Auto Opinions Needed


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I have a rather difficult choice ahead of me. My parents leased a new Toyota Camry in 2000 for 5 years. During that time, I turned 16 and was needing a car once I graduated high school and my mom decided she wanted a van, so the Camry went to me. My mom still paid for the Camry (seeing as I didn't chose the car for myself), and I paid for van, which was the lesser of the two payments (by over $100 a month, actually). Well, the lease runs out Aug. 17, so I'm going to have to make a decision on a car before then.
I've been thinking about a PT Cruiser. I test drove one the other day, and it was pretty nice. I'd have to do some major adjusting with things in the car, though, because the interior layout is just so different. The feel of it just seemed strange when I was driving it...I don't know if that's because I'm so used to my Camry, or if that should be a sign that I should look for something else.
The thing is, I love the Camry dearly. I could buy the it, but I still owe $9,000...that seems a little steep for a 5 year old car with nearly 84,000 miles on it. Dad told me that maybe I should just get another Camry, seeing as I'm used to it and comfortable with it...but I don't want to have to keep getting Camrys the rest of my life just because I'm used to driving one. I REALLY don't feel like I'm ready to get rid of this car, yet, but I can't see keeping it as being beneficial considering the cost and all.
Plus, whatever I get, my parents are going to continue the payment while I'm in college, but after that, it's on me, and I only have two years left. Supposedly, I already have a full-time job lined up for me after college, but a lot can happen in two years. So payments are definately something I have to think about for myself.
Dad told me to get something I'll be happy with for a while...the thing is, I won't know if I'm happy with it until I have it for a while, and then it'll be too late. So, to me, it's a gamble, and I'm not liking the idea of gambling when it comes to cars.
I dunno what I'm asking for here....I guess a litle guidence from some of you more experienced and knowledgable folks. Of course, I know it's going to come down to me and what I feel is right, but some opinions from you all would be nice. Should I keep it? Should I get another Camry? Should I test drive a PT Cruiser again? Should I look for something else? What other 4-door, smooth, quiet, power lock, power window, cd player, reasonably priced cars should I consider?
ugh....I hate decisions like this.


Well-Known Member
Nissan Altima
Nissan Maxima
Mercury Montego
Ford 500
Malibu MAXX
Chrysler 300
Chevy Cobalt
Honda Accord

I dunno...just some suggestions..

I think my first choice of that group would be the Nissan Maxima...but, if that's a little pricy, the Altima isn't that far behind it.

EDIT: The PT Cruiser felt different to you because it's a different beast. The layout of the PT is more like a minivan than a passenger car (you sit higher in it)


Well-Known Member
Ford Five Hundred/Merc Montego similar to a Camry...a bit bigger though...I have a Five Hundred and for the most part...I like it...I've driven SUVs all my life, and the Five Hundred comes as close as I've seen a car come to an SUV when it comes to visibility that is...its a safe car...some nice standard features too...(I think it has a small engine though, which is a bit annoying at times...but its a nice drive once you head out on the highway)....

Chrysler 300 is NICE though...on the outside that is...nothing big on the inside...typical I guess...never test drove a 300....


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
WDWFREAK53 said:
Nissan Altima
Nissan Maxima
Mercury Montego
Ford 500
Malibu MAXX
Chrysler 300
Chevy Cobalt
Honda Accord

I dunno...just some suggestions..

I think my first choice of that group would be the Nissan Maxima...but, if that's a little pricy, the Altima isn't that far behind it.

-The Altima is a solid car... and will last a long time... (had one for a few years...liked it).

-Crapler 300 is a Cadillac CTS wannabe... If you want lots of electrical problems a bit down the road (after its out of warranty of course)... go with this beast.

-Ford 500.... ehhh its ok... not bad looking.... and better than a Taurus.

-Ahhh yesss the Cobalt... the cousin to the Cavalier (sp?) Not too bad.. a bit sportier than its cousin.. and better styling cues as well.

Ok... I am done playing auto critic :lol: :wave:


Well-Known Member
Dizknee_Phreek said:
I could buy the it, but I still owe $9,000...that seems a little steep for a 5 year old car with nearly 84,000 miles on it.

Toyota's...espescially Camrys hold their value.

84,000 miles is NOTHING for a Toyota. My 88 Camry has 195,000 and is still running perfectly.


Active Member
DisJosh said:
Toyota's...espescially Camrys hold their value.

84,000 miles is NOTHING for a Toyota. My 88 Camry has 195,000 and is still running perfectly.

I would second this motion. I've never owned one, but friends have sworn by them.

If you were to try to buy a used Camry with 85,000 miles, you would probably pay just as much as what you owe, if not more, around here in Conn.

I personally have always had good luck with Chrylser products and am currently looking at buying another.

I would avoid the Ford 500 or Mercury Montego for a few years. First, the engine is terribly undersized for the car. Second, it has Ford's first-ever CVT (a type of transmission). Ford's track record with inovative transmissions is not good. Ask any mechanic about the early Taurus transmission. We sold our Taurus, at a big loss, after replacing the transmssion 3 times in 4 years.


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TheOneVader said:
Or perhaps it's your body telling you not to buy one of the ugliest cars in the world? Just a thought... :p
Eh...I happen to love the look of the PT Cruisers. For some reason, they kind of remind me of old cars, which I love. If I could buy a new car with a body from the 30's, 40's, or 50's, I would in a heartbeat!


Well-Known Member
Dizknee_Phreek said:
Eh...I happen to love the look of the PT Cruisers. For some reason, they kind of remind me of old cars, which I love. If I could buy a new car with a body from the 30's, 40's, or 50's, I would in a heartbeat!

That's exactly what they were going for. A new car with old design, with some modern design flares, of course. I, on the other hand, don't care for cars like that. The Chevy SSR, which looks sorta old style, is probably up there on my ugliest car list. Of course, nothing, NOTHING beats the Honda Element in an ugly contest, not even the Scion xB...


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Thanks to everyone who's replied!
Guess I should've mentioned that Fords are pretty much marked off my list ;) I just don't like them, never have.
DisJosh and miles1, I've heard the same things about Camry's. There was a lady that went to my college one year. She had an older Camry (80's, I think?) and she said she kept trying to break it so she could get a new one, but the thing just wouldn't break. Also, one of my friends at school had an older model Camry (70's, maybe...can't remember) and it was still going.
The thing with mine is that I've already had little things happening to it. Not too long after I took it over, the light in the spoiler fell down; dad had to tie it back on to keep it from dangling. Which wasn't such a big deal...I just took it back to the dealership and they replaced it. Now my trunk is messing up, and has been for a good while. It now tends to retain water, and when I open it, it comes pouring into the trunk. And I'm an art major, so that means I can't put any art back there in fear that it may get ruined. I've been putting it in my back seat, which I guess works out ok. I haven't taken it anywhere to see if anyone can fix that. I don't know how expensive something like that would be, and I don't want my parents to have to pay for it (and if it's expensive, I certainly couldn't pay for it), and if I'm turning it in before Aug., there's no use in looking into it now.
Anyway, looks like I've got a lot of thinking to do over the summer.


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TheOneVader said:
That's exactly what they were going for. A new car with old design, with some modern design flares, of course. I, on the other hand, don't care for cars like that. The Chevy SSR, which looks sorta old style, is probably up there on my ugliest car list. Of course, nothing, NOTHING beats the Honda Element in an ugly contest, not even the Scion xB...
Ugh, I HATE the Elements with a passion!


Well-Known Member
I know, they are absolutely horrendous looking. I can't believe people actually pay money for them. Just my 2 cents, anyway.


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TheOneVader said:
I know, they are absolutely horrendous looking. I can't believe people actually pay money for them. Just my 2 cents, anyway.
Agreed! One of my art teachers got a new one earlier this year...*sigh* he was so cool up until that point.


Well-Known Member
Look into a Scion tC. They are excellent for the price and are quite a bit of car as well. I believe they start at like $15K or $17K but come with A LOT of options standard on them.

Also, Honda is very reliable and holds its value. Sure, you might pay a little bit more for it, but you'll also get more back for it when you sell it than you would any other car.

And I have a Buick Rendezvous and LOVE it! I've recommended so many people to buy them because they are excellent. Also, any other Buick is a great car, and excellent gas mileage for the most part.


Well-Known Member
I hate to say this about the car you like, but I would recommend avoiding the PT Cruiser. They are basically a retro looking body on a Neon. And from comments I've heard, their transmissions have had a lot of problems.

No hard facts, just comments from people who are really into cars.


Well-Known Member
Dizknee_Phreek said:
Thanks to everyone who's replied!
Guess I should've mentioned that Fords are pretty much marked off my list ;) I just don't like them, never have.
DisJosh and miles1, I've heard the same things about Camry's. There was a lady that went to my college one year. She had an older Camry (80's, I think?) and she said she kept trying to break it so she could get a new one, but the thing just wouldn't break. Also, one of my friends at school had an older model Camry (70's, maybe...can't remember) and it was still going.
The thing with mine is that I've already had little things happening to it. Not too long after I took it over, the light in the spoiler fell down; dad had to tie it back on to keep it from dangling. Which wasn't such a big deal...I just took it back to the dealership and they replaced it. Now my trunk is messing up, and has been for a good while. It now tends to retain water, and when I open it, it comes pouring into the trunk. And I'm an art major, so that means I can't put any art back there in fear that it may get ruined. I've been putting it in my back seat, which I guess works out ok. I haven't taken it anywhere to see if anyone can fix that. I don't know how expensive something like that would be, and I don't want my parents to have to pay for it (and if it's expensive, I certainly couldn't pay for it), and if I'm turning it in before Aug., there's no use in looking into it now.
Anyway, looks like I've got a lot of thinking to do over the summer.

Ha! Those are minor things!! Not worthy of replacing the car completely! ;)

In fact those are easily fixed on your own. It's quite odd that you have a trunk leakage problem with your newer Camry. I had the same problem with my 88 lol. It's nothing a little sealant around the gasket between the tail lights and the body couldn't fix. As far as the break light falling out...J.B. Weld. I live by the stuff. I wouldn't pay for anyone to do it for me in a million years.

I'd say stick with the Camry you have. But if you MUST have a new car go with another Camry. ;) But I'm extremely biased. The only thing I look for in a car is Toyotas are an obvious choice. :D


Well-Known Member
I just bought a Honda Accord a few months back, and am very happy with it. Like the Camry, the Accord has a good resale value, is reliable, and is a good solid car. The new ones are kinda fun, too. :) Although, supposedly, there will be a 2006 refresh, which will be nice.

The Altima and a new Camry are also good choices. Also, check out the new Hyundai Sonata. It looks to be Hyundai's best yet, and you can't beat the warranty.


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no2apprentice said:
I hate to say this about the car you like, but I would recommend avoiding the PT Cruiser. They are basically a retro looking body on a Neon. And from comments I've heard, their transmissions have had a lot of problems.

No hard facts, just comments from people who are really into cars.
I've actually heard that at least twice. And the more I think about it, the more I'm just not really happy with PT Cruisers...I like the look of them, but I didn't like how I felt in one, if that makes sense.

And, I mentioned to my mom keeping the Camry, but she said absolutely not. That if I want another Camry, that's fine, but we're not keeping a 5 year old car (apparently she's never looked at any statistics concerning the reliability of Camrys, and I don't feel like arguing with her, so I'm not going to bring it up).
So it seems my options now are a new Camry, and I'm looking into some of your all's suggestions. Some of them are a bit too pricey for me, though. I think I'm going to test drive a Honda Civic and a Honda Accord...I like the look of them (mostly) and I've heard good things about them. So, we'll see.


Active Member
How about this! I'll come and live with your mom and she can insist upon buying me a new car! Mine is 11 years old. :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Excellent choice on looking into the Hondas. You should seriously look into the Scions as well for a great price and an excellent car as well.

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