AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I agree with you that there is far too much instant negativity from the fan community. I've been guilty of it as well.

On the sources however; no realistic person can ask anyone to burn their sources. It is how the world works. We would never find out anything if it had to be from an official source. This forum would be called "News" instea of News and Rumors.

No one wants to hear the official word. If they did no reason to frequent a message board - just wait for the press release.

We do, as an online community, hit the negativity button pretty fast.. We bash concept art, we bash announcements, we bash no concept art, we bash an idea, and we bash unfinished products...

Sometimes it is justified, other times, it isn't... The descent of Spaceship Earth deserves bashing... TDO deserves bashing with the way they cut funding for proper refurbs or how they don't keep up on maintenance...

Disney does not deserve bashing over actually DOING refurbs or maintenance (unless the finished product is less than stellar)...


Well-Known Member
Off topic of Avatar but on the negativity...

I think the issue many have is this forum used to be a great well balanced place to indulge in the world of Disney. No fault of our own that Disney World is not doing as much to "praise" as it did 10 years ago. Still for me I used look forward to coming here but with the increased negativity taking over every thread I come almost out of necessity and not pleasure. I still enjoy every minute at WDW and am realistic in its highs and lows so this is not coming from someone covered with "pixie dust".

Just look at the news and Rumors page 80% of the threads are about something negative, again not much fault of ours if Disney doesnt fix something. Still we as fans feed into the negativity and then that becomes all we see. I challenge everyone who visits soon to look for a positive improvement or change to come report here. I am confident there are many we look over!

Sorry for mini rant...btw i hope Avatar does happen only cause AK is my fav park and it needs SOMETHING! ANYTHING new!


Well-Known Member
They're refurbing BTMR and updating Test Track. They're refurbing Mainstreet USA pretty well and they're refurbing the que to Pirates among other things such as different countries in World Showcase. They're investing a lot of money into FLE and Avatar Land. I really think the bad is over-exaggerated at this point. They're doing far more than they did like six years ago I think.

I think people are too freaking impatient. Like there's all this complaining about things in Splash Mountain, but they obviously can't have BTMR and Splash Mountain down at the same time. Over all, there's very little I've been disappointed with that is "new" that has been introduced by Disney recently. The only recent example is the Spaceship Earth update, but that's about it. The Spaceship Mountain rehab people complain about I think is great. I didn't want the ride wildly changed like some people.

This! :wave:

Doctor Seeker

New Member
I guess you aren't a fan of the original ride then. This is the kind of thing that is annoying about this forum. People are only mad about this because they heard the budget was cut, which is inside baseball may not even be factual forum rumor mill stuff, that's it. The actual refurb I think actually brought it up to it's original quality and tweaked a few things that needed fixing to create a more immersive experience. Perfect refurb.

I think Animaniac was pointing out the fact that you called it "Spaceship" Mountain and not necessarily disagreeing with you


Well-Known Member
Off topic of Avatar but on the negativity...

I think the issue many have is this forum used to be a great well balanced place to indulge in the world of Disney. No fault of our own that Disney World is not doing as much to "praise" as it did 10 years ago. Still for me I used look forward to coming here but with the increased negativity taking over every thread I come almost out of necessity and not pleasure. I still enjoy every minute at WDW and am realistic in its highs and lows so this is not coming from someone covered with "pixie dust".

Just look at the news and Rumors page 80% of the threads are about something negative, again not much fault of ours if Disney doesnt fix something. Still we as fans feed into the negativity and then that becomes all we see. I challenge everyone who visits soon to look for a positive improvement or change to come report here. I am confident there are many we look over!

Sorry for mini rant...btw i hope Avatar does happen only cause AK is my fav park and it needs SOMETHING! ANYTHING new!

Hold on now... I visited a lot 10 years ago and can say with absolute certainty that the period from 2002-2006 was not a great period for WDW. There was a noticeable drop in maintenance - far more then people complain about now. There was a big dip in quality of shows and entertainment. Also, it is when I personally noticed a reduction in the variety and quality of food.

Since 2008 I have personally noticed an uptick on the micro level of park operations. Better food (not like it was 20 years ago however) overall, far better routine maintainence, and a push for better merchandise (long way to go still).

No one can deny the money is flowing to the parks right now - major refurbs and new builds. People may question the choices, but there is no denying they are spending dollars.

All is not bleak. Could it be better??? Absolutely, but I am hopeful for the future (except Hollywood Studios). ;)


Well-Known Member
I agree with this. People seem to forget the mid 2000's when literally nothing was being worked on pretty much. Things are much better now.
And this is part of what bothers people. Being a step up from the worse is not something praiseworthy. It is not what created the "Disney difference."


Well-Known Member
True. It is a step in the right direction however.

Things move slowly when you drive a big ship.
To me I think, in far too many ways, the old adage that "Even a broken clock is right twice a day" is a more apt description. Throughout the Company it is the same people who took the wrong turns to begin with and while they may be doing some small things, their view of the big picture is still in a rather strong contrast to what made Disney so different and emotionally compelling.


Well-Known Member
Stop complaining.....complaining....Its not that bad....it is that bad. This conversation has taken so many forms that it goes beyond "beating a dead horse" For me the bottome line (which also has been mentioned) EVERYONE can agree that WDW isnt what it used to be. I guess we can agree ...nothing is. But Disney as a company who set the bar for THEIR standard. Not us as customers.

I think those of us (so called fanbois) who moan and groan are simply wanting Disney to live up to their own standard of Service, maintence, food etc.
Excellence was their creed. We as guest are not expecting anything more then what we have been given in the past. On my last trip no one came up to me and said..." Hey Mr Guest.....I know we are not what we used to be, so here is some cash back" infact the cost are continually go up.

If you say everything is fine and accept less then....then that is what you will get. Sure some of us have a problem expressing the dissapointment but I think that it is all relative to the same feelings. Nobody can deny that a portion of the decisions made were to maxamize profits....ie merch as one example. I am not sure what those people who complain about the complainers expect? Never say anything negative? Should we all just sit around this forum and sing "its a small world"?


Counter service at the Magic Kingdom is relatively the same, but it was never better.

Well....that is certainly debatable.
More locations, more options, better variety, higher quality....an argument can definitely be made that MK dining of all types has declined in the last 10-15 years.


Tony's is a good restaurant and so is King Stephenhaul's (sp?). They are addressing this as well with the Be Our Guest Restaurant. So it's pretty moot to complain about Disney ingoring the lack of great table service restaurants in MK when they are currently building one. Food in the other parks is pretty great imo.

Tony's is fine.

King Stephan's was changed to the Cinderella's Royal Table character meal, thus removing the original menu and atmosphere in favor of princess M&Gs and a set-price, fixed menu. Huge step backwards for MK dining.

Be Our Guest could be a step forward, depending on how it's handled.

Your previous post addressed counter service. An area which has seen four locations in the MK closed ( or made "seasonal")and the menu reduced at those that remain. Not quite sure how that can be considered "never better"..


OV 104
Premium Member
Tony's is fine.

King Stephan's was changed to the Cinderella's Royal Table character meal, thus removing the original menu and atmosphere in favor of princess M&Gs and a set-price, fixed menu. Huge step backwards for MK dining.

Be Our Guest could be a step forward, depending on how it's handled.

Your previous post addressed counter service. An area which has seen four locations in the MK closed ( or made "seasonal")and the menu reduced at those that remain. Not quite sure how that can be considered "never better"..

I completely agree with this. While the food is still better than other theme parks, DDP has killed a significant portion of the quality food that once was.


Well-Known Member
Tony's is fine.

King Stephan's was changed to the Cinderella's Royal Table character meal, thus removing the original menu and atmosphere in favor of princess M&Gs and a set-price, fixed menu. Huge step backwards for MK dining.

Be Our Guest could be a step forward, depending on how it's handled.

Your previous post addressed counter service. An area which has seen four locations in the MK closed ( or made "seasonal")and the menu reduced at those that remain. Not quite sure how that can be considered "never better"..

Lee hit it: MK has never been a great Table Service park. Counter Service selection and variety at the park has been better in the past.

The reopening of Tortuga Tavern (formerly Pirate & Parrot) and the introduction of some new and unique items at places like Sleepy Hollow (waffle sandwiches) are positive developments as of very recent. At the same time we lost time tested unique items at Pinnochios Village House and locations like Adventureland Veranda and Tomorrowland Terrace have been shuttered.

Lee is right at the MK, the overall counterservice experience is diminished.


Well-Known Member
Lee hit it: MK has never been a great Table Service park. Counter Service selection and variety at the park has been better in the past.

The reopening of Tortuga Tavern (formerly Pirate & Parrot) and the introduction of some new and unique items at places like Sleepy Hollow (waffle sandwiches) are positive developments as of very recent. At the same time we lost time tested unique items at Pinnochios Village House and locations like Adventureland Veranda and Tomorrowland Terrace have been shuttered.

Lee is right at the MK, the overall counterservice experience is diminished.

Seemingly the Sunshine Terrace now also offers some basic food options. However, what makes me wonder about the new offerings at Sleepy Hollow and Sunshine Terrace is that both are rather small venues and they have no indoor seating. So how much of a bonus those are in the busy summer months is debatable. I would think opening the Adventureland Veranda would add a better guest experience (and might even be more efficient and hence profitable).

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