Big News - New Walt Disney World Napkins


I like the new Napkin very retro. Disney is all about the details thats why people are intrested Montu! You are rude and we have a name for people like you in the UK f*****g t**t (ladys cover your eyes please) If you dont like the fine details that make the parks so complete then you don't have to post! I think its great of Patrick to notice the changes and show us, after all if Disney thought it didnt matter then they would never bother to change them or just save money and supply plain napkins. btw Patrick thanks for the pictures you rock :animwink:

I am a lame napkin lover (I feel better now I can come out and say that in public without fear) :p


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Not For Sale said:
Is this a new logo, or am I just out of the loop?

That logo has been around for a few months now. The old logo still comes out on a few things.

But, interestingly enough, what I have been seeing ALOT of is the very first Walt Disney World logo. The one with the globe in the "D". That would be the coolest thing if we went back to that logo.

The cups and plates haven't changed as of yet.

Dr. Dom

Long-time lurker, rare poster here. Love the new napkin discussion! (And the napkins, too.)

I, also, have many WDW napkins liberated from their storage prisons of wood, metal, or just sitting helplessly on tables waiting for birds to do unspeakable things to them. I feel it's my duty to save them from a fate worse than recycling. We're giving these napkins a chance to see the world, to visit us in our home, to. . .Oh, the heck with it. I just like anything and everything Disney. I bring back pretty much everything-napkins, plates, etc.

But to hear that some people USE these magical reminders of happier days at WDW seems almost wrong somehow. They should be stored and viewed with the respect of fine paper goods. :)


Premium Member
Patrick, I like your idea about bringing back the style of the "D-Globe" logo. These days, people are more into "retro" (circa 1950s-1960s). Maybe it is not "retro" enough for marketing purposes? I do like the idea though.

uklad79, please read Steve's last post (wdwmagic) about the conflict with montu.


New Member
MotoDisney said:
I agree it's just a bit larger and has a more festive feel with all the stars!

Thank you! I was feeling so alone on that topic. And such a happy blue color! Big smiling Mickey, cheery little stars. . .
*sniff!* :cry:


New Member
Montu said:
How did I know, without even opening this post or looking at who posted it that this just had to be from you?

Now what did that accomplish, out of curiosity?
ISTCrew20 always comes on here with amazing updates with great pictures for those of us too far away to experience the magic as frequently. When you act like this, it is rediculous. You are lame because it is clearly labeled in the topic and yet you still found the time to open it and comment on it.
:wave: :wave:


Active Member
It may be no big deal to some because to some it is only a napkin, but I loved the update. Updates on the "small details" at Disney are what keeps these boards interesting and unique. Thanks, Patrick! Keep them coming...


New Member
Montu said:
Aside from pages upon pages upon pages of really dumb comments and pretending to be "in the know" ...

He got his face *stuck* behind a frickin' plaque MOUNTED TO A WALL outside of Mission: SPACE. I mean, come on!

No offense patrick :D but i thought that was one of the funniest stories i have ever heard LOL :wave: :lol: :lol:

Oh and MONTU: What have you ever contributed? I'm not claiming to make any contirbutions but i am also thankful for other's conrtibutions and I don't cut people down to improove my own self esteem!


New Member
AllThatsJoey said:
Awe come on guys, be nice to poor Montu...his parents were eaten by napkins when he was just a baby leaving him to be raised by a pack of wild sporks.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
:sohappy: :sohappy:
:wave: :wave:

EDIT: 10th PAGE ON NAPKINS :sohappy: :sohappy:
i think im going alittle overboard with these smileys


I really enjoy the vintage mickey design.

Someone mentioned wanting a t-shirt like that. I want one too, has anyone seen that design on t-shirts in WDW?

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