Best Rain Experience at the Parks??


a few years ago, a good friend and I were celebrating his 30th birthday (and Cinco de Mayo) by drinking around the world at Epcot. We started in Canada and by the time we were at the Rose & Crown the sky was beginning to darken so we walked in, ordered black & tans, and grabbed a table. Sure enough, within minutes it was POURING rain and the place started to crowd up..(and yes...plenty of women...plenty of tank tops...) We met so many people that day who came and sat at our table and just chatted, and then people in the pub started singing songs and having a great time. We were there for about 90 minutes-two hours...everything was great! Can't wait for it to happen like that again ! :dazzle:

Luau Cove

New Member
Originally posted by Maria

Maybe you follow the same pattern and are by Germany at around 4pm.... that´s usually when the rain comes in the summer! haha :D ;)

Don't say it twice! Nah, but the thing here is that this happened to me winter time, too.


New Member
...we were there when that hurricane roared through a few years ago...can't remember the name of it...

...but the day/night before there were torrential downpours and one was at the Park...and the CMs were scrambling to dismantle anything they was amazing how much they disassembled, only to reassemble it after the hurricane......they put all the hotel lawn/pool furniture into the pools...

...the hurricane hit the next day... was one of the very few times the Park closed.

..we've also been caught at the Marketplace when a mini tornado touched down, toppling several trees along the hotel blvd ...doing some damage to the dock and boats...and knocking out the power for a short time. That was kinda scary to witness.


New Member
It was september 15th, 99. The hurricane I think was Floyd, or Lloyd or something like that...

I was in trainning for GR and we were sent home at noon. The buses stopped running from our housing to the parks, only ran from the parks to housing and resorts. We stayed home and had very mild showers. We were all playing outside... bored! lol :D


Well-Known Member
i miss working in the rain. cause i could sing that great musical title song "singing in the rain" but our custodial host version of "Sweeping in the rain." My cocastmember robbie and i would sing and dance and joke around with the castmembers huddling in the innoventions breezeway. A captive audience who wanted to be entertained. It was a dream come true for a goofball/dork custodial host.
:hammer: :lol: :cool:


New Member
lol! that´s the entertainment under the breezeways: custodial! :lol: ;)

I also liked "The jammitors"! Everytime I worked there, they would surprise me with the banging of those trash cans! When they did it under the breezeway, they were so loud! :)


Original Poster
I'm really enjoying all these stories! It's getting me in the mood for my trip, 22 days to go! As to hurricanes, I read in one of the guidebooks that they can unscrew the top offf the castle in case of hurricane, can that possibly be true and have they ever actually done it?


Active Member
My favorite rain experience was in friend and I decided to ride Splash Mountain. When we went in, it wasn't raining. When we went down the big hill, it was pouring outside. At first, we just thought we got really soaked from the splash. When we got off the ride, there was a CM from New Orleans selling Mickey ponchos ( looking back, I don't know why we bought them since we were already soaked!). Then the fireworks began and we just stayed right there looking up at the was beautiful!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Grumpy56
I'm really enjoying all these stories! It's getting me in the mood for my trip, 22 days to go! As to hurricanes, I read in one of the guidebooks that they can unscrew the top offf the castle in case of hurricane, can that possibly be true and have they ever actually done it?

This is what we call a rumor. Much like the thought of Walt Disney being frozen, this information is false.


New Member
Romantic Rain Delay!!!

It was my first trip to WDW since I was 11 years old. (I am now 21) I was with my boyfriend (who is a WDW nut), walking hang in hand through Magic Kingdom, when the sky opened up. Instead of peeking out from under an overhang...we skipped through the rain, splashing in puddles and laughing out loud! As soon as we got outside the gates of the park...we both stopped...caught our breath and shared a sweet, romantic kiss! :kiss: It was definitely one of my most memorable moments of the whole trip!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Can't wait to go back...18 days and counting!!!


New Member
Originally posted by Grumpy56
I read in one of the guidebooks that they can unscrew the top offf the castle in case of hurricane, can that possibly be true and have they ever actually done it? doesn't unscrew, it flips down like the top of a cigarette lighter.......and not for's a nuclear missile was installed during the 25th anniversary while it was covered with that phony cake...if i told you how i know this, i'd have to kill ya...

...only here in this forum will you learn the not depend on those misguided guidebooks.

:hammer: ....i need an aspirin.


New Member
Originally posted by Tramp doesn't unscrew, it flips down like the top of a cigarette lighter.......and not for's a nuclear missile was installed during the 25th anniversary while it was covered with that phony cake...if i told you how i know this, i'd have to kill ya...

...only here in this forum will you learn the not depend on those misguided guidebooks.

Ah ha! I knew there was a reason why the 25th anniversary decorations were made so colorfully blinding that people were supposed to look away!:lol:


New Member
I just remembered that once, maybe 4 or 5 years ago, we were visiting Typhoon Lagoon on summer, and suddenly a mass of clouds blocked the sun and a typical Florida tropical storm started. We all thought that this was going to last some minutes, but the storm grew bigger and all visitors were stuck under the parasols near Humunga Kawabunga zone. We had to wait like an hour til the storm passed, we were really afraid cause the summer before we had suffered the Saint Andrews Hurricane, and we didn't want another of those...

I had the same exact thing happen there when i was like 8.


Original Poster
Originally posted by Tramp doesn't unscrew, it flips down like the top of a cigarette lighter.......and not for's a nuclear missile was installed during the 25th anniversary while it was covered with that phony cake...if i told you how i know this, i'd have to kill ya...

...only here in this forum will you learn the not depend on those misguided guidebooks.

:hammer: ....i need an aspirin.

I am beginning to see the wisdom of your words, this forum is providiing ALL kinds of interesting information, not to mention a few good laughs. Thanks!:animwink:


New Member
hmm my best rain experience. I have two the first one was we where on the wedway, and boom an august storm hit. We watched people run like ants for shelter etc. We rode that until the storm stopped it was cool we stayed dry etc had a blast.

My second would be this past weekend 2.23.02 Florida was hit with like a 48 hour shower not heavy rain just slow to mild constant rain.WELL that didnt stop me from going to the park. The park was empty no wait for any rides. I walked onto pooh, and Splash Mountain. Ah I am going for now on when ever we have another cold front coming in LOL :)

If ya would like to see a shot go to this thread


Original Poster
Originally posted by orlpassholder
hmm my best rain experience. I have two the first one was we where on the wedway, and boom an august storm hit. We watched people run like ants for shelter etc. We rode that until the storm stopped it was cool we stayed dry etc had a blast.

My second would be this past weekend 2.23.02 Florida was hit with like a 48 hour shower not heavy rain just slow to mild constant rain.WELL that didnt stop me from going to the park. The park was empty no wait for any rides. I walked onto pooh, and Splash Mountain. Ah I am going for now on when ever we have another cold front coming in LOL :)

If ya would like to see a shot go to this thread

What fun! It was reading your trip report that got me thinking about our great times there in the rain. I am going in 3 weeks and I hope it rains at least once while we are there!


New Member
Re: Romantic Rain Delay!!!

Originally posted by CinderellaXoXo
It was my first trip to WDW since I was 11 years old. (I am now 21) I was with my boyfriend (who is a WDW nut), walking hang in hand through Magic Kingdom, when the sky opened up. Instead of peeking out from under an overhang...we skipped through the rain, splashing in puddles and laughing out loud! As soon as we got outside the gates of the park...we both stopped...caught our breath and shared a sweet, romantic kiss! :kiss: It was definitely one of my most memorable moments of the whole trip!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Can't wait to go back...18 days and counting!!!

I love that story, that is so sweet. I hope you enjoy your upcoming trip and maybe you'll share another romantic moment like that. Oh...the things we do when were young *sighs* and you're STILL young, so enjoy!!!!

Luau Cove

New Member
Originally posted by JBloom1029
I just remembered that once, maybe 4 or 5 years ago, we were visiting Typhoon Lagoon on summer, and suddenly a mass of clouds blocked the sun and a typical Florida tropical storm started. We all thought that this was going to last some minutes, but the storm grew bigger and all visitors were stuck under the parasols near Humunga Kawabunga zone. We had to wait like an hour til the storm passed, we were really afraid cause the summer before we had suffered the Saint Andrews Hurricane, and we didn't want another of those...

I had the same exact thing happen there when i was like 8.

And that was how many years ago?



New Member
One night my family and I got to MK right as the night parade ended and before the fireworks were going to start. A storm pushed through, and they delayed the fireworks for a while. We first went to Pirates and there was no line and after we got off the fireworks started......sorry to long of intro.... the best rain experience was that night we went to Snow White because there was no one there and rode twice in a row without getting off, it was fun since I hadn't been on it since I was 3. My vote for 2nd best "cardboard" (as me and my brother like to call darkrides) rides, only behind the Alice in Wonderland ride in DL, though I haven't been on Pooh and Peter Pan is definitely cool.


New Member
Spaceship Earth

Im sure you all knew this, but Spaceship Earth is made so that it traps the rain water and runs it down through passageways near the outside layer of "skin" and is used to replenish the wells, which in turn replenishes the lagoons! I thought that was kind of neat! I guess my favorite rain experience was when we were under spaceship earth and all of a sudden there was a downpour and it was so funny to watch the people run for their lives as if they were going to melt! Then people tried to cut in line to get under the dome, a lot of people were unhappy about that, but the people were cool and just stood there, they didnt move with the rest of the line.

Verrryyyy Interesttttiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggggggggg.

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