Yes, money was a very real and practical restriction was with FP+, wasn't it? We won't even mention how much profit P&R has generated over the past decade and how much of it wasn't funneled back into the parks and the rides and attractions that made it possible to generate those profits.
Sorry, but the "Diznee is a bizness" mantra is BS. It's all about priorities, and for nearly a decade TWDC, and TDO in particular, has had the corporate bottom line as their one and only priority. Short term profits, a cut-or-replace-not-expand mindset, do as little as possible, just keep things running and afloat, keep the worthless stock ANALysts happy, and keep squeezing the guests for every penny they possibly can. Why haven't they invested more than minimally in attractions for Epcot? Because they are raking in cash with their multitude of festivals. And like it or not, Rizzo summed it up best 20 years ago - "They're tourists - Whadda they know?".