Well-Known Member
Besides flight of Passage and falcon, what simulators has Disney done recently? And if those are the kind of simulators that Disney makes, I'll take some more, please!
The Peter Pan ride in Tokyo isn't technically a simulator, but it's close enough to being one IMO since it's almost entirely screens.
I also think the Falcon ride is terrible, although they could have probably built a version of it that's pretty good with some different choices (although I think it would always feel like a relatively mediocre video game propped up by the fact you're sitting in the Falcon's cockpit). I waited about 50 minutes to ride it and I'm not sure I'd do it again even as a walk-on; I certainly wouldn't wait in that line again.
Flight of Passage is very good, but I don't think Coco (even the Land of the Dead) lends itself to creating something as good as FoP in simulator form. There aren't many IPs that do.
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