When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
I’m willing to file these under “We’ll see”.Not saying that this info is correct as i'm sort of skeptical of some myself. But I will say that i've seen large info dumps like these including a variety of different attractions. If this came from an imagineer or someone who knows one, a lot of them do talk to one another and share information on each other's projects. Even sometimes creatives working for different competing theme park companies (Disney and Universal often have some overlap in drawing from pools of talent, and quite a number of current Universal creatives are former WDI people from what I understand).
The post about Epic seems a bit sketchy to me. I've heard ample praise for that park, but i'm not sure the opening day roster will have anything with a ton of animatronics. At least not compared to the amount in POTC. I'd also guess they're still going to be screen heavy too. Phase 2 could potentially have some promise in that regard, heard some interesting Luigi-related rumors. But that's a long way out, if it ever actually happens.

I’ll be the first to admit that I have zero insider knowledge.