Attractions that I will NOT go on again.


Well-Known Member
I didn't actually puke on Mission Space... although my MIL did. However, I seriously thought I was going to, and I had to remain sitting for an hour afterwards before I felt okay to walk again. Just because someone doesn't appear sick doesn't mean it didn't mess them up. Some of us are just more sensitive than others. I can't even ride Soarin' without feeling queasy. :eek:
I wonder how many have ruined their day on the Tea Cups? I never said that no one gets sick, I said, and I stand by it, that not as many as one would think do and SOME, not all, of those have talked themselves into it. If you have inner ear problems which would cause you to feel sick on something like Soarin' then riding Mission: Space would be a very bad choice.

Mission Space has gotten a bad rap because of it and they go out of their way to warn people that they might get sick, even to the point of putting barf bags in the compartments. Knowing all that why would anyone with legitimate problems ever, ever get on it. The only ride that ever made me feel weird was the Tea Cups and they hardly even mention it there. My point was not that MS is innocent of any situation that might cause nausea, I'm saying that it is not much worse than any other moving ride. Some people will get sick others won't. It's a thrill ride and what everyone is screaming for Disney to put in place. Long live the almighty thrill ride.


Well-Known Member
Mission Space...I have been on this ride countless times in the past 10 years. Both sides! I have ridden with hundreds of people that I have never seen before. During that time, I have never seen anyone get sick, before, during or after the ride. Me thinks it potency is more of urban legend then most realize. It had some problems when it first started up and that has carried through since then. It is amazing what people can talk themselves into.:oops:

I think you may be placing too much faith in source as a crowd sample. In both what you read, an your own experiences.
For instance if you yourself know you don't get sick you take out a chance of incident per full capacity load you take. any even one repeat rider you go in with too cuts the chance further. and given how many unique guests are on the ride daily, I honestly don't know if your entire lifetime of riding would be a good sample for any given day, never mind years. unless we have totals, which I would assume themselves would only be obtained by sampling guests as they came off the ride to find out of they were return riders or not.

on the flip side, those with negative things and bad stories are MUCH more prone to talk about it. the normal person goes on, has fun, moves on. on forums and complaints and topics you tend to pull in the extremes of the spectrum. so it's not all fire and brimstone evil epidemic problems, but I assure you it happens without being talked into it. even if you yourself havent witnesses it. ( and if policy is like my incident then perhaps that helps explain why you don't see it afterwords if they try to hurry people away with any issue on one extreme or another.) I myself have not seen disneyland, but I know it exists.


Well-Known Member
I've never gotten sick from a ride in my entire life and I've ridden everything in WDW. However I do find the backlot tour to be terribly boring and that saddens me because it used to be one of my favorites :( Also can skip Captain EO, never a MJ fan. Plus I'll pass on all the World Showcase movies. Everything else is fair game though!


Active Member
I wonder how many have ruined their day on the Tea Cups? I never said that no one gets sick, I said, and I stand by it, that not as many as one would think do and SOME, not all, of those have talked themselves into it. If you have inner ear problems which would cause you to feel sick on something like Soarin' then riding Mission: Space would be a very bad choice.

Mission Space has gotten a bad rap because of it and they go out of their way to warn people that they might get sick, even to the point of putting barf bags in the compartments. Knowing all that why would anyone with legitimate problems ever, ever get on it. The only ride that ever made me feel weird was the Tea Cups and they hardly even mention it there. My point was not that MS is innocent of any situation that might cause nausea, I'm saying that it is not much worse than any other moving ride. Some people will get sick others won't. It's a thrill ride and what everyone is screaming for Disney to put in place. Long live the almighty thrill ride.

Agreed. And no Teacups for me either! Ugh.

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