Best Rain Experience at the Parks??


New Member
Torrential Rain

I was at the World during last week's rain (Feb 22 and 23). When we first arrived to town in the constant drizzle of Friday afternoon, I was so distressed. As a first time visitor, I thought our trip would be ruined. Anyway, we arrived at the MK at about 5:00pm and headed straight for Buzz Lightyear...we rode three times with no wait! We then walked over to Fantasyland and hit the teacups, the carousel, Dumbo, Small World, Peter Pan, Snow White and Ariel in her grotto with no wait at all. Since it was a soft drizzle with temps in the mid 70's, we were loving life. Crowds? I thought to myself...What are those guys on the boards talking about?:confused:

Anyway, we stayed till 8 (2 more rounds of Buzz and a fireworks show later) and went back to the resort (CSR) wet but very happy and filled with Disney magic. We prayed for more rain for the next day.......but maybe we prayed too hard, b/c the monsoon came in overnight!

Saturday morning had us at Donald's Breakfastasaurus bright and early an hour before AK opened. The wind had come in to join the constant rain during the night, so we got pretty wet. Anyway, after breakfast (which was wonderful, btw) we went right to the safari and rode with 3 other people only in our jeep. Well, all of the animals were so happy to be out in the rain that we saw them all. We stopped for long stretches to see many animals in each area, and when I commented on this, the cm said that the only reason she could stop for so long is because there was not a jeep behind her b/c it was waiting for guests! It was awesome.sohappy:

We left there and headed to the Tree for ITTBAB. Boy, we were hoping that there would be a line so we could see the detail around the tree, but no such luck, we walked right into the theater with no line at all. After laughing ourselves silly we went back to Dinoland and did the Dinosaur twice with no wait. Amazing.

After this, we had had enough of the horizontal rain and soaked jeans and underwear and headed back to the resort for a shower and a nap and spent the rest of the evening riding the monorail and visiting the MK resorts for dinner and sightseeing. Now the following three sunny perfect days were also nice, but we have very funny memories of three first-timers in the rain.:sohappy: :


Active Member
Best Rain story...

Epcot started raining and my wife and I got stuck near the restrooms near Germany. Now we realized there was some really good German beer only a short distance away, so we braved the rain and made a mad dash to the beirgarten. We grabbed a table in the small fast food area outside the restaurant (luckly) and at sausage, kraut, and beer. Not too shabby. What makes this story so cool? Well not only was this a surprise rain storm, but also a lightning storm. As we were sitting down we looked out lowards the lagoon and saw a big bolt of lightning strike one of the fireworks barges and set of one lone firework into the air. It was the coolest thing ever and my wife and I will never forget it.:lol:

X Zoe X

New Member
:D My most memerable down pour was last year. we were at Epcot and there had been a very bad drought for ages. We were sat there waiting for i think it was Illuminations to come on and thenit just suddenly started to rain! it was soo heavy i was soaked to my skin! it was soo much fun because we were dancing to the music in the rain and jumping in the puddles and we got some of the really cool bright yellow p onchs!:)


New Member
I've been in WDW throught a lot of rain, but two specific moments stand out.
1. i was on the monorail with my sister going from the Poly to Epcot, and we were looking out the window toward Cinderella Castle, and we noticed that it was raining over there...but it wasn't raining on the monorail...odd.
2. This one is family once went to WDW with my cousin's family, and one day, they were in Epcot and we were at MK. When we met up for dinner, they complained about it raining while they were walking between pavillions in world showcase, but we had nothing to say because it wasn't raining in the Magic Kingdom.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Tramp said: doesn't unscrew, it flips down like the top of a cigarette lighter.......and not for's a nuclear missile was installed during the 25th anniversary while it was covered with that phony cake...if i told you how i know this, i'd have to kill ya....
Wow, this is an OLD thread.

But, I'm glad you revived it, as I missed a really good laugh the first time around. :lol:


Beta Return
I had to scan and see if I posted the first time around, and I hadn't. So, since it's been revived, I'll post my 2 stories.

Story 1
My brother, 2 of our friends and I were there 3 years ago, in late June. We took the MK Ferry from MK to TTC sometime in the afternoon. It started pouring...and I mean POURING - the kind of rain that was falling sideways because of the wind, and so thick that you couldn't see any bank of the lake when in the middle. So, they unloaded at the TTC and a few people got on - we stayed on, figuring we'd wait out the rain on the boat - we had nowhere to be.

The two people went upstairs and one of the crew members came down and chatted with us as we headed to the MK. When we were approaching the MK, he opened the gate - while we headed to the other end for the trip back to the TTC. He went upstairs for the return trip - not seeing us still on the boat.

We were the only ones on the boat - which we thought was odd because someone's ALWAYS leaving the MK. When we approached the TTC, the boat headed to the far right dock - which wasn't really an unload point at all. The crew came down and were shocked that we were still on the boat. Apparently that boat was going out of service for the time being, so they escorted us off the boat, across the little ramp, and down a little sidewalk to the real gate. Somewhat humorous.

Story 2
On that same trip, we were in the MK in the afternoon (go figure) and a similar storm broke out. High winds and thick rain. We came out of Country Bears, and because the rest of the theater was trying to exit behind us, we had no choice but to egress into the storm.

ALL places of shelter along the CBJ row were taken. We ran over to the little lean-to attached to the Turkey Leg booth. Since it was raining sideways, everyone under there got soaked, and the wind was actually cool. So, all the gals who didn't dress appropriately were providing entertainment for us guys, of course...anyway, back on subject...there were branches breaking, props blowing around, etc - it was almost like a mini hurricane. We sloshed and squished our way out once it was over....whew.


New Member
We were staying at the CBR. Had been doing some shopping that morning, came back to the room and started to get ready to go for dinner in Downtown Disney.

Then a tropical thunder storm hit.

Now, we're Irish, and we've certainly seen our fair share of rain here. The ol' Jungle Cruise "Some years, it rains for 365 days!" joke was probably based on us!

But we had never seen anything like Florida storm rain. It was so heavy, we literally could not see the trees about 3 metres from the hallway outside.

That was an incredible experience :D


Well-Known Member
Wow. I have a few rainy day stories.

1. It was a sunny day and everyone was waiting for the SADCT parade. All of a sudden (just as the parade arrived on Main Street) it started to POUR!! No warning whatsoever. People started to dash for the exit (including in front of the floats). Well, by the time the floats reached the exit I (and the performers) were just soaked. And there was no one there- everyone had left. Well, the Aladdin float is coming by. All of a sudden, one of the chimney sweeps comes over, gives me a HUGE wet hug (in the rain:D ) and says "You are the best fan!!" (I saw the parade a lot that year). Sigh!

2. I rode Splash Mountain 5 times in a row 2 different days. Once was by myself and the other was with my friend. I swear I got more wet from the weather then from the ride, Great times!:)


Well-Known Member
rainfully said:
All of my experiences are great Rain experiences. :p

Last week I had my first Rain experience in the parks. It was fun. :sohappy:

Someday I hope to experience Rain at the Spirit of Aloha Dinner Show. :D


Premium Member
About 16 years ago we went down on a family trip I was 12 and my sis was 17. We were allowed off by ourselves (as long as we met up with mom and dad later at a specific time) and we had stood in line at night at Big Thunder for what seemed like forever. Right when we were about to board the cms said that it was raining but they would still run as long as there wasn't lightning. We figured we've stood in line for so long we rode it and it was the best time on Thunder ever. It was dark, and rainy you didn't really know where you were going. FOr us it truly was the wildest ride in the wilderness! Unfortunately for my sis she had mascarra on and it ran and got under her contacts and by the time we were done with the ride we were late for meeting mom and dad. So since we didn't want them to be mad at us for being later I led her by the hand through the rain and through a parade back to the carousel since she was now blind. When we finally got there mom and dad weren't even there so sis had time to fix herself in the bathroom and we ran into a lady from England who had the same contact trouble. By the time sis was done fixing mom and dad still weren't there so we were able to give them the riot act for being late!!


Active Member
Last summer, late June-early July. It rained every day we hit the parks, but it was great. My son and I just slapped hats on and walked through the rain, enjoying a really cheap way to cool down. We were there for two weeks and only had two days without rain. Of course, Dennis chased us out of Florida one day early.

The same strategy backfired months later after standing in Hurricane Wilma's rains and then catching a massive head cold that dogged me for two weeks. The trip still was worth it. :D


New Member
2004 we were in Epcot for Illuminations and there were very few people watching it. Probably less than 500. It was pouring all day so I guess nobody really wanted to go out again. We were able to watch Illuminations from the dock near Italy.


On one of our mid-summer trips it started pouring while we were at Epcot. I had never been in rain that hard before. We bought ponchos but the rain was so strong that we still were soaked anyway. My feet kept sliding out of my flip flops and I kept slipping on the cement. Since we were soaked to the bone anyway, we just took off our ponchos and walked around world showcase in the downpour. After a quick trip back to the hotel for a shower and nap, the sun came out and it was beautiful the rest of the day.


Account Suspended
Scooter said:
Best Rain experiance?


Magic Kingdom

3:00 PM

95º heat

Lots of Women in white Tank tops

No Bras

Sudden downpour

I Love Florida!!

Nuff said:dazzle: :) :D :zipit: :fork:

Have you ever noticed the ratio of ugly people to attractive people at Disney World though? It's crazy. I always get a huge confidence boost when I'm there for that reason.


New Member
The first thing we do when we get into a Disney Theme park is buy a poncho. We carry them with us wherever we go. This became the tradition after experiencing a good soaking in the Animal Kingdom during one trip.

It was right after Trazan Rocks. We were still under the roof as the sky began to open up. I decided that we should make a run for it because I was certain a shop was right around the corner and we could get a poncho.

We were so drenched that we had to go back to the resort to change, so that we could come back into Animal kingdom for dinner. We laughed about it and made sure that we always carried a poncho. We almost look forward to the rain.

The past 2 trips have yielded little rain....enough for some of us to let our guard down.

One night, we were sitting in our seats waiting for Fantasmic to begin. Early, I asked if everyone had their poncho. I was told that it wouldn't be necessary as it hadn't rain all week.

Well, wouldn't you know that it started to rain...light at first. I pulled out my poncho and put it on. It started to rain harder and my wife got in on the left side. The two pre-teens wearing fresh face paint tried to fit on my right.

It was only a light rain that lasted maybe 5 minutes, but in the end, as everyone retreated from the safety of my poncho...I look over and see my daughter with face paint unmarred, and somewhat dry...her cousin, however, was sitting there with black and colorful streaks, streaming down her unsmiling face and drenched.

My daughter had hogged all the cover...

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