Baby Magicers


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Well, as some know, I've got a little Custodial on the way. And yesterday, I learned that there's another dear WDWMagicer with a bun in the oven. So it got me thinking. Since Steve started this little merry Disney band, we've seen people come and go. Some members already came with the backseat filled with tykes, while others started their families while already visiting the boards. So I decided to open this thread to focus all our child needs in one place, a way to keep track of eachother's families, being that we're one big, happy, disfunctional family ourselves. :hammer:

Anyways, to start off this baby book, I've got for you little Peter or Mariana's first pics. We still don't know if it's a he or a she (the doc wasn't willing to peek :mad: ). The baby is 12 weeks and 4 days old. I was very impressed with the definition of the sonogram. We were able to see fingers, toes and everything.



Well-Known Member
That's a GREAT set of ultrasounds! :eek: So clear! And Roddy, don't be too mad, he/she is too little to tell for sure right now anyhow. :)

Wait... is that another one I see hiding back there?! :eek: :lookaroun

j/k :p :lol: :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Wow, those ultrasounds are great! I am so impressed- I only got one ultrasound with each of my kids and it was much later in the game....


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MouseMadness said:
Wait... is that another one I see hiding back there?! :eek: :lookaroun

Hey, don't you try getting me to join your baby-making club! I've got the thing right here and it says "only fetus". So there! :p

I gotta admit, though, that there was some chance of twins, and I was freaking out! :lol:


New Member
Wow! clear pics. To me those shots usually look like one of those psychiatrist tests when they show a blobby shape and decide if you are sane or not based upon what you think the blob looks like!


Well-Known Member
Aurora_25 said:
Wow, those ultrasounds are great! I am so impressed- I only got one ultrasound with each of my kids and it was much later in the game....

I think it depends on your insurance for how many ultrasounds they will pay for, and when they should be performed. I got two for each of mine, one at my first visit, and one much later. :)


New Member
WOW- freakishly clear! I saw a sonogram of my now-seven year old brother and I could barely see anything. Technology has sure changed alot in the past 8 years.


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
I think it depends on your insurance for how many ultrasounds they will pay for, and when they should be performed. I got two for each of mine, one at my first visit, and one much later. :)

Ahh, got it- when I had a miscarraige I had about 7 ultrasounds in 3 weeks!! :eek: I guess they wanted to make sure or something....


Active Member
Wow- those are really clear. When my sister had her baby, the sonograms were no where near as clear as those. But luckily, she has an adorable little girl now. Turned 10 months old on Monday.


Well-Known Member
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MouseMadness said:
I think it depends on your insurance for how many ultrasounds they will pay for, and when they should be performed. I got two for each of mine, one at my first visit, and one much later. :)

I don't think it's like that down here. I mean, it's standard to have one every month and the insurance company damn well better pay for it! :lol:


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
I think it depends on your insurance for how many ultrasounds they will pay for, and when they should be performed. I got two for each of mine, one at my first visit, and one much later. :)
Here, it depends on your practice. Some do one at first visit and one later. Some only do the one at about 19-21 wks. Of course, if there's a problem, they do more.

Great pics! You are so lucky to be getting them every month!


Well-Known Member
pinkrose said:
Here, it depends on your practice. Some do one at first visit and one later. Some only do the one at about 19-21 wks. Of course, if there's a problem, they do more.

Right, because that's what insurance will pay for. :animwink: :lol: :p


MKCustodial said:
Well, as some know, I've got a little Custodial on the way. And yesterday, I learned that there's another dear WDWMagicer with a bun in the oven.

That's me :D

I'm right at that magical 12 week mark, so I feel a bit safer announcing this beyond my "I'm getting fat" user title :lol:

So far, so good... :sohappy:


Premium Member
Erika said:
That's me :D

I'm right at that magical 12 week mark, so I feel a bit safer announcing this beyond my "I'm getting fat" user title :lol:

So far, so good... :sohappy:



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Erika said:
That's me :D

I'm right at that magical 12 week mark, so I feel a bit safer announcing this beyond my "I'm getting fat" user title :lol:

So far, so good... :sohappy:

I was wondering when you'd show up... :lol:

On other news, we're having another sonogram Saturday, and hopefully we'll find out if it's Peter or Mariana.


Well-Known Member
Erika said:
That's me :D

I'm right at that magical 12 week mark, so I feel a bit safer announcing this beyond my "I'm getting fat" user title :lol:

So far, so good... :sohappy:

Erika, I didn't know! Congratualtions!! :sohappy:


New Member
MKCustodial said:
I don't think it's like that down here. I mean, it's standard to have one every month and the insurance company damn well better pay for it! :lol:

Yeah, that's an advantage of living in Brazil. (You see, guys? I can see advantages of living down here!!! :lol: )

When I was pregnant I was so damn curious to know the ______ of the baby, because I wanted a girl so much.... the name had already been chosen and everything, and if it were a boy I would have to get used to the idea, and plan everything again... The first ultrasound didn't show anything. (well, she didn't wanna show anything, the doctor tried to poke her to see if she changed the position, she kicked back and didn't turn!!!) I had a second ultrasound less than a week after, and we could clearly see that it was a girl. I was soooo happy!!!

Hey, Rodrigo! Pedro and Mariana are beautiful names!

CONGRATULATIONS, Erika!!!!!!! Best wishes for you and your baby!!!! :kiss:

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