hard to say, but one of the main reasons for Animal Kingdom being closed the earliest is because the animals literally go to sleep at sundown, and if the animals don't come out then there's no point in keeping the rest of the park open because it's called "Animal" Kingdom for reasons.
for Dinoland, i thought it was fun, but childish. the only serious ride there was Dinosaur, and it doesn't even fit with the whole land because the rest is way too kid friendly. i do think a couple more serious rides in the area that deal with something more than just dinosaurs would make the area a bit more mature. i mean they have Camp Minnie-Mickey to be all cutesy and kiddie, at least make Dinoland a bit more serious. they can still keep the Boneyard, Triceratop Spin and Primeval Whirl, but expand on the prehistoric era and get an aquarium the size of Living Seas. it doesn't need to be called that, but at least make it.
and for the park's name... i'd say renaming it to the "Land Before Time"

idk. just a thought lol