Awful guest behavior

Ariel Savage

Active Member
This may be straying a bit, but it sickens me the way the Mansion ride stops so often. The last time I visited WDW and rode Mansion, it stopped every single time. During one ride, it stopped THREE TIMES. When I got off I went to a CM and asked her about it. She got this pained look on her face and said that they have to stop the ride so that people with wheelchairs and scooters can board.

That ride was never designed to be run like that. Accommodating EVERYONE just ruins the experience for everyone and disrespects the narrative the Imagineers so carefully crafted. It's bad enough everyone is rushed through the foyer and misses the opening narration and the changing portrait, all so that capacity numbers can be met. I think I can safely say that Walt would have a fit over this. He once got mad when he slipped into a Jungle Cruise boat and it went through the ride too fast. He scolded the ride operator, saying "I couldn't tell if I was seeing rhinos or elephants!" and made the ride operators slow it down. How I wish TDO was run by someone WHO CARES AND APPRECIATES THE PARK INSTEAD OF ABUSING THE RIDES AND CHEATING THE GUESTS!

There. Now I feel better.

Everyone blames the frequent stopping on wheelchairs and scooters. Here's the thing: I travel to WDW with a person who uses a wheelchair (in her daily life, not just at the world) and they have NEVER, EVER stopped or even slowed down the ride to accommodate her. We hop on as best we can. What I have noticed is that a lot of families disregard the CM's directions at splitting parties and instead of fitting a family of 5 into 2 doom buggies, they disregard the CM and all squeeze into one. The CM at the next check point notices this and STOPS the ride. I've seen this happen several times during my trips. I've also seen a mother holding two kids get tripped up when trying to hop on and have seen them slow the ride down because she almost fell with a baby in her arms. It really irks me that wheelchairs always get blamed. There is no way they stop the ride and wait for 10 minutes for a guest to get on. In fact, if you look at certain rides you'll notice there's a "practice car" outside where you're meant to practice getting in and out. For instance, the one at Expedition Everest has a sign that says you have to be able to get in and out of the car within one minute if you want to ride. And please, if you've seen this happen, if you've seem them stop a ride for a wheelchair, let me know because I would love to ruin your trip for you if it means I can enjoy a ride with my family.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Everyone blames the frequent stopping on wheelchairs and scooters. Here's the thing: I travel to WDW with a person who uses a wheelchair (in her daily life, not just at the world) and they have NEVER, EVER stopped or even slowed down the ride to accommodate her. We hop on as best we can. What I have noticed is that a lot of families disregard the CM's directions at splitting parties and instead of fitting a family of 5 into 2 doom buggies, they disregard the CM and all squeeze into one. The CM at the next check point notices this and STOPS the ride. I've seen this happen several times during my trips. I've also seen a mother holding two kids get tripped up when trying to hop on and have seen them slow the ride down because she almost fell with a baby in her arms. It really irks me that wheelchairs always get blamed. There is no way they stop the ride and wait for 10 minutes for a guest to get on. In fact, if you look at certain rides you'll notice there's a "practice car" outside where you're meant to practice getting in and out. For instance, the one at Expedition Everest has a sign that says you have to be able to get in and out of the car within one minute if you want to ride. And please, if you've seen this happen, if you've seem them stop a ride for a wheelchair, let me know because I would love to ruin your trip for you if it means I can enjoy a ride with my family.

Well, isn't that sweet of you. Did you actually read my post, or are you just in a y mood? The CM at the Haunted Mansion told me that the reason the ride was being stopped so often was because of handicapped access. I'm sorry I don't have her name or phone number or address so that you can contact and b*tch at her - or maybe I'm not sorry. That poor girl probably has enough to deal with, what with guests always asking why HM gets stopped so often... :D

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
We decided to brave the crowds last night to enjoy the fireworks at the Magic Kingdom on the Fourth. We just paced ourself, endured the rain, and loved the show.

But after ...

We walked over to ride the Haunted Mansion, our favorite, and after the stretching room one fellow would not stop pushing us around the area where it funnels before you make the U-turn before boarding.

My wife mentioned something to the cast member as we boarded.

Right as we got to the clock scene the ride stopped. It remained stopped for about 15 minutes. In that time the same fellow screamed, yelled he was "going to get a free meal out of this," that he was going to "sue the company" and several other things in between more screams.

Soon he began standing up in the doombuggy and began yelling to the rest of his party. Then all of a sudden he jumped out and ran down the hall screaming again. And ran back and jumped in.

I looked at my wife and said, welp, they probably saw that.

A few minutes later a CM with a flashlight came by and asked him if he saw anyone leave their ride vehicle and repeatedly said that everyone was to remain seated. She then came over to us and we told her what had happened and she said she knew and that her coordinator had been alerted.

Thankfully the ride eventually started moving again.

And upon exit a couple of CMs and and couple of security guards were waiting for the gentlemen.

What a terrible experience.

I feel bad if there were any first timers on the ride.

But I'm glad the CMs handled him eventually.
Maybe this guy was trying to do this for attention?
you know.. of the JackAs.. program style.
trying to look "macho" for some youtube stunt?

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I really don't know why people go out and act like that. I know I work hard for my money and when I go out with my family I like to enjoy it and not act like a jerk. I hate when people say "I know the law" , "I'm going to sue" or "I paid to be here I can do what I want" all of these statements are ridiculous.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
No sir, I do not have you on ignore. I ignore by selection. Perhaps you can further explain what exactly you think that can be done. I only see two options available... One would be to not have Haunted Mansion Omni Ride at all, thus eliminating that concern about stopping due to handicapped issues or Two, just not allowing people that need assistance to ride at all. I see no other options, you apparently do, considering your response. So please share what other options are available and why it is so terrible to have to stop a few times when the story just continues as you ride, it doesn't go on without you. It seems like a pretty trite problem made by someone with absolutely no concern about others. Also I never said directly that you were a troll, however, I did see something in your post that made me think that the others that have mentioned that maybe have a point. Without fully explaining how it would be possible to both have a ride that doesn't have to stop to assist those in need and still maintain accessibility to it, then I am willing to change my mind.
You know, I wonder if they could "edit" some of the doombuggies to "unfold" a ramp .. that way the person can be loaded without needing to stop the ride.

had that happen a few times. talk about dumb luck.:)
had a 2-5minute stop on my first time.. loved it.. the scene as SO MANY little details.

I was very lucky, because it stopped right IN THE MIDDLE of the scene.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Yes because they do it deliberately don't they :banghead:
Well, it is if the parents refuse to move away from the line to go to the bathroom.

I remember others have mentioned that "parents" nowadays prefer to see their "precious" crap or pee in the line than lose their spot.


Well-Known Member
Well, it is if the parents refuse to move away from the line to go to the bathroom.

I remember others have mentioned that "parents" nowadays prefer to see their "precious" crap or pee in the line than lose their spot.

That's just brought a bit of sick up into my mouth. Seriously what is wrong with some people :grumpy:


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it's doable, but, what would be the motivation. Just because some feel inconvenienced because disabled people make it stop occasionally. Besides I'm not sure they could easily negotiate the graveyard downhill section from the attic to the ground in a better way. What say we all just exude the milk of human kindness and not be concerned about a minor distraction to help another human being?

I think that they might have to do something eventually. The ride is getting old and was made to run continuously and not be stopped and started constantly. I can imagine it is getting a lot more wear and tear on it now with all of the starts and stops then it used to. Putting the breaks on the ride all the time, especially on the areas where you are riding down backwards has to strain the mechanics quite a bit I would think. The stops do not bother me when I am on the ride. But I do think about what if the breaks fail during one of these stops.
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Well-Known Member
You know, I wonder if they could "edit" some of the doombuggies to "unfold" a ramp .. that way the person can be loaded without needing to stop the ride.
Actually, World of Motion had omni-ride vehicles that had a fold down back and they didn't stop the ride, they rolled the wheelchair up the moving ramp and into slots in the floor to secure it. That, however, was when wheelchairs were pretty much standard in size. If someone is wheelchair bound, they still need to be secured in place and that is what the slots in the floor did, but, with all the different options available now, it would be impossible to find a way that would cover every possibility.


Well-Known Member
I think that they might have to do something eventually. The ride is getting old and was made to run continuously and not be stopped and started constantly. I can imagine it is getting a lot more wear and tear on it now with all of the starts and stops then it used to. Putting the breaks on the ride all the time, especially on the areas where you are riding down backwards has to strain the mechanics quite a bit I would think. The stops do not bother me when I am on the ride. But I do think about what if the breaks fail during one of these stops.
Well, they aren't really brakes, Omnimovers are just continuously linked train cars, sort of like a chain, if that helps. The ride vehicles do not have brakes per se, they just stop moving the chain and everyone of them is stationary at the same time. So you need not worry about one breaking loose, it has no place to go.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I think that they might have to do something eventually. The ride is getting old and was made to run continuously and not be stopped and started constantly. I can imagine it is getting a lot more wear and tear on it now with all of the starts and stops then it used to. Putting the breaks on the ride all the time, especially on the areas where you are riding down backwards has to strain the mechanics quite a bit I would think. The stops do not bother me when I am on the ride. But I do think about what if the breaks fail during one of these stops.
Brakes...they are called brakes

And omnimovers do not have brakes.


Well-Known Member
Brakes...they are called brakes

And omnimovers do not have brakes.
Your right, Brakes! My spelling is usually spot on. My lack of sleep must be why I slipped up there. I am sorry that upset some of you. LOL But there still needs to be some kind of braking system to stop the ride. Or maybe just a turn off switch. Either way, stopping/starting; on/off, there still is more wear and tear then continuous movement.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Actually, World of Motion had omni-ride vehicles that had a fold down back and they didn't stop the ride, they rolled the wheelchair up the moving ramp and into slots in the floor to secure it. That, however, was when wheelchairs were pretty much standard in size. If someone is wheelchair bound, they still need to be secured in place and that is what the slots in the floor did, but, with all the different options available now, it would be impossible to find a way that would cover every possibility.
good reason to force them to transfer to a standard wheelchair before getting into a wheelchair-configured ride?

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