I’ve mentioned it before in one of the Captain Marvel threads, but I love her comics. Carol knows she has a pretty intense power, but chooses to hold back in day to day fights, because not everyone needs to be put down via proton blast. That said, she loves her team, and though the comics I have are mostly set in space, she loves Earth too.
Idk what happened here. They hyped up Captain Marvel for her own movie with the pager in Infinity War. Then that movie came out and hyped people up even more for Endgame. And then... we got her doing some very big things in Acts 1 & 3, and showing up as a hologram in Act 2 (that scene could still be considered Act 1, if we separate the acts like this: Post-Snap & Reactions; Time Heist; Snap is Reversed). There was a lot of hype built for her in this movie, and I hate that we didn’t get her in the Time Heist (would it have been so hard to write in another bottle of Pym Particles??). She could have been in NYC with Tony, Bruce, Scott, and Steve, or she could have been in space with Rhodey & Nebula, Thor & Rocket, or Nat & Clint (well, probably not that group). It’s a missed opportunity, and her placement in the marketing feels a little misleading.
Bringing me to someone else hyped up in the posters for this movie: Okoye. Is it clear now why Danai Gurira didn’t originally have her name in the top billing, but in the lower part of the posters with Gwyneth Paltrow and Jon Favreau? Yes. Apparently some international posters had Valkyrie instead of Okoye on them, and I kind of think they just wanted to switch out popular female characters. Like the last Avengers movie, Marvel didn’t know how big Black Panther was going to be, and by including Danai Gurira in American marketing (and on parts of the press tour), it seems as if Marvel wanted to tell people that hey, there is still a character from Wakanda in this movie!
I think they also used footage from Captain Marvel and Infinity War for Carol and Thor in their trailers and TV spots, not sure if that happened for any other character. Those were just two of the misleading trailer things I could think of. For a movie as big as this though, I am very glad that I remained pretty unspoiled. I knew going in that time travel was happening, Hawkeye became Ronin, and there were no post credits scenes, and that’s really it. I’d read theories of what would happen, but I didn’t really know what was true and what wasn’t. It wasn’t like Infinity War, where too much detail was released leading up to the film. Not knowing what was going to happen in Endgame was nice.