Awful guest behavior


Well-Known Member
good reason to force them to transfer to a standard wheelchair before getting into a wheelchair-configured ride?
The key word there is "force". The reason for ADA was to level the playing field and not to make other burdensome requirements to allow them to participate. They do, on many of the rides require that they are able to transfer, but, asking people to leave their comfort zone just to not have to stop a ride, is, in my mind, quite extreme and unacceptable. For safety purposes, sure, but, not to just stop a minor inconvenience for others. They are doing what they need to do now and until something is invented that covers all possibilities, I don't see any real good alternatives. Maybe someday that will be a focus for imagineering, but, I don't see it happening very soon.


Well-Known Member
Last Sept, we took our 90 and 86 yr old moms to WDW. Both are widows and had not been in 20 or 30 years. They had a BLAST! We rented wheelchairs since neither is able to walk or stand for any length of time, and we were grateful for the way WDW accommodated them. They loved the Haunted House in particular and talked about how it brought back memories of taking us as kids.

I have absolutely no problem with rides slowing or even stopping to allow handicapped persons to board safely. Every time I get in a Doom Buggy, I hope it stops or slows since it gives me a chance to really take in details.

One day, I might need the CM to slow the ramp a bit for me!


Well-Known Member
I am amazed that people would be upset of a slowdown or periodic stop in the HM. I love it. We had a 15 minute stop by Leota. It was so cool to take everything in.


Active Member
This isn't related to HM, as most of this discussion seems to have focused on, but I had an experience on LM that really burned my butt. I was on the ride with my epileptic friend and daughter with light-sensitive migraines when the family in the shells next to us kept taking one flash pic after another. Literally. Not just one here and there, but multiple pics of every scene. Thinking my friend could have a seizure or my child could get a migraine, I asked them, "hey, do you mind toning it down? There are health concerns." One of the woman with a camera looked at me, pointed it directly at us and proceeded to snap one flash photo after another until the ride came to an end. They unloaded and ran, leaving the only man in the group to deal with me. I tried to explain my position to him, but he took the opportunity to yell at me about what an awful mother I was for allowing my children (my friend also has CF and looks very child-like for age) to get on such an attraction (this is all in front of my daughter). I was fuming and did very well to hold my tongue from unleashing a tirade of expletives or any other family theme park inappropriate behavior. Some other guests came up behind me and ran him off, but jeez was he rude. My friend had also gotten a cast member during all this, fearing I was about to become involved in some altercation, who very sweetly apologized and offered us another ride.


Premium Member
This isn't related to HM, as most of this discussion seems to have focused on, but I had an experience on LM that really burned my butt. I was on the ride with my epileptic friend and daughter with light-sensitive migraines when the family in the shells next to us kept taking one flash pic after another. Literally. Not just one here and there, but multiple pics of every scene. Thinking my friend could have a seizure or my child could get a migraine, I asked them, "hey, do you mind toning it down? There are health concerns." One of the woman with a camera looked at me, pointed it directly at us and proceeded to snap one flash photo after another until the ride came to an end. They unloaded and ran, leaving the only man in the group to deal with me. I tried to explain my position to him, but he took the opportunity to yell at me about what an awful mother I was for allowing my children (my friend also has CF and looks very child-like for age) to get on such an attraction (this is all in front of my daughter). I was fuming and did very well to hold my tongue from unleashing a tirade of expletives or any other family theme park inappropriate behavior. Some other guests came up behind me and ran him off, but jeez was he rude. My friend had also gotten a cast member during all this, fearing I was about to become involved in some altercation, who very sweetly apologized and offered us another ride.

What jerks! (The people using the flash, not you.) Congrats on holding yourself back, hopefully karma got them in the end.


Well-Known Member
This isn't related to HM, as most of this discussion seems to have focused on, but I had an experience on LM that really burned my butt. I was on the ride with my epileptic friend and daughter with light-sensitive migraines when the family in the shells next to us kept taking one flash pic after another. Literally. Not just one here and there, but multiple pics of every scene. Thinking my friend could have a seizure or my child could get a migraine, I asked them, "hey, do you mind toning it down? There are health concerns." One of the woman with a camera looked at me, pointed it directly at us and proceeded to snap one flash photo after another until the ride came to an end. They unloaded and ran, leaving the only man in the group to deal with me. I tried to explain my position to him, but he took the opportunity to yell at me about what an awful mother I was for allowing my children (my friend also has CF and looks very child-like for age) to get on such an attraction (this is all in front of my daughter). I was fuming and did very well to hold my tongue from unleashing a tirade of expletives or any other family theme park inappropriate behavior. Some other guests came up behind me and ran him off, but jeez was he rude. My friend had also gotten a cast member during all this, fearing I was about to become involved in some altercation, who very sweetly apologized and offered us another ride.

That's why I carry a small LED flash light with a narrow focus beam. They start flashing the camera and I shine it in their faces and don't stop until the ride is over. If I am going to miss the ride because I am getting blinded then they are too.


Well-Known Member
I was young when this happened (maybe 10-12), but my mom and I saw some dude and his kid leave their Splash boat in the middle of the ride. I'm really fuzzy on the details, but my mom swears by it.

I just don't get the mindset you have to be in to do that. When is that EVER okay?


Active Member
There are morons everywhere:

Last trip to WDW I saw what looked to be a perfectly fit adult kick an elderly woman in his party out of her wheelchair so that he could be pushed around.

My last trip to Universal, a family let their son throw ketchup packets on the floor and start stomping on them.


Well-Known Member
This isn't related to HM, as most of this discussion seems to have focused on, but I had an experience on LM that really burned my butt. I was on the ride with my epileptic friend and daughter with light-sensitive migraines when the family in the shells next to us kept taking one flash pic after another. Literally. Not just one here and there, but multiple pics of every scene. Thinking my friend could have a seizure or my child could get a migraine, I asked them, "hey, do you mind toning it down? There are health concerns." One of the woman with a camera looked at me, pointed it directly at us and proceeded to snap one flash photo after another until the ride came to an end. They unloaded and ran, leaving the only man in the group to deal with me. I tried to explain my position to him, but he took the opportunity to yell at me about what an awful mother I was for allowing my children (my friend also has CF and looks very child-like for age) to get on such an attraction (this is all in front of my daughter). I was fuming and did very well to hold my tongue from unleashing a tirade of expletives or any other family theme park inappropriate behavior. Some other guests came up behind me and ran him off, but jeez was he rude. My friend had also gotten a cast member during all this, fearing I was about to become involved in some altercation, who very sweetly apologized and offered us another ride.

Oh hell no... I don't know how you restrained your self, or launage. I would have chased one of those women down, and God only knows what would have happened. That is so damn rude. I'm actually very mad right now. I can't believe some people's ignorance nowadays. One time I was in line for pirates of the Caribbean and there were five teenagers in front of me using very bad language. At this time I didn't have a kid yet, but there were a lot of young children in line. After about the 10th f word, I had to speak up. I told them watch your mouth there are kids around. They all turned and looked at me, like what are you going to do. Now keep in mind, I'm only 5 7', but I have never backed down to anyone. So I lost it, I said, if you don't turn around and show some respect I will teach you some, maybe not the nicest thing to say, but I'm from Jersey, and you can only image the fights that go down at Six Flags. I was waiting for the fists to start flying, but nope, 3 of them said sorry while the other 2 said chill man. Glad it didn't escalate any further, but boy was I mad

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
That's why I carry a small LED flash light with a narrow focus beam. They start flashing the camera and I shine it in their faces and don't stop until the ride is over. If I am going to miss the ride because I am getting blinded then they are too.


Well-Known Member
I went with my family in May of 2014. One day, we were at DHS. Some of us went to Voyage Of The Little Mermaid. There was a person in front of us who clearly didn't care about following the no flash photography rule. They were holding up their iPad and my Dad said several times that flash photography wasn't permitted. Inside my head I'm screaming "What part of no flash photography do you not understand?!?". Thankfully, the person eventually complied.


I went with my family in May of 2014. One day, we were at DHS. Some of us went to Voyage Of The Little Mermaid. There was a person in front of us who clearly didn't care about following the no flash photography rule. They were holding up their iPad and my Dad said several times that flash photography wasn't permitted. Inside my head I'm screaming "What part of no flash photography do you not understand?!?". Thankfully, the person eventually complied.

Don't you kind of wish they'd dropped the iPad in the water???

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