Arrival Day


Active Member
What's your preference on check in day?

  1. Fly or drive in early so you can check in and hit the parks right away or;
  2. Fly or drive in late afternoon/evening so you can check in, relax at your resort and get a good nights sleep so you can hit the parks early the next day?


Well-Known Member
I usually prefer to fly in the night before and usually get in around midnight. This year we are actually taking a 7:30AM flight to try and get an extra day out of it. So we should be at the park between 12-1.
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New Member
I prefer option number 2. We normally land sometime around 3. By the time we get our luggage and get to the resort it's dinner time. We eat and lounge around by the pool. On occasion we had over to DTD and check things out and get our first disney fix. Then its off to bed early to get a good night's rest. We always do a character breakfast on our first morning and because of our group size our reservations are always at 7 which means we have to be waiting for out bus around 6:15
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Well-Known Member
I do it both ways and think that I prefer option number 2 when the kids are with us. When is just DH and I or my mom and I, we do option one (drive all night, then hit the parks).
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We'd rather have as much time as possible at Disney so we try to get the 6 am flight and get to our resort by noon. If our rooms are ready, great - extra bonus - if not, we grab a bite to eat at the resort and head right out!
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Well-Known Member
We fly as early as we can. My daughter says that she does not feel like she is going on vacation unless she has to wake up at 4 am. :lol: We usually get in around noon. Check in right away, then hit MK. There's something truly magical about seeing spectromagic on the same day that you arrived. :)
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I too am all for option number 2 IF you get in at a reasonable time ( before 6 is good). This way you are getting something out of the night and not paying for the lodging to simply sleep. Besides, there is nothing like waking up on Disney property (if you are staying on the grounds) and getting that feeling of anticipation to make it into the parks.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I drive in as early as I can. I have no problem getting up at 3:00 AM so I can get to WDW early enough to check into our resort and be at a park for an early EMH. I always figured I'll get plenty of sleep when I am dead so there is no reason for me to sleep when I am at WDW.
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Well-Known Member
I drive in as early as I can. I have no problem getting up at 3:00 AM so I can get to WDW early enough to check into our resort and be at a park for an early EMH. I always figured I'll get plenty of sleep when I am dead so there is no reason for me to sleep when I am at WDW.

:lol: I like that! When I went with my mother a few years ago, she was so surprised that her daughter who has always been a night owl and very hard to get out of bed is up, dressed, ready to go, AND chipper all before she managed to get her coffee in the morning. I told her that I can sleep at home- I'm certainly not wasting a good couple hours sleeping when I'm at my favorite place.
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Active Member
I have done it both ways. We are going in September and due to work and school obligations we have to do it while taking as little time off from them as possible. So this time our flight actually leaves at 8:00 at night getting us to WDW around 11. Pretty late but we can go to sleep and wake up and hit the parks. I once took a very late flight...I got to the airport about 11:30pm got on magic express and was at my hotel in no time flat. Thats whats good about flying so late, the airport is empty.
Ideally, I like to take an early morning flight, get down there and hit the parks asap. Or like someone else said, get there around 6ish, eat maybe hit DTD and thn rest up for the next day.
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Well-Known Member
I choose number 1

We fly in as early as possible, take advantage of magical express, check in, and hit the parks. Last year we got to MK by 1150 hours and were able to do just about everything we wanted which allowed us almost an entire free day to revisit MK or spend an extra day in Epcot.

I am an early bird where my DH2B is not, yet, he had no complaints about pushing it just a little in order to spend more time in the parks. I have infected him with Dineyitus.

P.S. He snoozed :snore: on the plan for a full 2 hours. If you ask him he was just resting his eyes. If you ask anyone on the plane he was snoring like lumberjack cutting wood. :lol:
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Well-Known Member
What we normally do is drive down the day before, no rush, and stay in Orlando somewhere and check in Disney the next morning, early. The day we arrive in Orlando is when we go to Down Town Disney and just relax. The next morning we get up early and check in at Disney, get the tickets and hit the parks. Everyday we are up early and in Disney mode. :ROFLOL:

The reason I do this is because it's cheaper for me because we do the dining plan and all of that. I would feel like I was missing out on part of my "Disney days" if we checked in late one afternoon. :shrug: I guess it just works great for us.:)
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I would go with the early flight.

Everytime we went to Disney World, we would book a 7:00am flight. Therefore, we would wake up at 4am, I know its early but when your waking up to the day your leaving to go to Disney World, its not early enough! We would get ready and head out to Philly's airport at about 5am. By the time we check our luggage in its about 5:30am, grab a bite, find the gate and at this time its 6am, they start boarding the plane at about 6:30am. Take off's at 7am so we get to Orlando at about 9am, find Magical Express in terminal B and your on your way. You will get to the resort between 10:30-11:00am. Perfect timing, check in and head for the bus stop to a park!!! Now i am excited..:wave:
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New Member
I check in at 8 am most of the time. So i go to downtown disney. We can make a day of the shops. then to end the day we slip into MK to catch wishes.:sohappy: Is there a better way to start a trip?
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Well-Known Member
What's your preference on check in day?

  1. Fly or drive in early so you can check in and hit the parks right away or;
  2. Fly or drive in late afternoon/evening so you can check in, relax at your resort and get a good nights sleep so you can hit the parks early the next day?
I would fly or drive in as early as possible.
I like to take advantage of all the park time that I can.
But, if you enjoy a more relaxed vacation, flying or driving in later may be better.
Hope this helps!
:D :wave:
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New Member
This trip coming up i booked a 730 flight and arriving in fl @ 9:30 so we have the whole day & return flight we leave at 8 pm so we have that whole day too! I prefer getting a head start on the day, Did the Same the last trip as well. I hate waiting to get there, Earlier the better ! :)
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Well-Known Member
Definitely number 2. Even though when I went to Disneyland this year, I left here at about 8am, got there at about 12pm. After checking in, I walked over to the park, and I was so tired and hungry that I nearly collapsed on Main St :snore:

Even though my flight to FL is only about 2-3 hours, compared to nearly 6 hours to CA, I'm not going to do that again. I'm definitely a land-eat-sleep person. I'd rather leave as late as possible the last day and have that day as "extra" in the park.
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New Member
What we normally do is drive down the day before, no rush, and stay in Orlando somewhere and check in Disney the next morning, early. The day we arrive in Orlando is when we go to Down Town Disney and just relax. The next morning we get up early and check in at Disney, get the tickets and hit the parks. Everyday we are up early and in Disney mode. :ROFLOL:

The reason I do this is because it's cheaper for me because we do the dining plan and all of that. I would feel like I was missing out on part of my "Disney days" if we checked in late one afternoon. :shrug: I guess it just works great for us.:)

I have done it the same way for my last 3 visits. The evening before WDW in Orlando allows us to rest and be ready to drive over bright and early, drop off our luggage, grab some breakfast, and hit the parks.
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