AVATAR land construction progress


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@RayTheFirefly EE, Cadillac range, and 7DMT were all built this way. toothpick scaffolding is not the newest thing. as for the cantilevered construction... that is as old as the lever and fulcrum(virtually)


Well-Known Member
My one fear for Pandora is that with all the complex details going on with the external features and look of the land that the inside of the buildings -- the specific attractions -- might be shortchanged. I'm optimistic that with Cameron involved that it won't happen, but I can't deny that it's a lingering fear especially looking at how the FLE turned out.


Well-Known Member
My one fear for Pandora is that with all the complex details going on with the external features and look of the land that the inside of the buildings -- the specific attractions -- might be shortchanged. I'm optimistic that with Cameron involved that it won't happen, but I can't deny that it's a lingering fear especially looking at how the FLE turned out.

I can't help, but feel this way too. I can't wait to get into Pandora, but there need to be a reason to be there besides the scenery. The facade for Mermaid is fantastic, however the ride inside does not exactly pay off the build-up of the queue/facade. I like Mermaid. I like dark rides. What I like most of all is ride that immerses me in a place/theme. I'm thinking Pirate, Mansion, Splash. These are all E-tickets. Avatar will need at least one, to make this land truly great.

The park needs rides so any addition will be a plus. A pretty package at Christmas/Hanukkah is nice, but it would be disappointing if it just has a pair of underwear inside. Sure, you need underwear, but it is nothing to get excited about.


Your guess is as good as mine.

In the attached image, it looks to me like bottom of the front wall of the boat ride warehouse is what's outlined in red. The height and ceiling of the boat ride is outlined in blue. A nice, high ceiling for lots of show elements :) (you can tell from that emergency exit doorway). It looks to me like the area outlined in green is the queue for the Soarin' ride (a two story area). Again, just my guess.

That seems right to me - the green area does appear to be a separate area? I remain very excited about the boat ride. I think showing the bioluminescence and the plants / foliage of Pandora is tailor-made for a classic Disney dark ride, and it would be great with higher ceilings showing soaring trees and vines. Someone else suggested it would be great if they could project a nightsky on the ceiling -- I never thought of that, it would be great. Chances are probably greater, however, that, given the canopy / rainforest environment, that they will obscure much of the ceiling with overhead vines.....

And the overview photos from Da Mouse are just spectacular in my view. This really could be an amazing land with the kind of detail they seem to be putting into it. My only "concern" is whether there will be sufficient walking space to really feel immersed in the land (I think there will be based on 10 acres total, but those show buildings and the mountains appear to be taking up 25-33% of the land!)


Well-Known Member
That seems right to me - the green area does appear to be a separate area? I remain very excited about the boat ride. I think showing the bioluminescence and the plants / foliage of Pandora is tailor-made for a classic Disney dark ride, and it would be great with higher ceilings showing soaring trees and vines. Someone else suggested it would be great if they could project a nightsky on the ceiling -- I never thought of that, it would be great. Chances are probably greater, however, that, given the canopy / rainforest environment, that they will obscure much of the ceiling with overhead vines.....

And the overview photos from Da Mouse are just spectacular in my view. This really could be an amazing land with the kind of detail they seem to be putting into it. My only "concern" is whether there will be sufficient walking space to really feel immersed in the land (I think there will be based on 10 acres total, but those show buildings and the mountains appear to be taking up 25-33% of the land!)
im thinking we probably wont see a night sky because this cruise will be in a pandoran cave (just a guess)
i know this should be in the avatar the specifics thread sorry for thread drift


Well-Known Member
That seems right to me - the green area does appear to be a separate area? I remain very excited about the boat ride. I think showing the bioluminescence and the plants / foliage of Pandora is tailor-made for a classic Disney dark ride, and it would be great with higher ceilings showing soaring trees and vines. Someone else suggested it would be great if they could project a nightsky on the ceiling -- I never thought of that, it would be great. Chances are probably greater, however, that, given the canopy / rainforest environment, that they will obscure much of the ceiling with overhead vines.....

And the overview photos from Da Mouse are just spectacular in my view. This really could be an amazing land with the kind of detail they seem to be putting into it. My only "concern" is whether there will be sufficient walking space to really feel immersed in the land (I think there will be based on 10 acres total, but those show buildings and the mountains appear to be taking up 25-33% of the land!)

There is room to expand if necessary. IMO.


Premium Member
The latest aerials give us a better idea of how much of the land back there is going to be used. I have marked in red what I think the current footprint of the land will be. This does leave a little land going towards Africa, and some land down to the south. I am guessing that southern area will a become back stage area. If they ever wanted to develop that they would with have to use if for a show building, or they would have to theme the back side of the Banshee ride show building.



Well-Known Member
The latest aerials give us a better idea of how much of the land back there is going to be used. I have marked in red what I think the current footprint of the land will be. This does leave a little land going towards Africa, and some land down to the south. I am guessing that southern area will a become back stage area. If they ever wanted to develop that they would with have to use if for a show building, or they would have to theme the back side of the Banshee ride show building.

View attachment 111075

And there is always the possibility of relocating the RFC I guess if necessary.


Provocateur, Rancanteur, Plaisanter, du Jour
4 years ago today, September 20th 2011, Bob Iger and Tom Staggs announced the partnership with Cameron's Lightstorm and Fox Filmed Entertainment to bring the world of Avatar to Disney Parks. Cameron and Landau would serve as creative consultants on the project. Ground breaking ceremony takes place January 8th 2014.

It's been a long, long road to get here but it will be worth the wait....mostly....


Edited for Ooops....
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