Arguement in the parking lot

hooters dude

Original Poster
Hey guys, had an incident recently in the parking lot of the studios I thought I'd share with you.

Firstly I'm from the UK and have a valid handicapped parking badge as my leg plays up occassionally which I always bring with me to the states. Ours are slightly different in that they don't hang from the mirror, but rest on the dashboard once you're parked up. Anyway I showed it the cast member in parking and as usual was directed to the 'medical' parking near the entrance to the studios I'm sure you're all familiar with. Now that's where the fun and games started!

As I pulled into the parking spot the guy in the car already parked next to my slot looked over as I pulled in. At this stage my parking badge was on the seat next to me (to stop it sliding along the dashboard as I turned) waiting to be placed in position once I was parked up. He jumped out of his car like a shot and knocked on my window before I'd even come to a stop and yelled "hey buddy get to your own parking section".

I slowly undid my seatbelt and picked up my badge showing it him and calmly placed it on the dashboard of my vehicle. Now I despise people who park in those spots without a badge and so on the one hand understood his sentiments but thought him a bit quick off the mark. As I got out of my vehicle I smiled and said "it's ok, this is my section just hadn't put my badge on the dashboard yet". Now before I could continue I got.

"Oh you're a limey, what makes you think you can bring yourself over here and take american handicapped parking spaces buddy"?

At first I thought I'd misunderstood him but he continued.

"Probably nothing wrong with you anyway, bought it off the internet to save yourself walking round 'our' parks did ya"?

Now I'm not your stereotypical disabled person and seriously thought about 'kicking his ______' as he would say, but thought better of it. Then when I looked over I noticed HE HAD NO BADGE DISPLAYED IN HIS VEHICLE!

Well I started right back at him and his excuse was that he had forgotten it and what the hell had it got to do with me anyway :hammer: :brick:

At this stage it was rather heated and I thought walking away was the best option as getting arrested over a parking space and explaining that to my wife would be a little embarrassing :eek:

Anyhow a security person came over to see what was happening and I pointed out no badge was displayed etc. This crazy guy was still going on about 'limeys' and our contribution to the war on terror and even questioned why I was not in Iraq. At this stage I figured he had mental health problems (or at least sort of hoped he did for his sake) but was amazed that security let him stay parked there! I thought the policy was no badge, get fined or towed? Anyway I let him walk away first as didn't want him damaging my rental car and then went into the park myself.

Does anybody know the policy on handicapped parking? I didn't push it then as was trying to enjoy my day which had already been somewhat disrupted.

Thanks :wave:


Dont know the policies, but thats a really crappy way to start your day! Sorry to hear that happened, I hope it got better as the day went on!


Active Member
Dont know the policies, but thats a really crappy way to start your day! Sorry to hear that happened, I hope it got better as the day went on!
I'm not aware of the theme park policies, but at DTD, no handicap pass, no handicap parking.
i can't help you with any policy rules, but if the same unlikely situation arises and should our paths cross i will stand behind you and shout you words of encouragement as you pummel the poor bloke:lookaroun.

as the daughter of a northern ireland immigrant, i don't believe i am allowed to help out brits. Just kidding:slurp:. Don't be mad.

anyhoo, this guy sounds like he was a few cards short of a full deck. the really sad thing is, if someone has a problem with europeans than you know his true feelings of prejudice know no bounds. ignorance breeds stupidity.

sorry you had such an unfortunate experience at the world's "happiest place".


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Disney typically doesn't enforce handicapped parking like they should.. I've seen OC Deputies ticket the cars before, but Disney doesn't want to liability for towing a car away, so it remains.

There is full reciprocity in Florida with any VALID Handicap Parking Permit from any recognized jurisdiction, so there should be no reason.

It sounds to me like you dealt with a jerk... plain and simple.

As far as not displaying it, you're required to, but typically the police will check the plate to see if there's a placard issued to the person (At least in my experience). Also, some people opt to have the symbol on the plate instead of the car, so that may have part to do with it.


New Member
Wow, you did nothing wrong and I would probably back you before i backed the other guy. The law concerning the handicapped spaces, well i dont think disney spots totally apply to the law. :shrug: Unless the plate on his car was a handicapped certified plate.


New Member

I am embarrassed as an American after reading that. However, unfortunately, there are people like that everywhere.

Funny, when I go to WDW, I have this almost ethereal feeling... How can you get upset while in one of the happiest place on earth? What a shame...


Is it 5:00 yet?
I am shocked that man spoke to you that way!:eek:
Sounds like he might have just been a jerk..:shrug:
I believe in karma...
he'll get his one day...:)


New Member
OH MY GOD...what is the world coming to???

I am so sorry that happened to you, and I apologize for the IGNORANT SELF-ABSORBED PREJUDICE IDIOTS in America. I am taking a class right now called "Current Sociological Problems" and wow I think this guy you ran into touched on every single problem.

I think you were right in thinking that he had serious MENTAL problems!! As much as I think violence is bad in the world, I wish you beat the living **** out of him.:mad:


Well-Known Member
Firstly I'm from the UK and have a valid handicapped parking badge as my leg plays up occassionally which I always bring with me to the states. Ours are slightly different in that they don't hang from the mirror, but rest on the dashboard once you're parked up. Anyway I showed it the cast member in parking and as usual was directed to the 'medical' parking near the entrance to the studios I'm sure you're all familiar with. Now that's where the fun and games started!

As I pulled into the parking spot the guy in the car already parked next to my slot looked over as I pulled in. At this stage my parking badge was on the seat next to me (to stop it sliding along the dashboard as I turned) waiting to be placed in position once I was parked up. He jumped out of his car like a shot and knocked on my window before I'd even come to a stop and yelled "hey buddy get to your own parking section".

I slowly undid my seatbelt and picked up my badge showing it him and calmly placed it on the dashboard of my vehicle. Now I despise people who park in those spots without a badge and so on the one hand understood his sentiments but thought him a bit quick off the mark. As I got out of my vehicle I smiled and said "it's ok, this is my section just hadn't put my badge on the dashboard yet". Now before I could continue I got.

As the wife of a disabled person that does not look disabled going into a place, shops, disney, or wherever we have run into this problem. Leaving is another story. Not as nasty though. We too have a disability parking for our cars and have been stopped by people. Just remember it is thier problem not yours and enjoy the day.

hooters dude

Original Poster
OH MY GOD...what is the world coming to???

I am so sorry that happened to you, and I apologize for the IGNORANT SELF-ABSORBED PREJUDICE IDIOTS in America. I am taking a class right now called "Current Sociological Problems" and wow I think this guy you ran into touched on every single problem.

I think you were right in thinking that he had serious MENTAL problems!! As much as I think violence is bad in the world, I wish you beat the living **** out of him.:mad:

Out of 300,000,000+ Americans, we're sorry you had to run across the biggest jerk in the bunch. :wave:

It was almost worth it happening just to read some of these responses :lol: .

Thanks for all your kind words.



New Member
It sounds like you found the Big Golden Book of Ugly Americans on its Central Florida tour... sorry about that. Folks like this are pretty embarassing.


Well-Known Member
OH MY GOD...what is the world coming to???
I am so sorry that happened to you, and I apologize for the IGNORANT SELF-ABSORBED PREJUDICE IDIOTS in America.

Couldn't have said it better myself, and I am also sorry you had to deal with this guy. We're really not all that way over here - sometimes it just seems that way. :)

Not only did you do nothing wrong, you were doing the right thing. Having your parking credentials on the dash or hanging from the mirror while driving is actually a safety issue since they can block your view of the road.

Regardless of whether this guy had his credentials on his plate or not, he had absolutely no right to treat you the way he did.


Active Member
Sorry this happened to you. The idiots are everywhere including the happiest place. However, I would have ignored him and not given him the satisfaction of a response. I would have also been concerned that someone that crazy would have possibly had a gun in the car.

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