"Big" Apple announcement may involve Disney


Well-Known Member
Quite correct, I have just never subscribed to the myopic "fanboy" way of thinking.

While there are brands I tend to favor, it is solely because I believe I get what I pay for. Once that ends, so does the loyalty.
Heh heh....I can't help but giggle after thinking about repeat customers (which is really the foundation of a fanboy, is it not) being discussed on a WDW forum. Is WDW not the prime example of people buying into something just because? Believe, I'm a member of a number of Apple forums (not an Iphone user, but I do use Macintosh's) and the complaints there are very similar to those found here.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Heh heh....I can't help but giggle after thinking about repeat customers (which is really the foundation of a fanboy, is it not) being discussed on a WDW forum. Is WDW not the prime example of people buying into something just because? Believe, I'm a member of a number of Apple forums (not an Iphone user, but I do use Macintosh's) and the complaints there are very similar to those found here.
It is just a bit of the pot calling the kettle black.:D


Well-Known Member
This pretty much sums up every great innovation throughout history.

Henry Ford didn't invent the automobile but he made it accessible to more people. Walt Disney didn't invent the theme park but he did it in a way that was more appealing to people.

Anyone can create a product to make a great spec sheet, all you do is buy the components you want and throw them all together. The really talented and creative people can make a PRODUCT that people can actually use. This is the big driving focus of Apple. This is why it sometimes appears that Apple "falls behind" their competitors, because they're not focusing on the spec sheet instead they're focusing on the product as a whole. Being the first to put one piece of technology into something is completely pointless if you haven't figured out how to make it useful to the end user.

It's also interesting to me that the Android user fan base can be so quick to say we had this first in our phones when ironically if it wasn't for the iPhone Android phones probably wouldn't even exist. I think competition is good and if your happy with an Android great, but atleast respect and understand that the technology your using was made possible because of what Apple did.
You're right. Apple paved the way for what smartphones are today. And ApplePay is better put together than Google Wallet & Isis, which I both use frequently. I'm sure Apple looked at both as an example on how to build and improve it and I bet that both Isis & Wallet will update with in the next year to be more like ApplePay. Full circle.

And to the defense of Android users like myself :D... on the whole "we had it first," I see Apple fans saying the same thing. Even window phone users are becoming like that LOL. Phone features are becoming a "me too" thing. But I applaud apple for taking time to really think things out...

But I'm sorry there's no excuse for Apple still using an 1810 mah Battery! :rolleyes: I mean come on Apple! The Iphone 5 was thin enough, just give me a bigger battery! :hilarious:
I would have preferred the thickness of the 5 & a bigger battery than aiming for "Its the thinness phone ever" LOL


Well-Known Member
You're right. Apple paved the way for what smartphones are today. And ApplePay is better put together than Google Wallet & Isis, which I both use frequently. I'm sure Apple looked at both as an example on how to build and improve it and I bet that both Isis & Wallet will update with in the next year to be more like ApplePay. Full circle.

And to the defense of Android users like myself :D... on the whole "we had it first," I see Apple fans saying the same thing. Even window phone users are becoming like that LOL. Phone features are becoming a "me too" thing. But I applaud apple for taking time to really think things out...

But I'm sorry there's no excuse for Apple still using an 1810 mah Battery! :rolleyes: I mean come on Apple! The Iphone 5 was thin enough, just give me a bigger battery! :hilarious:
I would have preferred the thickness of the 5 & a bigger battery than aiming for "Its the thinness phone ever" LOL
Phone thickness is a non issue anymore buy everyone pushes it like they're the thinnest. Great! Easier to Crack in half! I'd much prefer an additional 500-1000 mAh over .3 mm thinner.

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
Everything you are saying is correct, but you do have to admit that Apple has a substantial cult following that falls in love with any and every product they put out no matter how good or bad it actually is.
I 100% agree that Apple has incredibly crazy cultists. I try and avoid them like the plague. It's like any WDW or Uni fan boi. Everything is awesome and you can't convince them otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Everything you are saying is correct, but you do have to admit that Apple has a substantial cult following that falls in love with any and every product they put out no matter how good or bad it actually is.
I, for the first time, was excited about what Apple was doing. And people on social media seemed to be all over the Apple Watch. It has been a trending topic on twitter since they announced it and still going.

So I was shocked to see many tech sites saying it wasn't any better than what was already out (not worth the premium price), that too many questions went unanswered, and that they thought it was too much like the Samsung Gear (and not in a good way.) :eek:
Saw complaints about the need for another button vs not being all touch screen, complaints about not working with lefties, it's ugly, it's too thick, and that Apple wasn't really allowing them to use the watch but only put it on the wrist and watch it in demo mode.

Clearly it wasn't "ready" but people have already started saying they will buy it. I wouldn't buy it just yet. I bet the second Apple Watch will be significantly better than this.


Well-Known Member
Everything you are saying is correct, but you do have to admit that Apple has a substantial cult following that falls in love with any and every product they put out no matter how good or bad it actually is.
I agree with this, some people take things a little too far. I consider myself an Apple fan. I have been using their products long enough to hear the criticism change from they only serve a small niche market and you shouldn't use them because not enough people will make software for their products to everyone has Apple products and you are only using them to be like everyone else. Kind of funny how things have changed so drastically and the one consistent thing is that people want to criticize Apple and it's fans. For me the one and primary consistent thing that makes me a fan is the quality of the products. Over the years they have put out a few things I wasn't too fond off but for the vast majority they hit the nail on the head for what I wanted and was looking for. I won't however blindly follow if they start producing products that don't meet my needs.


Well-Known Member
You're right. Apple paved the way for what smartphones are today. And ApplePay is better put together than Google Wallet & Isis, which I both use frequently. I'm sure Apple looked at both as an example on how to build and improve it and I bet that both Isis & Wallet will update with in the next year to be more like ApplePay. Full circle.

And to the defense of Android users like myself :D... on the whole "we had it first," I see Apple fans saying the same thing. Even window phone users are becoming like that LOL. Phone features are becoming a "me too" thing. But I applaud apple for taking time to really think things out...

But I'm sorry there's no excuse for Apple still using an 1810 mah Battery! :rolleyes: I mean come on Apple! The Iphone 5 was thin enough, just give me a bigger battery! :hilarious:
I would have preferred the thickness of the 5 & a bigger battery than aiming for "Its the thinness phone ever" LOL
I can agree with this. Personally to me the 4S was the perfect form factor. I don't need a bigger screen and I don't need a thinner phone. I understand this is what people want though and I am happy they held off on this as long as they did. While I would prefer it be smaller the new smaller size iPhone 6 will be manageable for me. As for battery my only requirement is that it make it through the day other than that I don't care about the specs. Every iPhone has done this in the past and I am hopeful the 6 will stick to that standard.


Well-Known Member
Phone thickness is a non issue anymore buy everyone pushes it like they're the thinnest. Great! Easier to Crack in half! I'd much prefer an additional 500-1000 mAh over .3 mm thinner.
I do laugh whenever I see the Samsung commerical calling Iphone users "wall huggers."
Sadly because I know it to be true.

Most phones are pushing at least 2,200-2,300 mah batteries and Phablets about 3,200 (iphone 6+ is rumored to have a 2,915 mah battery)

I hope they are done with getting thinner. Iphone sizing is fine. Fix the battery darn it!


Well-Known Member
I can agree with this. Personally to me the 4S was the perfect form factor. I don't need a bigger screen and I don't need a thinner phone. I understand this is what people want though and I am happy they held off on this as long as they did. While I would prefer it be smaller the new smaller size iPhone 6 will be manageable for me. As for battery my only requirement is that it make it through the day other than that I don't care about the specs. Every iPhone has done this in the past and I am hopeful the 6 will stick to that standard.
The new iphone 6 is the same size as my current Moto X and while it might be an adjustment for current Iphone users... it isn't that big at all.
I think you will find that 4.7 is a sweet spot sizing wise! ;)

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
I 100% agree that Apple has incredibly crazy cultists. I try and avoid them like the plague. It's like any WDW or Uni fan boi. Everything is awesome and you can't convince them otherwise.

Using the term WDW or UNi fan boi needs to stop. Seriously. It is the most ridiculous thing ever. The term boi is something that 14 year old girls use. The big posters on this forum need to find another way to ridicule people who have a blind love for WDW or Uni.


Premium Member
I do laugh whenever I see the Samsung commerical calling Iphone users "wall huggers."
Sadly because I know it to be true.

Most phones are pushing at least 2,200-2,300 mah batteries and Phablets about 3,200 (iphone 6+ is rumored to have a 2,915 mah battery)

I hope they are done with getting thinner. Iphone sizing is fine. Fix the battery darn it!
Apple strategy is to save power on the CPU, which it looks like they have done in a big way with the a A8. And then go for the smallest battery for size and weight. They like to let others talk about mah in their spec lists.


Well-Known Member
I didn't elaborate on why I feel it's revolution. From a software and technology point of view, I find it outstanding how much original software features and hardware technologies they've managed to put into it. I could list them but there's just so many that it would take me forever to write and post. Maybe later when I have time to kill. Keep in mind that I'm a programmer and I follow technology and software advances. From that perspective, I'm telling you it's revolutionary.

You're probably right on that. I'm not one to dwell on revolutionary things as far as mobile devices & accessories go. I put a great focus on user experience. So I'm sure you are right.

I tend to look at things and admire the new tech behind it but question whether it's useful more than anything.

Like Samsung's use of eye tracking and the new curved display on the Note Edge...o_O it's different but um... functional? not sold yet :hilarious:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I agree with this, some people take things a little too far. I consider myself an Apple fan. I have been using their products long enough to hear the criticism change from they only serve a small niche market and you shouldn't use them because not enough people will make software for their products to everyone has Apple products and you are only using them to be like everyone else. Kind of funny how things have changed so drastically and the one consistent thing is that people want to criticize Apple and it's fans. For me the one and primary consistent thing that makes me a fan is the quality of the products. Over the years they have put out a few things I wasn't too fond off but for the vast majority they hit the nail on the head for what I wanted and was looking for. I won't however blindly follow if they start producing products that don't meet my needs.
I am the same way with MS. My PCs and my gaming rig run great and I love my XB1 and my 360. The only place I diverge is with phones. I have only had Android devices. I would love to have a Windows Phone as it is a great OS, the problem is the lack of name brand apps. Sure I can get a weather app and enough games to keep me entertained for years, but when a company (eg Disney) comes out with a smart phone app, Windows is rarely included.


Well-Known Member
I do laugh whenever I see the Samsung commerical calling Iphone users "wall huggers."
Sadly because I know it to be true.

Most phones are pushing at least 2,200-2,300 mah batteries and Phablets about 3,200 (iphone 6+ is rumored to have a 2,915 mah battery)

I hope they are done with getting thinner. Iphone sizing is fine. Fix the battery darn it!
I think the big factor is using a phone longer than the life of the battery. I always laugh at that commercial too because I see a pretty good mix of phone brands needing to be plugged into walls, not just Apple. I have probably only plugged my phone in while out and about less than 5 times in the past 7 years. It really is a non issue unless your hanging onto an old phone. Battery performance is not just the battery size, Apple puts a LOT of effort into using the battery most efficiently other just throw bigger batteries at the problem. This was the reason Apple never adopted Flash for iOS and the phone industry as a whole really benefited in the end for Apple being able to stick to that.


Well-Known Member
Apple strategy is to save power on the CPU, which it looks like they have done in a big way with the a A8. And then go for the smallest battery for size and weight. They like to let others talk about mah in their spec lists.
Yeah, Apple Specs have never looked good on paper next to the competition. But their overall user experience was always top notch.
I'm still think a bigger battery would go along way, even with the A8. Why not both?
Idc about how thin they can make it, I want it all! I'm just gonna slap a massive case on all my mines anyway :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Apple Specs have never looked good on paper next to the competition. But their overall user experience was always top notch.
I'm still think a bigger battery would go along way, even with the A8. Why not both?
Idc about how thin they can make it, I want it all! I'm just gonna slap a massive case on all my mines anyway :hilarious:
Swappable batteries are pretty awesome too. I can charge mine while using my phone and not have some thick battery case or a cord plugged in while I use it. That for me was the biggest selling point of the galaxy.


Well-Known Member
I think the big factor is using a phone longer than the life of the battery. I always laugh at that commercial too because I see a pretty good mix of phone brands needing to be plugged into walls, not just Apple. I have probably only plugged my phone in while out and about less than 5 times in the past 7 years. It really is a non issue unless your hanging onto an old phone. Battery performance is not just the battery size, Apple puts a LOT of effort into using the battery most efficiently other just throw bigger batteries at the problem. This was the reason Apple never adopted Flash for iOS and the phone industry as a whole really benefited in the end for Apple being able to stick to that.

That first line hits the nail on the head. But I find it sad because using phones longer than the life of the battery has because just about 2 years. When you do have battery problems your options are to become best friends with your phone charger, replace the battery if that is an option, or get a new phone.
Today, an old phone seems to be only two models back.

I can't fully agree on the "Apple puts a LOT of effort into using the battery most efficiently other just throw bigger batteries at the problem."
The number one complaint I hear about Iphones stem from the battery life.

I may be biased... okay I am biased LOL. But I believe the Moto X (gen 1) is by far the best phone as far as battery life goes (2,200 mah battery.) They have a number of new tech ways to save on battery life. Active display is one of the top selling features of the new and old Moto X. (The new Moto X is essentially a Phablet & they are only using a 2,300 mah battery for that.)
I can get about 2 hours of battery life with minimal usage when on 5%. About 45 minutes to an hour with heavy usage on 5%.
I've never found another phone that came close to that.

As far as flash, I'm not sure what you mean by "the phone industry as a whole really benefited in the end for Apple being able to stick to that" :confused:
But androids no longer support flash either.. Do windows devices?

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