I'm not sure if I understand exactly how this would negatively impact the company over the long term. I don't like the idea of doing away with the animators, but again, someone has to take the lead here as it relates to the business side of this situation. If Disney kept everyone on, kept all the rides, and just kept expanding, can you imagine the cost just to go to the parks? I mean operational costs continue to increase, and if the min. wage increases much over the next several years, you can count on the fact that the cost to visit will as well.
I'm in agreement that I don't like the idea. But I completely understand the need sometimes, to downsize for the long term health of the company. And if you have an area where you can do that, then that's what has to be done.
It's certainly not the popular view, but a necessary one.[/QUOTE
Here is the statement which you originally replied to, in which you referenced Hilter in trying to parallel our views. I didnt' make the comments about Hitler, YOU DID!!!! I don't really care what you think about my history, as most of the quotes, statements, and comments get taken out of context, since they tend to disagree with the majority. This isn't about getting my way, and it's' funny YOU would be the one to bring that up. You are NOT engaging me on the issue, but rather trying to somehow impune my character. I remind you that you DON'T KNOW ME!!!! Don't attempt to characterize me based on comments that I may make about Disney subjects. I have tried to continue throughout the entirety of THIS thread to debate the financial issues surrounding the decision that Disney has made. You may try to play the part of victim if you feel it necessary in order to obtain sympathy, but the fact remains that your only answer to me has been "they're all greedy fat cats" if I may paraphrase. Somehow, I don't see that as an intelligent answer to the questions that have been raised and debated on this thread.
May I once again remind you that YOU were the one who made the reference you did. NOT ME. I tried to remain on topic here.
Again, I don't agree with the decision Disney has made, but I understand it. Disney could not afford to keep everyone on forever, continue to expand,
raise pay scales and benefits, and NOT raise prices on everything for the guests. At some point, you HAVE TO examine the cost to the consumer. And cuts have to be made in order to maintain costs that are manageable for EVERYONE.
No, once again, I don't like the top execs. getting the pay and bonuses that they do, but Michael Eisner, and people like him ask for those incentives and pay increases. And guess what, the board gives it to them. Who's truly at fault for that? Let's turn the discussion to who is TRULY at fault here. Those ON THE BOARD AND MICHAEL EISNER. I don't blame people for asking for more pay and benefits. Do you? Is it okay for people at the bottom of the ladder to ask for more, but not those at the top of it? Why? They aren't obligated to make less money just because you or I don't make what they do. It's up to US TO IMPROVE OURSELVES AND TO HAVE THE DESIRE TO WANT MORE OUT OF LIFE.
My Wife has a background in Commercial Art and Marketing, so I can completely understand the passion and heartbreak of those who didn't want to see this day come. Neither did I. But it's a business, and that's why this decision was made. Time will tell if it was the right decision.