Beastly Kingdom Approved?


Well-Known Member
Beastlie Kingdomme is a project name...there are very few attractions which keep their project names...especially at Animal the 1998 Birnbaum's book and look at some of the attraction names for Animal Kingdom...this new land will not have this name, as it does not fit in with Animal Kingdom, where every land is a town. I still say they will call this land Camelot...

Don L Duck

New Member
Originally posted by DogsRule!
Beastlie Kingdomme is a project name...there are very few attractions which keep their project names...especially at Animal the 1998 Birnbaum's book and look at some of the attraction names for Animal Kingdom...this new land will not have this name, as it does not fit in with Animal Kingdom, where every land is a town. I still say they will call this land Camelot...
Why do you think Camelot?

Luau Cove

New Member
I think Disney has it reasons for not making another monorail line to MGM or AK. They are not dumbasses. They know people love the monorail and that a shortcut to the two other theme parks would be celebrated by everyone, so I really don't think they are just saving the money or something, there must be some reasons why a monorail isn't convenient right there, right now.



Well-Known Member
Camelot is a land of dragons and mythological creatures and it would make for a great nighttime show featuring Merlin...which Animal Kingdom desperately needs (a nighttime show, that is).


New Member
I think that Camalot is a great name for the land. The only thing is, is they plan to make a dragon coaster then not to make it similar to Dueling Dragons (IOA, DD is a great ride!). Im sure Universal will do some complaning if they do.


Well-Known Member
Its not going to be "Beastly Kingdom"...

Its going to be "Beastlie Kingdome" or something like that..spelled very "mythical"


I wish they would expand the monorail, but it is very unlikely that they will because I remember Eisner once saying that he wished the Magic Kingdom would have been built with a parking lot right in front of it instead of having to take the monorail to get to it.


Well-Known Member
The monorail isnt Eisners with all major issues..its voted on..

The monorail expansion will never happen because tyler said..they dont need it. It costs a LOT of money to build a new monorail route....and thats money that could be going to new rides, advertising, or maintenence.

Not to mention that Animal Kingom isnt open that a monorail to it would be next to pointless....

And MGM really doesnt have the space for it...youd have to walk a very long distance between a monorail station and the gate...not really worth it.

Does this mean it will NEVER happen....of course not. The floating rumor of a new TTC is still semi valid..and you know that they will plan ahead "just in case" for a route to all parks (and future ones)..


New Member
Hope this isn’t just another rumor...:rolleyes:

Remember all the rumor of the big announcement on the 18th...:(
Those sure came true...:veryconfu



Well-Known Member
The monorail expansion will never happen because tyler said..they dont need it. It costs a LOT of money to build a new monorail route....and thats money that could be going to new rides, advertising, or maintenence.

I'm sure glad the Disney company didn't have this attitude in the late 70's. We would have never got the first expansion of the monorail system to EPCOT. Shoot, they even built the monorail before the park was finished so you could ride it and watch the construction progress!

The good news is that the "source" of this rumor has been very reliable in the past. He was the first to break the news of COP and Timekeeper closings. Also the first to break news of resort closings. That is good news.

I'm not going to get my hopes up though. Been waiting for BK since 1998. Waiting for Monorail expansion since 1989 (MGM).
Time will tell......


Original Poster
Has AK changed at all since 1999. I last visited AK during the summer of 1999 and I didn't like it at all. We have never returned since then and used the extra day to park hop over to epcot to catch two shows of Illuminations, if this is true then there will be something to do in AK, other than taking the safari, fighting the heat, and watching the shows.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by space42

I'm sure glad the Disney company didn't have this attitude in the late 70's. We would have never got the first expansion of the monorail system to EPCOT. Shoot, they even built the monorail before the park was finished so you could ride it and watch the construction progress!

This is because... originally..epcot was going to be put on the lagoon next to the the monorail was built into the design because it would pass right thru there anyway the project got bigger (when they combined futureworld with world showcase)..they needed a new place to put the park..farther away from the MK, but the monorail fit in so well that they kept it. of now..the monorails are 'free"..disney has been trying to find a way to justify having people pay for them to pay for their high running costs and construction until we start shellout out cash DIRECTLY to a monorail system..i dont see it happening.


Original Poster
I agree with nowinc it's kinda difficult to convince the average joe to pay for monorail after paying 50+ dollars for the single day ticket and 200+ dollars for the park hopper tickets.



New Member
I think it would be easily justifiable to charge for the monorail. If the new TTC was built South of Epcot and all guest parking (except resort) was consolidated there, Disney could just charge a combined "Monorail/Guest Parking" fee. With that pass, you could use monorail service from the central TTC to all the theme parks, major resorts, Downtown Disney, etc. Yes, the cost for guests would be higher, but then you wouldn't have to worry about transportation at all. You drop you car off, and forget about for your entire stay, while the Monorail whisks you quietly and efficiently anywhere on resort property. Yes, the enital costs would be titanic, and the capital needed may not exist, but in the long run it would definitely pay off. Monorails use less energy, there will be less-wear on WDW roads and highways with eliminating most to all of the buses, monorails can be in serivce longer, etc. If the Disney Board had some real foresight and imaginiation this project would have been completely with the opening of Animal Kingdom. It is a superb idea, albeit costly, to have one central hub, with beamways shooting off to all areas of the property.

Finally, the project could be completed in phases to cut costs. First the new TTC would be built. Next, a line would connect to the MK loop, and the old TTC could be demolished. Next, EPCOT and its resorts would be connected, and the EPCOT parking would be removed and made into greenspace. Then Downtown Disney, MGM, AK and their respective resorts could be connected as finances become available. Besides, Bombardier wouldn't be able to fulfill the needs for monorail trains in a short period of time. The Walt Disney Company just has to open its eyes, and dare to take risks again. WDW must remain a model for the way the world should be run. WDW used to be as close as you could get to utopia,however, now its once masterful logistical/transport system is ailing. IT MUST BE FIXED; HEAR ME EISNER AND HEAR ME WELL!!!!

<end rant>


Well-Known Member
In theory however, you can leave your car NOW and not worry about transportation all day...the busses go everywhere...all resorts..all parks....even a new monorail system wouldnt be able to do that.

Disney will not build the new system in phases..they will do it in an "all or nothing" way..because they know as much as we all do..that although something is possible may not be so easy TOMMOROW.


New Member
As much as I love the monorail I agree that charging guests to ride them would be out of the question. I for one would not want to go pay $110.00 plus a night for a hotel, pay all that money for passes and then have to pay to use there transportation. In my mind that would be too much. The magic of Disney is great but there is a limit of what I am willing to shell out my hard earned money for.

Also I don't think that with Universal having to great parks up the road a way that they can afford to take any chances in losing guests to them.


Well-Known Member
>>>In theory however, you can leave your car NOW and not worry about transportation all day...the busses go everywhere...all resorts..all parks<<<

The bus system sucks and congests the highways, it is a complete mess. It's sad to say, but unless a monorail goes to it, I drive to my destinations on property. It usually only takes half the time as the bus system "should," not even considering how poorly it runs in reality. Granted, I've seen the monorail on it's bad days too, but for all intents and purposes the monorail system is much more efficient, and would prove to be much more efficient than the current system.

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