Arrested Development - Our August 2010 Trip Report

Arrested Development, or “There’s other places to go on vacation that aren’t Disney World?!”

“And now the story of a Disney-jaded family, who lost their minds, and the one guy who had no choice but to keep it all together. It’s Arrested Development.”

August 21, 2008- The SeaCastle clan arrives at Orlando International Airport a day after they were supposed to be in WDW, and a bit concerned about Tropical Storm Fay, which had delayed them. Rain clouds populated the horizon, as they cast a decidedly ominous light upon the greater Orlando area. But the rain did not stop this family, who pressed on through the next five days of park hopping (whilst donning ponchos) to enjoy the shows and attractions that WDW has to offer. Later that week, they tentatively decide to return to this magical place in two years, a year after their long-planned trip to San Diego and the Disneyland Resort.

August 12, 2010- The day has come. Years of excitement, planning, and stalking Disney fan sites has culminated into this seemingly uneventful day. The sky was dark as it would be any morning at four AM, the time we awoke from our short slumber to head to the airport. As citizens of central Jersey, we drove down to drop two of our three dogs off at our family’s house, who conveniently lives within five minutes of Atlantic City International Airport. (This saves money on boarding our dogs, and Spirit Airlines has relatively cheap flights going to Orlando. For those wondering, we have an elkhound and two Malamutes.)


Preparing to take-off

We skipped breakfast and gathered all of our items and drove to the airport- sleepy but filled with nervous excitement. This time, there was no hurricane to impede our forward motion. It was still dark and damp by the time we reached the airport, and we waited in a typically desolate terminal for our 6:30AM flight to Orlando. We boarded our flight without a hitch, and after an uneventful flight (I was reading Andrew Sorkin’s book, Too Big to Fail – an excellent book about the credit crisis) we had landed in Orlando.


En route

We got out of the plane and headed to the airport Starbucks. We were still quite hungry, so we bought frapuccinos to tide ourselves over. Following that, is was an easy trip downstairs to the Magical Express desk. I never have a problem finding the place, yet apparently one of my family members was lost for a long time trying to find it. Anyone have a similar problem?


A bit of time later, we were on the bus and off to the world of Disney. The Magical Express seemed less magical this time around, but maybe because I was a bit pre-occupied on my phone for the trip. Internet phones are a blessing and a curse…in those forty minute lines they’re a lifesaver, but they detract from the experience a bit. After dropping guests off at Pop Century and Caribbean Beach, it was time for the Animal Kingdom Lodge…and wow! This place was beautiful. It was alive with the sound of drumming and tribal-type music and friendly cast members. The smell from Boma and Jiko wafted up from the floors below, filling the lobby with an aroma of good times awaiting us. We checked our carry-on bags in (our luggage had not yet arrived), and after meeting with the concierge discussing our reservations and such, it was off to our first park- Disney’s Hollywood Studios. We had originally planned on going to EPCOT all day, but since my tripod was in the luggage and I needed it for filming Reflections of Earth later that night, we decided to split our day.


The disadvantage of staying at the Animal Kingdom Lodge is that bus transportation is required to go anywhere. We’ve been spoiled by staying at such transportation-friendly resorts like the Beach Club and Polynesian, so this was a whole new thing for us. That said, it makes more sense why the Animal Kingdom Lodge (and to an extent, the Wilderness Lodge) is priced cheaper than normal deluxes, as most of the other deluxes have some sort of alternative transportation to at least one park. (The Wilderness Lodge has boat transportation to the Magic Kingdom.) The AKL has buses running quasi-regularly, showing up every 10-20 minutes or so. Even if it takes around 40 minutes between the time we leave our hotel room to the time we step through the gates, I cannot blame the transportation for being consistent.

To be honest, I was a bit anxious about going into the theme parks. Over the past two years, I learned a lot about the parks and their operation, and, most importantly, Team Disney Orlando and their cost-cutting measures on the park. My eye became trained to look for things that were wrong…chipped paint, burnt-out lightbulbs, and the like. For this reason, I thought I would be disappointed by what I saw at Disney World. Fortunately, my eye was also trained to other details, like lamps, benches, fountains, and everything in between. Coupled, this left me unsure what to expect when I entered Disney’s Hollywood Studios.

First off, this place was packed! One of my family members purchased the “Mobile Magic” app to use during our visit; it includes updated attraction times. On the bus all of the major attractions had long waits (anything above 40 minutes is not worth waiting for, in most cases). So we decided to head on over to Min and Bill’s Dockside Diner for some much-needed grub.


Min and Bill's


Gotta love a good Citizen Kane reference

We all wound up getting stuffed pretzels (no pictures here, unfortunately) and we headed out to check Toy Story Midway Mania and One Man’s Dream – both due for closure during the week we visited. Of course, TSM had a horridly long line (one not worth waiting for such a minimalist attraction…there, I said it! :lookaroun) so we decided to walk through One Man’s Dream. I found it surprising my family enjoyed it, as they are nowhere near enjoy Disney as much as I do, but it was a pleasant surprise no less. After that was the Backlot Tour. Yes, it is a pathetic shadow of its previous incarnation, but we always find ourselves enjoying it. I will be sad to see this go; hopefully they work Catastrophe Canyon into whatever they’re planning there. We then proceeded to experience Muppet Vision 3-D. I still find my family enjoying this…and myself included. There’s so many puns and visual gags that it really becomes a treat for the eyes.


After getting settled, it was off to EPCOT. This marked the first time we had ever arrived at EPCOT via bus, and it was an odd experience (and a much longer walk!). As always, the walk to Spaceship Earth is a visual masterpiece, as Spaceship Earth is so simplistically beautiful and unprecedented, that it leaves an aura of awe surrounding the area.


We skipped the formalities and attractions and instead headed straight to the San Angel Inn, a SeaCastle clan favorite. We always eat here on our trips, as we find the food and the décor perfect. It’s WED at its best- a totally immersive environment in which you feel like you’re part of the show. The marketplace has a fountain focal point, and people are all over the place having a good time in the shops and in the restaurant. A volcano spews ash into a night sky, and lights dangle from overhead, simulating a Mexican marketplace along the riverside at nighttime. Boats silently drift past the temple and the diners as they embark on their adventure into Mexico. A mariachi band drifts throughout the pavilion, and when they’re not playing, fitting background music is piped in. It’s a sensory delight.


After San Angel Inn, we decided to hit up Soarin. The line was a solid 40 minutes, and figuring this is the best wait time we’ll get, we decided to go for it. The wait wasn’t nearly that bad, but the queue is misleading- everytime you turn the corner it’s another 20 minute wait. We rode Soarin’, which no matter how many times you ride it, is great. It’s not as immersive as your normal E-ticket, but you cannot beat the experience of Soarin’ over California. Following that, it was off to the Seas with Nemo and Friends, which was an easy choice considering the five minute wait. I was never a fan of the attraction, but after riding it this time around, I enjoyed it more. The queue is especially delightful and really makes you feel like you’re at some beach.


Test Track was next up on the hit parade, with plans to watch IllumiNations following that. Unfortunately, the queue for Test Track was longer than planned, but Test Track at night is much different than in the day. Our family loves Test Track. The theme/backstory of the attraction is great, and the ride is just plain fun. Nothing beats the excitement of narrowly missing Ronald Reagan driving a truck and nearly bursting through the crash barrier. As we got off the ride, the fireworks had just started, so we decided to end our day there. Leaving before IllumiNations meant we got to beat the hordes rushing to their respective busses. Next thing you know, we’re back at the Animal Kingdom Lodge, getting ready for our next day.

So ends our first day in the parks…tomorrow is off to the kingdom of animals and magic!

(Still working on pictures...)


Well-Known Member
Great start!!! Looking forward to hearing more about your trip!!! Pretty excited... We are staying at AKL in December! :xmas:


I have to agree about Magical Express....without fail, we always go the wrong way.

I also swore to myself that next time I am in the parks, my Iphone will stay in the backpack and not be removed unless I am in my room. Last trip I became one of those obnoxious people I despise who couldn't put the phone down.

Looking forward to reading more!


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Day Two was our day at the Animal Kingdom. We planned on visiting again later in the week (which never materialized) so we did not hit up all of the attractions. Furthermore, the memory card I had in my camera at the time had glitched, so I wound up losing nearly all of my pictures from today. Thus, this leg of the trip report will be image-less until we arrive at the Magic Kingdom later in the evening.

Our family loves the Animal Kingdom, despite the fact that there’s not a whole lot to do. As you pass through the Oasis (which is really wonderful, in spite of the fact most people walk right through it without noticing) and make your way onto Discovery Island, the vista is breath-taking. The Tree of Life towers in the air with such grace and majesty that you forget for a few minutes that it’s simply the skeleton of an oil rig. Our first item of business would be to ride Expedition Everest, which was essentially a walk-on at 11am. Following that, we decided to get Fastpasses for Kali River Rapids, then hit up Kilimanjaro Safaris.

Kilimanjaro Safaris never fails to impress. Our tour guide was very good, and more animals than usual seemed to be out and about. All of the misters and geysers in the final scene were working, which I had never noticed before. As we got off the ride, a man that was in our tour thanked the tour guide and told him he did a wonderful job. I was glad someone else noticed. After Kilimanjaro Safaris, we hit up the Pangani Forest trail. My family didn’t seem to want to look at the exhibits, so I didn’t enjoy the trail as much as I would have if they weren’t rushing to get out of there. On the way out, we spotted a food stand in Harambe from which we planned to grab a snack after Kali River Rapids. Why we would backtrack from Asia back to Africa for lunch is beyond me, but I reluctantly went along with it.

By this time, our Fastpasses for Kali were up. The ride had temporarily stopped, so we wound up sitting in the raft at the loading platform for a few minutes before it started up again. It’s an incredible ride, but alas one I wish was much longer. The deforestation scene lacked the flames and was just smoke, but it didn’t detract that much from enjoying the ride. You always seem to form a special bond with the people you’re in the raft with, as you all share the common goal of not wanting to get drenched. My shirt and pants wound up getting very wet, but it was a hot day so it didn’t make me miserable.

After this, we backtracked to Africa and ate. We found a nice and shady sitting spot and feasted on pretzels and vegetables. We decided to get Fastpasses for Everest, which would begin being usable in about an hour. With this, I decided to hit up Flights of Wonder, while the rest of my family went shopping. The show was a bit hokey, but the birds were very impressive. There was a nice-sized crowd who really seemed to enjoy the show. By the time the show was over, I had some time to kill so I walked around a bit, and then met up with the rest of my family to ride Everest (which, despite the disabled effects, is an awesome ride.)

I had decided to take a video with my camera of Everest. All seemed fine, but once we got to the load platform, I found a green light flashing on my camera and found it unresponsive. I removed the battery and put it back in, and after some lagging, my camera sprung back to life, seemingly normal. Save for “Memory Card Error”. The realization hit me like a lightning bolt. Had I just lost over 600 pictures? I panicked a bit, but decided to change memory cards and hope for the best. The faulty memory card held 16GB worth of media, and I ordered it from Hong Kong and it arrived the day before we left. When I got home, I had a few problems getting the pictures off of the card, but after formatting the card, all seemed fine.We planned on hitting up Dinosaur after this, but since the wait time was 40 minutes and we had a plans for that night, we decided to go back to the hotel and rest some, to get ready for the magic Kingdom that night.


Well-Known Member
Nice report!

I don't think the bus/boat transportation issue has anything to do with AKL and WL being cheaper than other deluxe. I think they were originally planned as mods - the rooms are really no bigger or better than at mods - but the common areas (lobbies, savannah, etc.) were so nice they realized they could get away with charging more than at the mods.


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Two hours later, we were back at the Magic Kingdom, with threatening skies looming overhead. Within 15 seconds of stepping off the bus, the rain had begun. It grew with intensity as we walked under the bus stop canopies. Making a run for it, we dashed from the bus stop to the water taxi canopy. That was when all hell broke loose. The rain poured down ferociously. Maybe it’s because I’m simply not a Central Florida native, but gosh, I’ve never seen rain like this in years!




At this point, we conjured up the gusto and decided to make a break for the bag check and turnstiles. I’d like to think Security and the Turnstile attendants admired our feat of courage, but with three of us, poncho-less and soaking wet, with one of us (me) carrying a two foot long tripod, we must have looked pretty stupid. From there, we dashed under the railroad station and waited for a few minutes.



Again, we gathered whatever ounce of courage we had left and decided to head over to the fire station to buy ponchos. I’m a staunch poncho advocate. In our last trip, during Tropical Storm Fay, ponchos became just another clothing item, as they allowed for free exploration of the park unimpeded by rain. I was disheartened to learn that they were not packed for this trip, under the premise that “there wasn’t going to be another hurricane”. Ahem.

The rain was mostly gone by then, save for an annoying shower. We decided to head on over to the PeopleMover to escape the rain and enjoy a family favorite. Unfortunately, there was about one to two inches of standing water in Rockettower Plaza, and the TTA was temporarily closed. We waited around 10 minutes to get on, but once we were on, we enjoyed the trip immensely. (And who doesn’t enjoy a trip on the PeopleMover?) We then crossed the park to Frontierland to eat at Pecos Bill’s, where it promptly started to rain again. The place was crowded, but we were all thrilled by our food – it was simply delicious. I had a Deluxe Cheeseburger (which I’m currently salivating about as I write this), a veggie burger, and a pork sandwich. All were delicious, and we ate our meal relatively dry.

Since the Riverboat would be going down for refurb that week, we decided to hit that up. It was nice to relax on the riverboat, but it was pretty obvious to see why the riverboat needed some TLC.


We decided to take the train to Toontown Fair station after this to check out the line for Space Mountain. We balked, but then headed over to Main Street to check out the Electrical Parade. We got a decent spot on the steps of City Hall and enjoyed the parade. I had previously seen this last year at Disney California Adventure, but prior to that I hadn’t seen it since 2000, one of my favorite memories of that trip. We then took the resort monorail over to the Polynesian to watch the fireworks from there, since I had a video assignment. It was great watching the fireworks in relative comfort, and since they were perimeters, it was the best spot to see a view of all of the action. I was surprised to see that such a large crowd watched them from here, but we had no trouble grabbing a lounge chair and watching them. After that, we walked around the Poly for a bit more (whilst receiving a compliment about my “More Cowbell” t-shirt), and then we headed back out to the Magic Kingdom again.

I lack photographic documentation of what we did after we got back into the parks, so I’ll have to try to recall this solely from memory. I do know that we went on The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and then went on Space Mountain. I believe it was after Space Mountain that we left the parks for good that night, and headed back home to the Animal Kingdom Lodge. I went for a late-night swim, and after that, fell right asleep to get ready for our park the next day…We’ve just begun to dream!

Note: I’ve found an easier way to upload photos via Photobucket, so pictures from my last update will be added as well. Thanks to all who are reading!


Well-Known Member
I am enjoying all the detail you've put in your report - and your writing sytle.

thanks for the report - looking forward to more!


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Pictures soon...:)

Day Two – Addition

I forgot to add…last night we left the Magic Kingdom and headed to the Polynesian to watch the Summer Nightastic fireworks (so I could fulfill a video request). Many people had the same idea…but it was bliss. The fireworks were perimeters, so watching the show from across the lagoon got you a good view of the whole show. They even piped in the music, too. I like to think this is what Disney does best. My family agreed this was a great place to watch the fireworks, and we then headed back into the Magic Kingdom.

Day Three

For those of you who have just joined us, welcome! The date is August 14th and we are off to EPCOT. We got into the park around 1pm and made a beeline for…you guessed it…Living with the Land. We’ve always found this ride strangely enjoyable, and this trip was no different. I believe the ride has actually moved up on my list of favorite attractions. It’s interesting, immersive, and informative.


After this, we hit up O’Canada. It’s a bit corny, but we’ve always enjoyed it. In CircleVision films, I always find myself to be one of the only ones that looks around and takes in all nine screens while most just sit there and watch the four screens in front of them. What a shame! The rest of Canada is beautiful, by the way. There are waterfalls and streams and gardens throughout the pavilion.


Following our friends to the north, we visited our neighbors across the pond in the United Kingdom. I’ve never taken a good walk around here, but I suggest you should all try it since the place is really beautiful. It’s tucked in a corner of World Showcase, so it doesn’t receive the highest foot traffic. However, if you walk around and explore, you’ll find some of the most beautiful, well-manicured gardens in the whole of Walt Disney World.


After a quick shopping trip at the International Gateway World Traveler’s store, we headed around the Lagoon. We stopped by France (but not for long), then continued to walk by Morocco to get to Japan. There was more shopping here (that I did not partake in) so instead I did what I do best – explore the place. There are little trails and waterfalls around here that make the area very peaceful and pleasant to walk around and sit around in.


Never saw that before, huh?

We then followed this by an eating trip to, of all places in World Showcase, the American Adventure. There, I indulged in my first turkey leg (which was certainly okay but not as flavorful as I imagined) and the rest of us ate lunch. It was hot that day, so we opted to take the boat across the lagoon and check out Ellen’s Energy Adventure. Ellen is another attraction that most people perceive as dated, but I always love it. It’s entertaining, and at the very least, 45 minutes out of the heat. Spaceship Earth was next after this, and for the photo they take at the beginning of the ride, I wore sunglasses to “be cool”. Unfortunately, the effect this had on my picture was a bit disappointing. It gave the impression that I had a hole in my head around my eyes. No matter, as the rest of the attraction was still pleasant. We backtracked across the park after that to make it to Via Napoli. After a five minute wait, we were seated and treating to an astounding dinner. We were quite hungry, but we barely finished our large pepperoni and one individual pizza amonst the three of us. The food was perfect. The prices were a bit high, but isn’t everything else at WDW? Overall, I’d give it three and a half stars. They appear to have a real winner on their hands. Notice how when you put effort into making a dish good, people enjoy it and spend money there? Keep that in mind, Disney. ;)

After our delicious dinner, we headed back around World Showcase to what I assume must be Test Track, because I have a forty minute gap in my pictures. (We must have used FASTPASS earlier.) We then left the park rather quickly after that, as we had to make a reservation with the Wishes Firework Dessert Party. We took the monorail from EPCOT to the TTC, and opted to take a boat to the Magic Kingdom. It was crowded today, probably due to the fact today was the last night of Summer Nightastic. After realizing we had time to kill, we decided to split up. Two of my family members would ride Dumbo, and I would have some much needed time to explore and photograph some things. It was dark out, so the pictures didn’t come out well. From what I remember, I explored the outside of the Skyway station a bit, then headed over to Caribbean Square and walked around a bit there, too. I found the door to the clock tower open, so I tried to get a picture of what was inside, but a young CM caught me. He laughed it off, and we chatted for a bit.

I then decided to backtrack and check out the inside of the Columbia Harbor House, which was nice, but I got a text message reminding me it was time to check in to the Dessert Party. I hurried across the park (darn parades blocked my easiest avenues of transit) and I met the rest of my party at the Noodle Station. There, we indulged in delicious desserts without the hassle of crowds. Below is a picture of my plate (or one of them…). My one complaint is that they could have managed the lines better…there seemed to be long lines for desserts and drinks (which ran out of cups) but overall it was fantastic. Due to the perimeter fireworks, we missed some shells. However, you can’t beat not having to deal with crowds, delicious desserts, and a guaranteed viewing spot.


That’s all for tonight…tomorrow is Blizzard Beach and the MGM Studios!


Active Member
I was there around the same time. My sister and I also decided to be brave and venture into that rain storm from Liberty Tree Tavern to Haunter Mansion.

Todd L

Well-Known Member
Enjoying your Tr..

Id always heard The crowds really dropped off the last two weeks in August??? Guess Not. I went to The Dessert Party last July and Thought it was great...wish It had a Better view of the parade But hey...cant have everything!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I was there around the same time. My sister and I also decided to be brave and venture into that rain storm from Liberty Tree Tavern to Haunter Mansion.

Were you there for the storm a few days later? We had to take shelter underneath the Enchanted Grove juice bar along with a dozen other wet vacationers!

Enjoying your Tr..

Id always heard The crowds really dropped off the last two weeks in August??? Guess Not. I went to The Dessert Party last July and Thought it was great...wish It had a Better view of the parade But hey...cant have everything!!

We went the second week of August...the crowds dropped off after we left. When we went from the 22nd to the 28th in 2008, crowds were virtually nonexistent. I'll expect the same when we go from the 28th until Sept. 3rd on our next trip.

More trip reporting coming soon!


New Member
Enjoying the report! I really like rain at WDW. My first trip coincided with a hurricane so we got lots of rain along with wind. It made for unique memories. :)

Can't wait for more!


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Today we decided to hit up Blizzard Beach. We’ve previously been to Typhoon Lagoon twice, and were very impressed by it. To be honest , however, I’m not a huge water-parks guy. My goal is to get in and out as quickly as possible. I didn’t take any pictures at Blizzard Beach, since I feel a bit uncomfortable taking pictures at waterparks. However, once we got in the park, we were pretty impressed by the theming. I was confused as to why they had sprinklers spraying the concrete, but it wasn’t until I started walking around the park barefoot that I realized that the pavement was HOT. We did a couple of the minor slides and swam in the wavepool for a bit, then got on the Cross Country/Lazy River trail. It was pretty relaxing, but I got off so I could go on Summit Plummet.

It took a bit of walking to get a sense of direction, but I eventually found the chairlift and took it to the top to get on Summit Plummet. I waited for a good 15-20 minutes at the top, and besides a few sprinklers, there wasn’t much to do. The view from the top was incredible, though – you could see the rest of the property. Once you sat on the slide and look down, it’s a bit daunting. The experience is less enjoyable, however. For the most part, the water hits the bottom of your feet and sprays in your face, so you can’t see much. But once I got to the bottom, I had a feeling of accomplishment. I met up with the rest of my party, and went to buy some lunch for myself. The meal was pretty decent, but the family in front of me claimed they had been waiting for their food for 25 minutes but it never arrived. They started getting pretty verbal, but thankfully I left in time and found a shady spot to devour my chicken sandwich.

We didn’t do too much after that; we went to the top to do the family raft ride, which was pretty fun. After that, we decided it was time to leave, so we went back to the hotel. Personally I wasn’t overly-impressed by Blizzard Beach, but the rest of my family had a great time and liked it more than they thought they would. We got back to the Animal Kingdom Lodge, showered, and proceeded to head out to MGM Studios.

The bird kept trying to annoy the warthogs napping in the mud hole. It was hilarious to watch.

Our visit to MGM was predominantly one to tie up loose ends. We wanted to see the Indy stunt show (since we had never seen it before) but due to timing constraints that was not a reality. I spent a good part of this visit taking in some of the lovely details you can find in the park.

We saw one of these when heading out of the park.

We ate at the Backlot Express, which was for all intents and purposes, decent. We also hit up the Great Movie Ride, which we always enjoy. I have a feeling my memory card glitched at MGM, since I seem to have lost a great deal of pictures.

Regardless, we then left on a bus to the Wilderness Lodge since we wanted to see what the resort looked like. Also, the Wilderness Lodge bus just happened to be the one pulling in to the station when we got there, which cut down on waiting time. There were only two other families on the bus, so we decided to sit back and relax. Once at the Lodge, we walked through and found it to be very beautiful, but also very similar to the Grand Californian at Disneyland (where we recently stayed) and the Animal Kingdom Lodge. The grounds, however, were second to none. We walked outside the lobby and into the courtyard and were greeted by a crashing waterfall. Walking a little further, we traversed through a boardwalk surrounded by cypress trees to the dock. We then took a water taxi to the Magic Kingdom, and our family is a big fan of water taxis. Pulling into the station, we headed through the turnstiles and headed up to the Train Station, taking the train into Frontierland.

We then hit up Big Thunder and Splash Mountains. There’s something really mystical about Frontierland at night, and I can’t quite put my finger on it. Perhaps it’s the soft bluegrass music playing while glass-blown lamps barely illuminate the boardwalks and slow rivers. It’s one of those things that you can’t get at any other Disney park (that I know of). Anyway, we walked back into Adventureland and decided to hit up Pirates of the Caribbean. As you may notice, we don’t really have a rhyme or reason to what we see in the parks. Most of it is based totally on wait times and wherever we have to be. As a SeaCastle-family rule, we balk at any line longer than 40 minutes in crowded conditions, while in uncrowded conditions, we wait no longer than 20 minutes (I guess we are a bit snooty…or snotty). Anyway, we always enjoy Pirates of the Caribbean despite the horrible show state it’s in. It’s just one of those rides that you can only ever experience at Disney parks. From the moment you enter the serpentine queue, you’re no longer in a warehouse in central Florida, you’re in the Caribbean. My one family member is a huge fan of Jack Sparrow (or rather, Johnny Depp), so she has a special place in her heart for this ride. Personally, I love the detailed sets (and the wenches-for-brides ;) ).

By the time we got out, it was time for the Jungle Cruise, one of my perennial favorites. We especially love riding at night, when it’s more mysterious. A lot of your experience depends on your skipper (and your fellow shipmates). In this case, we had one of the best cruises ever, (shout out to Skipper Brett, Guest Relations heard about you). The whole boat got into it, and needless to say, I was non-stop hysterically laughing the whole time. I reluctantly left the ride (in high spirits), and just then, Wishes started. We found a seating area outside of the Tiki Room next to a quaint pond and watched the fireworks from there. Wishes never fails to amaze me, despite how the show seems tired to some. After the show, our party split for a bit. I went to City Hall to laud about our fanastic Jungle Cruise skipper, while the rest of the party hit up another ride. After my trip to City Hall, I just kind of aimlessly walked around the place. I headed back into Adventureland and checked out the area. There’s so much to see, and I wish it was lighter because I would have taken many more pictures. There’s a courtyard off to the side of the queue for Pirates that used to have a fountain in it. I sat in it for a bit, looking at the guests heading into the ride and taking in the theming. As I left, I saw the door to the clocktower was open, and I peaked inside, and a CM caught me. We struck up a quick conversation, then I departed and headed to the agreed meeting place in Fantasyland.

We went on Peter Pan’s Flight, something I hadn’t done in possibly nine years. It sure is a cute ride, but with tons of room for improvement. The sense of flying is achieved in the ride, but the sets could use some work. We then crossed the park for our hourly check-to-see-how-long-the-line-is-at-Space-Mountain, and with it being manageable, the two of us went on line, and per custom, took a goofy picture at the on-ride photo section.

Check back in soon when we visit the Magic Kingdom the next day…for all of those that are reading, thanks! I’m quite glad to see that others enjoy reading about each other’s vacations.

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