Awful guest behavior


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
This may be straying a bit, but it sickens me the way the Mansion ride stops so often. The last time I visited WDW and rode Mansion, it stopped every single time. During one ride, it stopped THREE TIMES. When I got off I went to a CM and asked her about it. She got this pained look on her face and said that they have to stop the ride so that people with wheelchairs and scooters can board.

That ride was never designed to be run like that. Accommodating EVERYONE just ruins the experience for everyone and disrespects the narrative the Imagineers so carefully crafted. It's bad enough everyone is rushed through the foyer and misses the opening narration and the changing portrait, all so that capacity numbers can be met. I think I can safely say that Walt would have a fit over this. He once got mad when he slipped into a Jungle Cruise boat and it went through the ride too fast. He scolded the ride operator, saying "I couldn't tell if I was seeing rhinos or elephants!" and made the ride operators slow it down. How I wish TDO was run by someone WHO CARES AND APPRECIATES THE PARK INSTEAD OF ABUSING THE RIDES AND CHEATING THE GUESTS!

There. Now I feel better.
maybe it's just me, but it doesn't bother me in the least. It's just more time I get to spend inside the Mansion. I wish they would slow the ride way down so that it took me 20 minutes to make a loop.

I don't understand why in one breath you complain about being sped up at the beginning and then in the next breath complain about being slowed down during the ride.


Well-Known Member
Don, freat 99.9% of the people there are great, that's why a nuts stands out so much, that,s what makes Disney so different from other parks I have been to.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Don, freat 99.9% of the people there are great, that's why a nuts stands out so much, that,s what makes Disney so different from other parks I have been to.

Very true. No one goes there with the goal to have a bad time, but it's sad when that 1% can ruin it for everyone else. Like I said before, I really hope it wasn't someone's first time.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
maybe it's just me, but it doesn't bother me in the least. It's just more time I get to spend inside the Mansion. I wish they would slow the ride way down so that it took me 20 minutes to make a loop.

I don't understand why in one breath you complain about being sped up at the beginning and then in the next breath complain about being slowed down during the ride.

Even with the ordeal going on in the doombuggy next to us, I kept excitedly telling my wife that I hoped they would have to evacuate or something so we'd get to see some backstage stuff.


Well-Known Member
I was just really shocked. We were near him in the outdoor queue and he was rather nonchalant. Usually you can tell from the start that someone will be a trouble maker.

This idiot was probably a "class clown" wannabe in high school and never grew up. I see people like him all the time. They think they are far funnier than they really are. Usually the people in their group are looking embarrassed or trying to get the moron under control. Then when that person starts drinking.... its all over from there. Everything starts going downhill.


Well-Known Member
Thankfully I've never seen someone act like a fool at WDW. People like that jerk ruin the ride experience for everyone.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
maybe it's just me, but it doesn't bother me in the least. It's just more time I get to spend inside the Mansion. I wish they would slow the ride way down so that it took me 20 minutes to make a loop.

I don't understand why in one breath you complain about being sped up at the beginning and then in the next breath complain about being slowed down during the ride.

The Mansion was created with a narrative. When that narrative is interrupted or rushed, the full effect of the ride is not experienced. And yeah, that bothers me. But if the ride being interrupted, rushed and/or stopped adds to your experience, hey, more power to ya.
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Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
You know what, up until this post, I was ignoring all the "Troll" screams and giving you the benefit of the doubt. Now I can see that they were correct because no one would make a statement like that unless they were actively trying to upset people. So, other then this I am going to just bypass any of your posts. I know it doesn't bother you, but, I am going to feel a lot better.

Sorry you chose to interpret what I said as an attack on handicapped guests (I'm guessing that's your issue?). It wasn't. I was pointing out that it's a shame that Disney is abusing that attraction like that in order to rush everyone through it and to accommodate guests it wasn't originally designed to accommodate, all of which is the honest truth, nothing more or less. I realize that the chip on your shoulder won't allow you to read this reply, but I thought I'd clarify it anyway. And calling someone a troll is such a weak shot. Your loss, dude.


Well-Known Member
Sorry you chose to interpret what I said as an attack on handicapped guests (I'm guessing that's your issue?). It wasn't. I was pointing out that it's a shame that Disney is abusing that attraction like that in order to rush everyone through it and to accommodate guests it wasn't originally designed to accommodate, all of which is the honest truth, nothing more or less. I realize that the chip on your shoulder won't allow you to read this reply, but I thought I'd clarify it anyway. And calling someone a troll is such a weak shot. Your loss, dude.

So, the narrative is more important than someone with a disability getting to enjoy something? Yes, it's a bit irritating, but I simply can't find it in my heart to get THAT upset about.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Sorry you chose to interpret what I said as an attack on handicapped guests (I'm guessing that's your issue?). It wasn't. I was pointing out that it's a shame that Disney is abusing that attraction like that in order to rush everyone through it and to accommodate guests it wasn't originally designed to accommodate, all of which is the honest truth, nothing more or less. I realize that the chip on your shoulder won't allow you to read this reply, but I thought I'd clarify it anyway. And calling someone a troll is such a weak shot. Your loss, dude.
I think you are just looking for something to be upset about. I don't think you are trolling, but maybe a little confused as to a real cause of why you want to be upset... rushed through or ride interruptions.

The narrative is the same whether you hear it at normal speed or in excerpts.

The human mind is incredible like that. It's like reading a book, everyone does it at their own speed, but the end result is still the same.


Well-Known Member
I really don't know why people go out and act like that. I know I work hard for my money and when I go out with my family I like to enjoy it and not act like a jerk. I hate when people say "I know the law" , "I'm going to sue" or "I paid to be here I can do what I want" all of these statements are ridiculous.

This winds me up infinitely. I get this screamed in my face all day long at work by a select few members of the adoring british public. My favourite response is "Oh. Really? well you won't need me to tell you what you are under arrest for then". The look of confusion keeps me going


Well-Known Member
Even with the ordeal going on in the doombuggy next to us, I kept excitedly telling my wife that I hoped they would have to evacuate or something so we'd get to see some backstage stuff.

Thanks to some unruly cheerleaders during one trip, we got to see the backstage hallway before you enter the stretching room. That was pretty cool.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I think you are just looking for something to be upset about. I don't think you are trolling, but maybe a little confused as to a real cause of why you want to be upset... rushed through or ride interruptions.

The narrative is the same whether you hear it at normal speed or in excerpts.

The human mind is incredible like that. It's like reading a book, everyone does it at their own speed, but the end result is still the same.

I actually don't like to be upset, believe it or not. Frankly, it's incredible to me that anyone could be perfectly content with the Mansion's narrative being broken on a regular basis because of corporate greed or PC. Now, I realize that if Disney did deny or limit access to it to handicapped folk, the outcry would be extraordinary; Disney's already being sued because of its revised DAP program. But wouldn't it be nice if something could be done to accommodate guests with disabilities without screwing up the ride?

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