the two Tomorrowland transplants as well as "it's a small world" bridging the gap between Future World and World Showcase as a perfect transition between the two areas.

For pseudo original ideas, I'd like to see Neil degrasse Tyson represented somehow in Epcot, perhaps in a Cosmos based attraction or for a more out there idea - a replacement for Dreamfinder. Sticking with the former (Cosmos based attraction), add in a redone Imagination, the 3 Magic Kingdom transplants and you've got a Future World that should intrigue both the fanbois as well as the casual visitor.

Since I'm throwing out hairbrain ideas, why not continue with Horizons Century 3 and evicting Nemo from The Seas (or potentially closing the Seas entirely). The last thing that I'd really like to see would be a PeopleMover in Future World.

As for World Showcase, I've been a vocal critic of Frozen, but I think characters in World Showcase are unavoidable. So if they can help do it in a way where the characters are addressing culturally relevant things like Ratatouille or Coco I can get on board a bit more than Frozen Ever After.

Sorry for the brain dump.


Well-Known Member
What needs to happen is a clear definition of Future World, World Showcase, and Epcot as a whole. As part of this, they can also define Tomorrowland.

Personally, I would like to see Future World gravitate towards the realistic, grounded in science, non-IP vision of the Future and/or Discovery. I'd like to see Tomorrowland be the futuristic representation as explained in Disney movies. This would allow for things like Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin, Tron and even Wreck it Ralph.

I've also suggested moving not just a re-done Carousel of Progress to Future World but also a re-done Space Mountain. Aside from the exterior building, Space Mountain needs a full tear down and while it's not tied to a movie, it is a pseudo franchise in itself and could be Epcot's first true coaster.

My re-done Future World would have the two Tomorrowland transplants as well as "it's a small world" bridging the gap between Future World and World Showcase as a perfect transition between the two areas.

For pseudo original ideas, I'd like to see Neil degrasse Tyson represented somehow in Epcot, perhaps in a Cosmos based attraction or for a more out there idea - a replacement for Dreamfinder. Sticking with the former (Cosmos based attraction), add in a redone Imagination, the 3 Magic Kingdom transplants and you've got a Future World that should intrigue both the fanbois as well as the casual visitor.

Since I'm throwing out hairbrain ideas, why not continue with Horizons Century 3 and evicting Nemo from The Seas (or potentially closing the Seas entirely). The last thing that I'd really like to see would be a PeopleMover in Future World.

As for World Showcase, I've been a vocal critic of Frozen, but I think characters in World Showcase are unavoidable. So if they can help do it in a way where the characters are addressing culturally relevant things like Ratatouille or Coco I can get on board a bit more than Frozen Ever After.

Sorry for the brain dump.

I agree on moving Carousel of Progress and Small World to Epcot even though I know neither will happen. COP could go where Wonders of Life is or possibly the vacant space between Land and Seas. IASW would be a tougher fit as it would really belong in World Showcase and I don't know if there is sensible spot or enough real estate, even in a pipe dream scenario.

Moving the errrr People Mover to Epcot is another great idea.

IP's in World Showcase honestly don't bother me so long as they are they because their stories are set there or their authors were from there. That's the problem with Frozen. The story is set in a fantasy location (that does, admittedly, look like what fairy tale Norway) and only very loosely based on Hans Christian Andersen's The Snow Queen. Furthermore, Andersen was Danish. A Snow White ride in Germany or a Alice in Wonderland ride in the United Kingdom at least makes sense.
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President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Why can't they just make Epcot remain true to the original vision cobbled together by a corporate committee who jettisoned Walt's ideal of a planned community as soon as he was dead?

That is what we're nostalgically longing for, no?


Well-Known Member
What needs to happen is a clear definition of Future World, World Showcase, and Epcot as a whole. As part of this, they can also define Tomorrowland.

Personally, I would like to see Future World gravitate towards the realistic, grounded in science, non-IP vision of the Future and/or Discovery. I'd like to see Tomorrowland be the futuristic representation as explained in Disney movies. This would allow for things like Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin, Tron and even Wreck it Ralph.

I've also suggested moving not just a re-done Carousel of Progress to Future World but also a re-done Space Mountain. Aside from the exterior building, Space Mountain needs a full tear down and while it's not tied to a movie, it is a pseudo franchise in itself and could be Epcot's first true coaster.

My re-done Future World would have the two Tomorrowland transplants as well as "it's a small world" bridging the gap between Future World and World Showcase as a perfect transition between the two areas.

For pseudo original ideas, I'd like to see Neil degrasse Tyson represented somehow in Epcot, perhaps in a Cosmos based attraction or for a more out there idea - a replacement for Dreamfinder. Sticking with the former (Cosmos based attraction), add in a redone Imagination, the 3 Magic Kingdom transplants and you've got a Future World that should intrigue both the fanbois as well as the casual visitor.

Since I'm throwing out hairbrain ideas, why not continue with Horizons Century 3 and evicting Nemo from The Seas (or potentially closing the Seas entirely). The last thing that I'd really like to see would be a PeopleMover in Future World.

As for World Showcase, I've been a vocal critic of Frozen, but I think characters in World Showcase are unavoidable. So if they can help do it in a way where the characters are addressing culturally relevant things like Ratatouille or Coco I can get on board a bit more than Frozen Ever After.

Sorry for the brain dump.
Some fantastic ideas here that I haven't thought about. Honestly, reading that made me excited for the possibilities of future Epcot.

I'm a huge fan of Dr. Tyson and the idea of a Cosmos based attraction is fantastic and exciting. Keeping Bill Nye in FW with Neil would be great as well, especially since they tend to work closely together these days for Neil's podcast, StarTalk Radio. The idea of Future World being a realistic, science based land while leaving the whimsical version of space and the future in MK is great and makes logical sense to me.

Feel free to dump your brain any time. It's a shame management doesn't put as much thought into the parks as some people on these boards do.

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