You may feel differently, but that doesn't mean they aren't connected and leading to something just because it doesn't feel that way to you. I will say, and some of us have had this discussion before over on the movie side, that maybe Phases 2 and 3 seemed a lot more connected because of it leading to End Game, but Phase 1 wasn't anywhere close to being connected as they didn't have anything planned out like you are lead to believe. Heck they didn't even know Thanos was going to be the big bad of the entire Saga by the end of Phase 1 with the Avengers movie, this was something publicly talked about by Joss Whedon as he didn't know what to do with the character. We like to think that the MCU was all planned out ahead of time for the Infinity Saga, but that couldn't be further from the truth. That is the legacy that Feige likes to put out in the ether, but they were flying by the seat of their pants for Phase 1 with only knowing the broad strokes of where it would end up.
But none of that in no way means that Phases 4-6 aren't leading to something just because you can't see it. I've basically said what its leading towards without completely giving it away.
As for the rest, I'll be interested to see what the Russo's do now that they're back. So I'm hoping for a good story, as I know they can tell.