DAK AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom


Well-Known Member
I thought the movie was good - not great. Special effect were incredible.

As a theme park land though, the movie doesn't have to be great, and the sky is the limit as far as how they imagineer it. I'll be looking forward to any conceptual art.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Horrible idea and horible movie! This has NOTHING to do with animal kingdom. ZERO. If you want mythological creatures that is fine but take them from actual earth cultures not this over hyped piece of fictional garbage. Really upset with WDI if this is true.

From the WDWMagic post:
We believe Disney’s Animal Kingdom is a great fit for this project because it was created to give guests the opportunity to experience the worlds of animals and nature – real and mythical – in new ways. Disney’s Animal Kingdom also celebrates adventure, living in harmony with nature and environmental stewardship – themes that are deeply rooted in the story of AVATAR.


Well-Known Member
I know when I think Disney the first thing I think about are AMP suit walkaround animatronics.


Well-Known Member
Can't Wait!!! Nice to see some news of something big coming to WDW. I guess Disney learned their lesson from passing on Harry Potter. I know this is years away from opening but it gives us something to look forward to. Hope it actually happens.


Well-Known Member
Just my 2 cents but I would have rather had Mt Prometheus from Tokyo Disney Sea especially with a new 20K movie being developed/ directed by Fincher


Can't say I'm excited to hear this. I didn't enjoy the film at all and found it to be ridiculously over hyped. I'd much rather see them develop in-house properties, though I suppose this must make business sense at some level.

Yep, what is all this about!! Completely did not like the film at all!! Way too much hype and weird story! However, it was the best graphics and attention to detail I have ever seen in any film I've ever watched!

This is weird, wouldn't expect Disney to do something like this, but nonetheless it should be interesting... :)


Well-Known Member
Well, there's one part of AK I will never set foot in...

Sure it might be a knee jerk reaction, but I'm right there with you on this one. I'm just curious as to how long this deal was in the works. It's not like Avatar is especially timely at the moment is it? Talks of sequels, but nothing being really done.


Well-Known Member
Yep, what is al this about!! Completely did not like the film at all!! Way too much hype and weird story! However, it was the best graphics and attention to detail I have ever seen in any film I've ever watched!

This is weird, wouldn't expect Disney to do something like this, but nonetheless it should be interesting... :)

It's not that weird.


Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
This could definitely be a shot in the arm for DAK...but it doesn't really seem to fit organically into the park. Hmmm, I'll take a wait-and-see approach. I confess that I've never actually seen Avatar.


Sure it might be a knee jerk reaction, but I'm right there with you on this one. I'm just curious as to how long this deal was in the works. It's not like Avatar is especially timely at the moment is it? Talks of sequels, but nothing being really done.

"Talks" of sequel is inaccurate. The sequels are coming out in December 2014 and 2015. They are in pre-production now.


RunDisney Addict
3...2...1 until the fanboys who complained that there was no "Potter-swatter" complain that this is a "bad" "Potter-swatter."

Some people you can never please.

I agree....a lot of people thought Disney had lost touch when they didn't pick up on Potter.

Instead they went with the highest grossing film of all time. Boom.

I don't believe the haters who say "There's a land I'll never step foot in." Wait until a big E-Ticket attraction is put in there....the possiblities from this franchise are huge for attractions, and we'd be nuts to think there wasn't going to be an E-Ticket headliner in there somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Sure it might be a knee jerk reaction, but I'm right there with you on this one. I'm just curious as to how long this deal was in the works. It's not like Avatar is especially timely at the moment is it? Talks of sequels, but nothing being really done.

They've already signed the deals, and Sigourney Weaver has already agreed to come back for Avatar 2...which is strange if you've seen the first one.

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