Arrival Day


Active Member
What's your preference on check in day?

  1. Fly or drive in early so you can check in and hit the parks right away or;
  2. Fly or drive in late afternoon/evening so you can check in, relax at your resort and get a good nights sleep so you can hit the parks early the next day?


Well-Known Member
We make a 20-ish hour drive, so we end up getting in mid afternoon on our first day. This year, we will get in, eat at Whispering Canyon Cafe, and head over to DD for the night.
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Well-Known Member
What's your preference on check in day?

  1. Fly or drive in early so you can check in and hit the parks right away or;
  2. Fly or drive in late afternoon/evening so you can check in, relax at your resort and get a good nights sleep so you can hit the parks early the next day?

I vote for option 3. :lol:

I prefer to get there fairly early. like 10ish or 11ish, but not necessarily to to the parks right away and not necessarily relax at the resort all day...just whatever is best for my itinerary.

On our April trip this year, we got there around 10:30 or 11 or so, and didn't enter the parks at all that day. We visited another resort for a brief bit, went to supper at Chef Mickey's, and played some off property mini-golf that night.

Next April, if we are blessed enough to be able to go, I plan on getting to Orlando around the same time, or hopefully a little earlier. Originally, I had planned to go to Universal first thing, and then leave and check into the resort and head to supper at Epcot that evening. Now, I'm considering skipping Universal and hanging out at MK for the rest of the morning and early afternoon, then going back to the resort and getting ready for supper at Epcot.
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My husband works on Saturdays from 6-3pm and his days off are Sun and Mon so we always have to leave Sat night so as not to use up too many of his vacation days. We did early morning one time and we were so tired that we passed out at like 8pm that night. I like getting in at night and getting an early start the next day to the parks. We leave Aug. 18th for 4 full days in the parks and at the Yacht Club. I cannot wait. :wave:
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Maybe one of us should start a WDW vacation boot camp. We could get R. Lee Ermey (the drill Sergeant from full metal jacket) to run it.

"If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit training, you will be ready for WDW. But until that day you are pukes. You are the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even good enough to handle a road side carnival. You are nothing but unorganized tourists."

"Because I am hard you will not like me. But the more you hate me the more you will learn. I am hard but I am fair. There is no theme park bigotry here. I do not look down on Universal, Sea World or Six Flags fans. And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to visit my beloved park. Do you maggots understand that? "

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I like arriving in the aftrnoon. That way we can check in & relax after the flight. After we unwind from the traveling we hit MK & go right to Space Mountain. Then a light dinner. Finally we stroll around MK. it's a great way to start the vacation. The next morning we get down to the science of doing Disney full steam ahead. Wha-Hoo!!!!!:sohappy:
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What we normally do is drive down the day before, no rush, and stay in Orlando somewhere and check in Disney the next morning, early. The day we arrive in Orlando is when we go to Down Town Disney and just relax. The next morning we get up early and check in at Disney, get the tickets and hit the parks. Everyday we are up early and in Disney mode. :ROFLOL:

The reason I do this is because it's cheaper for me because we do the dining plan and all of that. I would feel like I was missing out on part of my "Disney days" if we checked in late one afternoon. :shrug: I guess it just works great for us.:)

This is exactly what we're doing this year! Usually, we arrive in the afternoon to check in. We relax, get unpacked, & hit Chef Mickey's for dinner. We would then head to MK to see Spectromagic. (the price between a 7 & 8 day ticket is so small, we don't mind using the extra day just for a relaxing evening)

This year, we are meeting my in laws from Lauderdale and they are only with us the first 3 days and nights of our trip. Therefore, we need all of the park time we can get those first few days. Because we couldn't see paying the extra for DDP with the extra night, we're staying off property the night we drive into Orlando. Then we're off bright & early to check in and hit the parks!
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Well-Known Member
DH and I travel from California, so with a long flight (6 hrs and over), and a three hour time difference, we normally will relax when we arrive. We will relax at our resort, go to DTD, and go shopping, and eat at a nice restaurant. This time, we're going to watch Cirque du Soleil.
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Well-Known Member
The last two times we have driven down, and gotten in to Orlando in the afternoon, so its unload the van, then drive over to the beach, or DD. Next summers trip we may try to leave the evening before, so that we will have an extra day, or maybe two!
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Active Member
We usually catch a very early morning flight, check in if the room is available and head right to the Magic Kingdom. For our trip next January we are trying something different, a mid-day flight and then dinner at California Grill for Wishes. No theme parks at all on the first day! :eek:
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Well-Known Member
I like to try and get in just before or around lunchtime. We have a 10:30a.m. flight this year (compared to the 8:45a.m. we had for our honeymoon! :eek: ) DH and I enjoy being able to check-in then sit down and have lunch before hitting MK! We also usually end up doing a light dinner on arrival day.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
My wife and I went three times before we got married, and will be doing a late honeymoon there very soon. First time, we flew in super early and hit the parks. Next two times, we drove straight through...and hit the parks. I have to accept the fact that my wife, bless her heart, can't run on pure lunatic energy like I can (and usually do, case in point, I have to get up in 5 hours, why the Hell am I NOT in bed?)

This trip, the plan is to drive straight through, leaving NJ at 4pm, and if all goes well, arriving on property at noon. However, this time, we won't go straight to the parks. We'll do an early check-in and go to our room if it's available, and either nap in the room or poolside with some SPF infinity on. We're staying at VWL, with early dinner ADRs at Whispering Canyon Cafe. Have a hearty dinner, maybe take a walk around the grounds, crash early and hit the ground running the next day.
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Well-Known Member
Maybe one of us should start a WDW vacation boot camp. We could get R. Lee Ermey (the drill Sergeant from full metal jacket) to run it.

"If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit training, you will be ready for WDW. But until that day you are pukes. You are the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even good enough to handle a road side carnival. You are nothing but unorganized tourists."

"Because I am hard you will not like me. But the more you hate me the more you will learn. I am hard but I am fair. There is no theme park bigotry here. I do not look down on Universal, Sea World or Six Flags fans. And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to visit my beloved park. Do you maggots understand that? "


Sir Yes Sir! :D
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Active Member
We have driven and flown to WDW and we always arrive early. We like to take an am flight and get in around 10am-12pm. That way, we get to the resort, check in, go to our room (if it is ready), if not, then we will go to Epcot for lunch. We just walk around, maybe get on a ride or two if lines aren't huge, but we just don't hurry around anymore. We like to relax and take it easy. We have been to WDW more times then I can count and will continue to go. We are getting married there next year!
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Well-Known Member
We fly as early as we can. My daughter says that she does not feel like she is going on vacation unless she has to wake up at 4 am. :lol: We usually get in around noon. Check in right away, then hit MK. There's something truly magical about seeing spectromagic on the same day that you arrived. :)

I second you there...I'd rather get a 6 am flight out ,,,after layover and all be in WDW at 11:30 me arriving later is like a waste of a day..get me there as soon as possible!!!!!.. Also the night before my oldest usually will say she'll go to bed early because that means getting up early fordisney will come faster!!!!
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Well-Known Member
When it was just the 2 of us we always did #1, we wanted to start as early as possible. Now with the boys, we do #2. We leave Boston late morning or early afternoon so as not to disrupt their meal/sleep schedules too much. We get to the resort and tour it a bit, have dinner and then unpack a bit, hit the pool and go to bed. We then get up early to start the real fun.
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Well-Known Member
We always take the first flight out in the morning and get to our room by noon the latest. Since we typically have a direct flight we have about 3 hours of sleep time till we arrive in Orlando. Now we unpack a few things, get our park gear ready and head to the parks for the day. We are typically early risers so this works best for us. If we start getting tired we just keep going and sleep when we get home in 2 weeks.:lol:
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Well-Known Member
When it comes to WDW, we love arriving early in the morning. Nothing is better than getting to the magic early. Our flight is usually 7am, so we actually get to the hotel at 11:30am, check-in, grab lunch, go to a park, head back to the hotel to unpack & rest, then head out for the evening. The anticipation of getting there is just so crazy, that we can never take a late flight in the afternoon or evening.

Almost 3 months till we leave!!!! :sohappy:
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New Member
normally we do take the early flight out to get in an extra day at the parks, but this year i do not get off work in time to do that as we will be leaving on the 6:30pm flight to orlando arriving at 10:15pm. i know that it's late when we will get to the hotel that day, but i see it this way i would rather get there late and start early the next day than to have left the next day and get only 1/2 time in the parks or what not.

see this way we will spend our first day in the waterparks after sleeping in and getting a good rest then go to the waterpark and fo to dinner from there as we like to spend a whole day at each one. and from dinner we go to the park that has the late extra magic hour.

plus checking in the evening earlier we get an extra day on the dining plan and we get to go to a 2 credit dinner or dinner show without feeling like we have to payoutright for a days worth of meals.

i think this may be the option now that we take as we we will have to believing soon after we get off work to get the most of disney that we can.:wave:
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