Agreed. Although, if Disney built an expansion somewhere that did have 5 world class E tickets that were properly maintained, I doubt we would complain about that either.
What is funny for me is that I like a tiered stratification of rides. I actually like having an E adjacent to a D with a B or C in the same space. I think that it really helps round out the experience.
Also, and this may sound weird (or irritate some), but being a fan of NFL, I like the way that area is set up. Instead of an E, it had 2 Ds with LM and 7DMT. Also it has an exceptionally themed dining location that I love, as well as the village area. I have talked before about how I am a new Disney fan (2009 and after). There is a lot I did not grow up with compared to many others on the boards. I sometimes think that allows me to appreciate the newer approaches (for better or worse) that they take a bit easier. I love the highly themed restaurant and hope this con
Well, considering I like what they are doing with both, I am glad it turned out the way that it did.
With all of these new expansions happening, I wonder if they are mindful with how much is being spent where as this can obviously show which land or IP is deemed the most important. I have always held to the belief that no matter what was done, that Star Wars would get the top level treatment. Pandora might knock your socks off visually, but there is probably a reason why we are getting 1 E and 1 C/D. Star Wars appears to be getting the 2 big rides, both possibly in the E category, as well as the largest area. Toy Story might have 3 rides total, but the theming appears to be lacking, and of course one of the rides is a B ticket.