"Big" Apple announcement may involve Disney


Well-Known Member
My 2 cents on today's announcements...

I think the new iPhones are evolutionary, not revolutionary. They are playing catch up with the Galaxy, which had the features Apple is now introducing. This is not a bad thing, since now these features will be done "Apple style" and will be accepted by the mainstream. I was hoping that it would include the 3D proximity sensor developed by Prime Sense, a company Apple had purchased a few months ago for $400 million. If it included that technology, then this product would have been revolutionary. I assume now it will have to wait for the iPhone 6S this time next year. I should have known, since the "S" versions of their phones have always included acquired technologies. For example, the 4S introduced SIRI and the 5S introduced the fingerprint reader from Authentech. Both SIRI and Authentech were acquired several months before the "S" versions of the 4 and 5 by Apple for $400 million. By the way, Prime Sense makes the Xbox Kinect sensor.

The Apple Watch, on the other hand, is a truly revolutionary product.
iphones are definitely catching up.
The iPhone 6 has about the same specs as Nexus 4. But at least they are showing signs of being open to change. That alone gives me hope for Apple.
Even galaxy phones get too much credit. Nokia had NFC on phones before anyone.
The note 3 doesn't support tap to pay at all.
Android L takes a page right out of Apple with its new display and notification menus.
HTC One has a finger print scanner.
They all copy each other.

As far as the apple Watch being revolutionary... Can't say I agree or disagree.
Most tech reviews I've read all found it hard to justify the $100 up charge over other smart watches. (And that's just for the smaller base model, no word on the price for the larger or upgraded watches.)
I think the apple watch has its unnecessary gimmicks (like viewing the solar system on a watch, why?)
But for a first watch its good.
But the Moto 360 and Lg G watch R are top notch.


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If only Jobs hadn't suffered his untimely exit...
He picked the right team of people and trained them how to think like him. Steve would be very proud of Tim and the rest of the team if he were alive. Tim is honoring Steve's vision as faithfully as Roy Disney honored his brother's vision. By the way, Roy did not cancel Walt's vision of EPCOT. He delayed it so that he could focus and deliver on Phase I. That said, Roy was very faithful to his brother's vision for the company. In exactly the same way, Tim Cook has been faithful to Steve's vision for Apple.


One Little Spark...
He picked the right team of people and trained them how to think like him. Steve would be very proud of Tim and the rest of the team if he were alive. Tim is honoring Steve's vision as faithfully as Roy Disney honored his brother's vision. By the way, Roy did not cancel Walt's vision of EPCOT. He delayed it so that he could focus and deliver on Phase I. That said, Roy was very faithful to his brother's vision for the company. In exactly the same way, Tim Cook has been faithful to Steve's vision for Apple.
Right. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
As far as the apple Watch being revolutionary... Can't say I agree or disagree.
Most tech reviews I've read all found it hard to justify the $100 up charge over other smart watches. (And that's just for the smaller base model, no word on the price for the larger or upgraded watches.)
I think the apple watch has its unnecessary gimmicks (like viewing the solar system on a watch, why?)
But for a first watch its good.
But the Moto 360 and Lg G watch R are top notch.
As someone who wore an iPod nano as a watch, I'm not really excited about any of the smart watches at the moment. Part of that may well be that I spend a good deal of time in front of screens already. They're just all too big for my tastes. Maybe I'll be interested in the Apple Watch Air when that comes out a few years down the line.

He was definitely inconsistent and bizarre about screen sizes. He also said a 7" tablet wouldn't work.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
iphones are definitely catching up.
The iPhone 6 has about the same specs as Nexus 4. But at least they are showing signs of being open to change. That alone gives me hope for Apple.
Even galaxy phones get too much credit. Nokia had NFC on phones before anyone.
The note 3 doesn't support tap to pay at all.
Android L takes a page right out of Apple with its new display and notification menus.
HTC One has a finger print scanner.
They all copy each other.

As far as the apple Watch being revolutionary... Can't say I agree or disagree.
Most tech reviews I've read all found it hard to justify the $100 up charge over other smart watches. (And that's just for the smaller base model, no word on the price for the larger or upgraded watches.)
I think the apple watch has its unnecessary gimmicks (like viewing the solar system on a watch, why?)
But for a first watch its good.
But the Moto 360 and Lg G watch R are top notch.
I didn't elaborate on why I feel it's revolution. From a software and technology point of view, I find it outstanding how much original software features and hardware technologies they've managed to put into it. I could list them but there's just so many that it would take me forever to write and post. Maybe later when I have time to kill. Keep in mind that I'm a programmer and I follow technology and software advances. From that perspective, I'm telling you it's revolutionary.


One Little Spark...
You know you can't just say something like that being sarcastic without explaining why you think this...
Yes, I can.

But, I'll indulge.

Apple is heading down a "following" path, where they are gonna play "catchup" with Samsung and Google.

To be fair, MS has been so far behind the race that they are a joke at this point.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I can.

But, I'll indulge.

Apple is heading down a "following" path, where they are gonna play "catchup" with Samsung and Google.

To be fair, MS has been so far behind the race that they are a joke at this point.
Apple has never really been the first to do anything. I think there bigger problem recently has been rushing just to get something out. Apple Maps was quite the fiasco. The Podcast app was horrendous. iCloud made syncing between iOS and OS X nicer but wasn't quite ready for prime time as a file system. The new user interface design language still has a lot of gaps to fill, especially on Yosemite.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yes, I can.

But, I'll indulge.

Apple is heading down a "following" path, where they are gonna play "catchup" with Samsung and Google.

To be fair, MS has been so far behind the race that they are a joke at this point.
Well, Jobs did too. He would never release (or announce) hardware without a product that takes full advantage of it. Samsung, for example, lists all these technologies, but the average person really doesn't understand the benefit of these technologies other than it looks better because it's another item listed on the spec sheet. When Apple adds a hardware feature, the product takes full advantage of it and the user can see exactly what it does and its benefits without having technical knowledge or understanding.


One Little Spark...
Well, Jobs did too. He would never release (or announce) hardware without a product that takes full advantage of it. Samsung, for example, lists all these technologies, but the average person really doesn't understand the benefit of these technologies other than it looks better because it's another item listed on the spec sheet. When Apple adds a hardware feature, the product takes full advantage of it and the user can see exactly what it does and its benefits without having technical knowledge or understanding.


One Little Spark...
Apple has never really been the first to do anything. I think there bigger problem recently has been rushing just to get something out. Apple Maps was quite the fiasco. The Podcast app was horrendous. iCloud made syncing between iOS and OS X nicer but wasn't quite ready for prime time as a file system. The new user interface design language still has a lot of gaps to fill, especially on Yosemite.


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Forgive my ignorance, but what is the "Metal" thing they discussed. The live feed kept timing out for me so I never really heard what it was.
iOS 8 will have a new language for game developers that takes full advantage of the 3D 64-bit graphics and gaming accelerator hardware found in the A7 and A8 processors.


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Disney spends a gazillion dollars on Magic Bands and now introduce a technology that's essentially an alternative to it? SMH
No, this supplements it and uses the MM+infrastructure. Actually, the MM+ infrastructure is what makes it possible.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well it is true. :hilarious: Now that Apple is doing it, it will blow up. Apple will take the credit for contactless payment becoming popular. Apple tends to have that affect on things.
Yes! And WDW's investment in MM+ will be looked at as brilliant and cutting age! Oh, brother, what has Apple done! Lol


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I miss the days when Disney made announcements... Will they ever make another announcement ever again? I'm talking theme park announcements other than new parades, retailers, meet and greets, limits time magic gimmicks. When was the last time they announced something new? Avatar? Or was it Disney Springs? And we've been holding on to the edge of our chairs for... what two years now?... waiting like fools for a Star Wars Land announcement to no avail!

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