Biometric finger readers unsanitary???


Active Member
Purell is abslutely effective in killing germs. I work in a hospital and unless you are scrubbing in for a surgery it is totally acceptable to use Purell. HOWEVER it is NOT a replacement for washing hands as washing your hands removes the colonies of bacterias from your hands.


my $0.02 as I am in hospitals and Dr's offices all day...

-Get plenty of sleep
-Drink Florida Orange Juice
-Wash your hands


Only let clean people in on half the days. Have CM's posted to sniff out the dirty people. If they are dirty, give them a ticket to come back on a "dirty people only day". After the, "dirty people only day", sanitize the whole park with 300 deg steam and have a "clean people day" I think that would work. The CM's who judge must have at least 7 years with the Walt Disney Co.



Well-Known Member
timoteo said:
Only let clean people in on half the days. Have CM's posted to sniff out the dirty people. If they are dirty, give them a ticket to come back on a "dirty people only day". After the, "dirty people only day", sanitize the whole park with 300 deg steam and have a "clean people day" I think that would work. The CM's who judge must have at least 7 years with the Walt Disney Co.


wow... THAT'S something I don't want to touch.


peter11435 said:
I agree 100%.

Regarding antibacterial soap: You know this bugs me. I wash my hands frequently (as a habit from a former career in the medical profession years ago) and it bothers me how hard it seems to find liquid hand soap that is NOT anti bacterial!

I personally think anti bacterial soaps are helping to create super bugs much like the overuse of antibiotics. If the stuff is safe enough to use on your hands frequently then it isn't killing all the bacteria on them. It is leaving the bacteria that are more resistant to it -- and those then multiply... etc. etc.

I just want regular old fashioned soap, but in a liquid form that is easy to use and smells nice.


Not old, just vintage.
Lovecraft said:

I just want regular old fashioned soap, but in a liquid form that is easy to use and smells nice.

Thats all I want too!!!! I've given up on finding liquid soap that isnt anti bacterial. I've resorted to using bars of olive oil soap that I have to have imported by relatives from Greece. The lengths I go to.... All these anti-bacterial loving, germ-aphobic people are going to be hating life pretty soon when the 'super bugs' take over. I guess we'll have to resort to using pure bleach or acid to kill them then. :lookaroun Yikes.


Well-Known Member
i dont have a problem with the finger things before you enter the parks as you can always was your hands as soon as you enter or some people carry around with them a germ gel or wipes, even though no matter what you touch there is going to be germs on it ie handrails, bars for example on BTMRR,buzz lightyear etc.

what about when youve been to the toilet and washed your hands then touch the handle to open the door - just think people who have been the toilet and not washed there hands then touched the door handle.

its no good obsessing about it because it happens and if you over think about it -it aint healthy.if its gonna happen its gonna happen.


Active Member
I don't mind the scanners, but I do mind the headphones that a couple of attractions use - way to spread head lice :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
WDWGuide said:
I don't mind the scanners, but I do mind the headphones that a couple of attractions use - way to spread head lice :lookaroun
Isn't Sounds Dangerous the only attraction that uses head phones.

But really is there any more chance of spreading head lice with head phones than there is with the head rests on RnRC.


Well-Known Member
Sledge said:
How sanitary are the 3D glasses? I've always wondered that. What do they do to them after each show? Anything?
From what I know each pair is only used once each day. At the end of the night they are all transported to Epcot where they have a large machine that cleans them. They are then put back into the trays and sent back to their respective parks. Thus every time you grab a pair from the tray it is freshly cleaned.


peter11435 said:
From what I know each pair is only used once each day. At the end of the night they are all transported to Epcot where they have a large machine that cleans them. They are then put back into the trays and sent back to their respective parks. Thus every time you grab a pair from the tray it is freshly cleaned.

I used to work at one of the 3D movies and this is 100% correct. Cast members used to transfer the glasses from small cardboard boxes to the plastic trays you get the glasses from, but they changed the process a couple years ago and now they stay in the trays for the whole trip from the cleaning machine to your hands.


Well-Known Member
animay said:
I used to work at one of the 3D movies and this is 100% correct. Cast members used to transfer the glasses from small cardboard boxes to the plastic trays you get the glasses from, but they changed the process a couple years ago and now they stay in the trays for the whole trip from the cleaning machine to your hands.
Thanks for the confirmation.


New Member
Being in the medical field, Our infectious control people tell us that hand sanitizers alone will not kill germs. Our procedure is to wash first with soap and water then use the waterless hand sanitizer gel or foam. right after.


Active Member
Just a tidbit- I heard a news report over the weekend that the single most unsanitary item that people routinely come in contact with is...

Are you ready...

The handle on the shopping cart at the grocery store.

I never would have thought of this.


Well-Known Member
It totally grosses me out to see young children chewing on the handles to shopping carts!

In regards to the liquid soap problem, 2 of the kids I take care of are allergic to antibacterial soap, and I had a hard time finding soap that they could use without getting severely chapped hands. I finally found one that DSoftSoap makes that is not antibacterial, but it's not always available. I stock up on it now whenever I see it.


Well-Known Member
Wow you guys are a bunch of germaphobes. You know what I worry about when I head to WDW? NOTHING!! I go there to enjoy myself, I don't worry about germs on my hands, or headlice, or anything else like that. I mean honestly, your on vacation, if you feel something gross on your hands, wash them. There is no reason to spend the majority of your vacation being paranoid about germs and such. Your immune system should be able to take care of most strains of common bacteria found in the environment.

Just an FYI, I have personally witnessed the CMs wiping down the scanners with an alchohol pad.


Well-Known Member
The one thing I am adamant about is using paper towels, toilet paper, or a kleenex on restroom door handles when using public restrooms....for the simple fact that there are far to many non hand washing people out there. I do carry the handiwipes to wipe things off, sticky hands, dirty faces etc.
I don't care for the biometric readers just because it seems that every time we go, no matter what line we get in, we ALWAYS end up behind the one group that has no idea how to stick their finger in and put their ticket in and actually get through the turnstile in less than 20 minutes! Come on people, how hard is it really???


New Member
mousermerf said:
You have to touch door knobs to open doors - you're just trying to find an excuse to get rid of biometrics. Purel sells hand sanitizer in convienent little bottle, which i typically clip to my belt loop when i goto the parks.

Yep... Love those really tiny Purell bottels! I've always got at least 2 in my pockets. Mostly in case I eat something like a Mickey Bar in line, finish it and can't leave the line to wash my sticky hands...

They work wonderful if you feel you're touching things that are prone to germ transmission. Personally, I seem to have an outstanding immune system and only get sick every few years, so I don't usually care about having to wash right away after I touch the biometric readers. I just enjoy my day and then wash the hands right before each meal.

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