Attractions that I will NOT go on again.


Active Member
Never again:

Mission: Space
Mad Tea Party

If forced to, I'd go on Swiss Family Treehouse, but I wouldn't choose it on my own.
I actually really enjoy Living with the Land. I am shocked everyone didn't mention the Great Movie Ride. It to me is the ride that needs the biggest upgrade or closing. I used to love the ride. I remember when MGM Studios first opened and I waited an hour to ride it. Now a 5 minute wait is a long wait.


New Member
The little mermaid ride.... we got stuck on it and had to hear under the sea about 20 times before it got moving again... Thankfully the kids (6 and 3) had a good sense of humor
Hey, at least you didn't get stuck on It's a Small World. Our boats got backed up because it was taking a little longer to load/ unload than normal and we sat in the final "scene" for 5 minutes. I don't think I want to ever hear that song again.

Cliff Racer

Anything Circlevision, Circle of Life, Innoventions pavilion and (unless family is with me) Ellen. Won't do Kali either unless its blistering hot outside.


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised Mission:Space comes up so often. Despite the barfbags, I didn't think it (orange) was all that harsh. I'm not sure its a must-ride every visit, but I'd do it again.


Well-Known Member
Poor, poor Ellen...not getting the love. I think that's a great attraction.

All of them have something good, but my least favorites are...

EO (please go)
MILF - once is enough
Circle of Life movie
Norway movie
Star Tours
Nemo show at AK

...and I haven't even done AI or that car thing at DHS.


Well-Known Member
Poor, poor Ellen...not getting the love. I think that's a great attraction.

All of them have something good, but my least favorites are...

EO (please go)
MILF - once is enough
Circle of Life movie
Norway movie

...and I haven't even done AI or that car thing at DHS.

Milf? hah isn't that like a woman who is/was married that - according to guys - still "has got it going on"?


Well-Known Member
I will never say never, but as much as I dislike spinning rides...there is only one ride I will never ride again unless the kids want someone there to hold their hand...and it's a very popular attraction.

Tower of Terror

As much as I love insane roller coasters, I hate free fall rides. The first drop on the coaster could be 300+ ft and be close to a 90 degree angle and I'd love it, but the whole free fall thing- never a fan. I've ridden ToT once, just once, so I could see all of the other great ride details- which were very awesome.


Well-Known Member
Enchanted Tiki Room
Circle of Life (which makes me sad, because I LOVE The Lion King)
Stitch's Great Escape
Tomorrowland Speedway
Country Bear Jamboree
Swiss Family Treehouse

Make me sick as a dog
Mad Tea Party
Star Tours
Mission Space


Well-Known Member
Tomorrowland Speedway
Stitch's Great Escape
Captain EQ
Universe of Energy
Mission Space
Any Circlevision film in World Showcase...I get queasy...and I just think they're a sales pitch for tourist to come to those countries
Anything in the Wonders of Life :( but not because I don't want to...
Lights, Motor, Action Extreme Stunt Show
The Circle of Life...please bring back Food Rocks...


Well-Known Member
i'm not really opposed to go on any rides. it's more like "rides i'm not in the mood for this trip" and "rides i feel like riding until i get sick of it". i don't have a preference of "rides i refuse to go on" cause i don't get sick very easily nor do i get bored at Disney very easily.


Well-Known Member
Never say never...I always think I will never bother with some things ever again after the first time...and then years later (sometimes MANY years later...Treehouse I'm talking to you!) I actually quite enjoy it.

BUT...currently...these things I don't wish to do any time soon
Lights, Motors boring
Kali River Rapids
American Idol
Country Bears (bad bad edits)
Astro Orbitors

Last time I was on the Speedway, I was panicked, because I kept getting hit from behind (I don't drive) but actually while highly embarrassing, it was kinda fun.

I also have a thing about CoP...
if I have time, I'll probably do it, but until they update that final scene, I usually have better things to do.
The only attraction I have been on that I have no interest in every trying again is Stitch's Great Escape. I didn't even want to try it at all but the rest of my family wanted to see what it was. Also Mission Space but I have never tried it. I was considering trying it a few years ago but 1 look at the sample cabin outside the entrance convinced me that I would not like it seeing how confined it is.

Calvin Coolidge

Well-Known Member
The Seas with Nemo and Friends. First time I went on it we got stopped in the "EAC" bubble corridor which gave me a horrible headache and motion sickness. Time felt like it stopped, and I thought I would be stuck in there forever. It was 20 minutes of dizziness and confusion, followed by vomiting into some bushes by the exit. It's a real shame, as The Living Seas was my favorite Future World pavilion.

Ellen's Energy Adventure. A number of years ago, as a high school student on a band trip, I convinced my friends to go on Ellen's with me. It was 40-minutes of dated pop culture references and total agony. They didn't let me pick for the rest of the day.

The new Journey into Imagination, or whatever they're calling it now. Hurts my heart too much.

Captain EO.

Mission: Space, for many of the reasons identified in this thread. (Just realizing that this is like half of EPCOT, which makes me very sad. Oh well, more reason to barhop in World Showcase)

It's Tough To Be A Bug. Mediocre show based on a mediocre movie. I'm ready to see something new move into that space.

American Idol. I shouldn't need to explain this, I don't think.

I'd say Stitch but I've never bothered trying it.


DINOSAUR. This needs to be strongly emphasized because I am almost 100% sure I had a heart attack on that ride. Scared the pants off of me and Im a grown woman!:oops:

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