Well-Known Member
That's a hippie protest song against the use of DDT. The environmentalists who got DDT banned are responsible for 50 million malaria deaths worldwide. It's not about "spots on your apples," it's about killing disease-bearing mosquitoes that kill millions of people. We've been letting human beings die because Joni Mitchell and Counting Crows care more about birds than people. We could eliminate Zika tomorrow if we wanted to.
I often agree with your posts but other times the confidence in which you throw out these misleading 'facts' is frightening!
There indeed have been 50 million malaria deaths worldwide since the ban of DDT in the US(1972). However, those deaths are overwhelmingly in Sub-Saharan Africa where DDT was not banned and is still not completely banned. DDT was not even controlled in this region until 2001. The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (2001) specifically outlined effective ways to use DDT as an indoor insecticide and gave permission to countries to use DDT for malaria control. Since this agreement, yearly deaths cause by malaria have dropped dramatically (48%). This is mostly due to education and implementation of mosquito control techniques (IVM) that are more effective than DDT usage. DDT was never very effective in Africa due to the utter lack of infrastructure to support its usage. You can't spray an entire continent with insecticide. Even localized success with DDT (re: cities/villages), required constant DDT application to the point where DDT-resistant strands of mosquitoes were born, ending its usefulness. Integrated Vector Management(IVM) has been much more effective and continues to be effective around the world. So, the environmentalists who banned DDT in the US are certainly not responsible for the deaths of Malaria victims in parts of the world where their ban has no effect.
"We could eliminate Zika tomorrow if we wanted to" is certainly NOT true. DDT would not help Central and South American countries that already use effective adulticide alternatives. Thats like saying "If everyone just used Raid instead of Ortho then no one would have to worry about ants EVER AGAIN. SAD!"
DDT has almost nothing to do with Zika prevalence. IVM is most effective in these regions. Kill mosquitoes in a larval state and prevent breeding. When necessary, use an adulticide that isn't needlessly controversial. If you can't afford IVM, than DDT wont help you. Anyone whose ever killed a wasp knows you have to spray the nest or the wasps will keep coming.
Please stop repeating what you hear from your news outlets before doing your own research first. They are certainly not telling you the whole truth. Read Journals. Analyze Data. Form your opinions based on reality.
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